Battle under the broken sky- 1

Robin remained standing in his place, leaning on his spear, motionless, observing the movements of the five warlords as if the matter did not involve him.

Two of them started running towards him after leaving a distance between each other, as if they wanted to close all avenues of escape for Robin, the third rushed towards the Sixth Corps General, Jabba, who was looking towards the sky with bloodshot eyes as if he was no longer in this world, as for the fourth Warlord he jumped towards the largest gathering of human soldiers, while the fifth remained standing in his place.

"Hmph!" Robin gave a short sneering laugh and pulled the spear out of the ground, it was clear from Tree Father Hoffenheim's choice that he was still apprehensive about the sight of the sixth Warlord being destroyed just now, so he was trying to distract Robin in other ways.
