Selling air?

"Bfft..!!" That elder fell on his back and began to feel his disfigured face and started spitting out a lot of blood, then looked with a look fall of hate and killing intent towards Orzon, "You… TRAITOR! You betrayed the sect's interests! You shall-- MMMM!!"

Before he could finish his words, another old man of the same race as he approached and knelt beside him and put his hand over his mouth, it seemed as if he wanted to help him wipe the blood off his face, but then he spoke in a heavy tone in his ears, "Little brother, maybe you should shut up for a while and take care of your wounds for now, okay?"

"Ummm?!?" The fallen Elder opened his eyes to the last of them as if he was trying to say 'Have you also betrayed the sect?!' then turned to ask for help from the rest of the elders who hasn't betrayed the sect yet