The Plague

Nihari Planet-- Southern sky--

"Okay, let's see what we have here..." The Dark Soul Shard appeared out of nowhere, folding her hands over her chest and looking down, towards the hordes of soldiers and equipment.

After leaving Jabba, the soul shard wanted to withdraw directly from Nihari to stop its losses, but something inside her told her to stay to take one last look at what would soon be hers... And the battlefield in the southern region was her first destination.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers wore complete engraved golden armor, with a single glance, the Dark Soul Shard knew that each one of those full body armor was high-level engraved equipment. and a larger number of the soldiers wore scattered armor pieces or held a piece of good weaponry... In general, there was not a single one among them standing without an engraved piece of armor or weapon.