
"We still have hope, it's a difficult method and an old school trick, I know, and everyone here will be asked to make some sacrifices for it to be done, but there is no other solution," the Flame Emperor spoke, then he pointed toward Sakar who was fighting three generals from the Flame Empire at once, "If we can kill the enemy leaders then their army will be like a body without a head, then we will easily be able to destroy who is left from them... If we moved now and managed to take out the heads we will have victory by our side by the night, this is our only chance, it is now or never! Who is with me?"

"I backed your decisions from the very beginning, and at these terrible times will not be any different, I'm going to stand with you for the last breath." the old woman took two steps and said after hitting the ground with her staff.

"I'm at your serves til the end!"

"We will show them who the men of the Flame Empire are!"