
Martial Emperor Arinov, the leader of the Ashira tribe, came out and announced that he had succeeded in communicating with the Inferior Races and came out with a reasonable result. This news enveloped all the cities of the giants in a matter of a few days like a thunderbolt. After dormancy that lasted for months, they finally saw a way out of this frozen situation!

Although the leader of the Ashira tribe apparently succeeded in what hundreds of giant nobles couldn't, no one doubted his declaration. It is known to the people of real power that Kandal the son of Arinov, nicknamed the Monarch of the Nine Suns, controls the criminal world on almost the entire planet through the Fire Salamander Organization, naturally, he must have his own ways to communicate with settlements of inferior races, so upon hearing the announcement, all the giant tribes sent delegates to the Ashira tribe with dozens of questions in their heads.