
"Watch out, a new attack wave is coming from above!!"

*boom boom boom*


"A group of two hundred white humanoids has split off from the main bloc and is heading to the left, prepare to engage!"



"Damn it, Jabba, I pray you have a good explanation for this decision of yours, you all be wold accountable in front of His Excellency when he wakes up!!" Old Gu shouted in a fit of anger


Three hours ago Jabba announced that he would take the army and head in a northwest direction and before anyone could figure out the reason behind his sudden decision, or anyone else could object, Jabba threw himself from the top of the cliff and engaged directly the enemy Saints and Sages camped below the steep cliff. 

The rest of the gathered army could not stand and watch their Second Commander being surrounded and killed, so they jumped after him, and a great battle began down the cliff.