When the Emperor shed tears

*knock* *knock*

"Hmm, your meeting with Theo had been going on for a long time so I thought I should come in to see if you two needed juice or something like that..." Billy opened the huge hall door and stuck his head in looking around until finally, his eyes fell on Robin's back, "Aha, I knew I would find you alone, That bastard Theo is used to being mute, and one has to force the words out of his mouth with a hook, I knew he won't talk to you for that long."


When Billy did not find any reaction from Robin, he entered the hall and closed the hall door behind him, quieting the loud noise coming from outside as if it were a beehive. Then he took a few steps towards Robin until finally he was able to see his features... Robin was still placing his elbows on his knees and resting his head on his palms