The morning sunlight flowed through the big window, the white curtains twirling feebly by the faint breeze that kissed across her feature as she nuzzled under the covers, tangling the bedsheet around her legs. The lush, crazy mass of lashes elegantly grazing over her higher cheekbones as she let out a whine, feeling disturbed.
A frown on her dry lips and she fluttered open her eyes to peek at the alarm clock placed on the side table, it indicated 9:30 am. A groan escaped through her clenched teeth in utter displeasure. It was too early to wake up and she didnt have anything special to do. It was sunday, her favorite day for sure, so she decided to extra sleep.
Slowly, she closed her eyes and attempted to sleep like a cute baby but suddenly her twinkie rang cause to spur her serene slumber, her frown deepened, twisting her lips. Well, her mobile name was Twinkie, Weird right?
But who cares. Izzy had never bothered to think what other people thought about her. Their point of view never concerned her, she lives and breathes in her world. She always did what gave her bliss. Like her toothbrush name was looney and her scrunchie's name was honey, if someone knew about it, they would consider her weird but she didn't care. Anyways, the main issue at that moment was who the hell on this planet wanted to ruin her precious sleep?
With an irritating grunt, her hands jerked to toss the covers off her as she instantly sat up on her bed while scratching her head. Long strands of black hair poured down to her back, tangling in her dainty fingers.
"Why?" Izzy grumbled under her breath, a grim douse of sleep in her morning, raspy voice. Early in the morning she felt shit and annoyed, only her coffee could delight her horrid mood. Izzy picked up the call without seeing the caller id. Her eyes were closed as she parted her lips to say hello but it seemed like another side of the person was too desperate to talk to her.
"Izzy! I wanna meet youuuu!" Her bestfriend kim screamed from the other side, her voice loud and shrill, rattling Izzy's sluggish senses. It was not new for kim, she was always noisy, energetic and definitely not one of those people who speak calmly.
Elizabeth couldn't lie, it was too hard to avoid---Kim's voice was garish enough to make her ears bleed. Scrunching her nose, Izzy quickly pulled her twinkie away from her ear and proceeded to inhale then exhale and then started to repeat the process because she needed to grasp her freaking, insane frustration that was grating the back of her throat.
"Good morning, my queen of witches."Izzy greeted her calmly, with her infamous classic resting bitch face." You know very well that I'm a sleeping beauty. Then how dare you little shit?" A soft yawn fleed between her lips as she stretched her arms, the sound of cracking muscles rumbled a shudder down to her spine.
"I wanna meet you lets go clubbing tonightttt" kim declared cheerfully, there was no hint of plea in her blaring tone. "Party, Party, Party."She chanted, a honeyed giggle followed.
Izzy could imagine a huge, mischievous grin plastering Kim's lips and her doe eyes twinkling in excitement. At that moment, Izzy craved to assassinate her best friend in a most brute way for her silly idea. Sleep was important, more crucial than the club or anything. Kim just ruined her sleep for clubbing, how could she? That was unacceptable.
"Where is your dog, kim?" Izzy asked, a bitter taste rolling in her tongue. Her moos was getting worse, she needed coffee.
"What are you talking about? I dont have a dog." A flick of confusion in Kim's low voice.
"You dumb cow I'm talking about your boyfriend Tim."Izzy babbled, her shoulders shaking as she tried to surpass her laughter.
The other line was dead silent, surely Kim didn't find anything humorous in her animated words." Just go with him."Izzy suggested voice mellow with a faint smile as she slipped her hands in her ebony locks.
" Are you done insulting him?" kim grumbled, a pout caressing her lips, forcing Izzy to chuckle." And.... He is busy tonight anyway."Kim's voice cracking, a gloomy sigh filled Izzy's ears as the girl sensed uneasiness in her bestie's voice yet she couldnt pinpoint, through her mind was already blank by the lingering sleep sk she shrugged it by the lift of her shoulders.
" Kim I hate parties you that right? I'm not a social and crowded type of person, and you are talking about clubbing. I cant stand alcohol and loud music."Izzy refused her offer with thickening lips." I prefer staying home."
"please not agin why are you so boring?" Kim snorted a low, mocking chuckle to irk Izzy but the girl didn't bother to heed, all she was craving was coffee. "Thats why you are still single and a virgin." On hearing ridiculous remarks Izzy whipped her all attention to her, muttering the word "Virgin" under ger breath.
"You shit head what did you say?"
"You are 21 years old, are you not tired of living alone? Your life is a barren with no romance. Dont you feel like having some fun, don't youhave some needs?" Kim implored, curiosity breathing in her words as Izzy felt her every question bowing over her flesh, awakening her. The whole conversation was unnecessary meaningless and she didn't expect it to hear all of this nonsense in pure, board daylight.