The Demons

*blo' blo' blo'*

After Robin opened the demon blood container, he was met with small bubbles that floated to the surface of the blood container and popped, causing a nauseating stench to emerge. The blood itself has passed the stage of redness, and it can even be said that it tends to be black more than red.

Robin endured the stench forcefully activated his microscopic eye and was surprised again, "No way..."

Unlike humans and other living creatures, the blood of demons does not contain regular energy molecules responsible for energy transfer, but it does contain variable molecules!!

Robin almost went crazy at the sight...

It is understandable that the buds do not have regular energy molecules.

  The buds, in the end, are bodies created by Tree Father, Hoffenheim, with his limited understanding of creation, having them so close to real intelligent races is already a magnificent feat by Hoffenheim.