
"This..?" The Elders started to mumble upon seeing Robin's behavior, they can smell that their sect head really didn't give a damn about anything, he didn't even tire himself for a second to find a solution!

Jabba raised an eyebrow upon seeing this and then shouted loudly, "SILENCE! My master means that we should unite the rest of the planet first and then the North will listen to us when they realize the new world order. Remember, our main goal is not to conquer but to unite the ranks."

"Oh, the sect master is indeed wise!"

"How did we miss this?"

The council members spoke comfortably upon hearing this, regretting that they misunderstood their sect head's intentions... 

but Jabba himself looked back at Robin with eyes half sad and half questioning... It was clear that coming here and seeing his accomplishments with his eyes was not enough to soften Robin's hatred for planet Nihari.