Developments in the Ancestral Continent

The Ancestral Continent...

The week that followed The Great Green Hill Declaration witnessed a massive struggle between the Burton family and the Demon army from one side, and between the beneficiaries of the status quo, such as the gangs from the other side. 

For how can they hand over this crime paradise and return it to the law easily? 

During the attempt to subject the cities to the law again, many gang members who had broken through to the knighthood realm appeared in mass, some of whom were hiding from the Demons all along but most of them were at peak level 10 and broke through after Robin's speech.

Strong battles took place throughout the continent, and not only the gang members, but there were also those who had a strong sense of revenge towards Robin and his family! 

  Those who hate Robin hated the gangs as well, but for the first time they stood together under the principle of the enemy of my enemy is my friend