
"I will kill you, no one will shed your blood but me!!" Marshal Serpal rushed out and attacked Robin again, pretending to be in a personal battle so that no one would join him and take Robin's head instead… His Majesty Pythor for some reason said that killing this human was equivalent to taking over Planet Nihari!

But First Marshal Celepus raised his hand to stop him not caring about his little games, then looked at Robin with a slight smile, "You introduced yourself as a Planetary Emperor, you seem to be powerful and authoritative! How many other planets do you control? Why don't you tell me about them? Who knows, we might be able to resolve our differences amicably."

Marshal Xanox also smiled when he heard that, even Marshal Serpal calmed down a little, waiting to see how this conversation would continue, they both knew very well what the First Marshal wanted to do.