white pain pounding in the back of her head as suffocation penetrated her neck muscles and all memories came crashing down.
Izzy opened her eyes, a burn pinching her eyelids. A gasp of despair wrenched out of her aird lips by the coldness seeping every inch of her skin as a neat panic rolled down to the length of her spine. The girl hastily looked around like a women searching for her sanity.
"What...What place is this?" an unfimiliar room, empty with a bed where she was sitting on, a vanity mirror pressing against the wall, a small crystal chandelier hanging on the ceiling,with blue curtains on the floor to ceiling windows.
First, Izzy was preplexed, her mind was tangling chaos. Deep, vast void stretching within her to worsen her uncertaintly. Her mind kept reitrating the same event that happened in the bathroom and the first thing that occured infront of her eyes was her bestfriend kim.
Is she okay? Where is kim?
"But who will protect you?" A frigid voice ripped out from the depths of her quivering heart.
by that thought, fear cramped her throat with a fatal clutch. The room was silent enough to give her creepy chills as she kept prowling her desprate gaze around the room as if the answer to her numerious questions would be etched on the hollow walls. No use, Izzy was aware but still she couldnt help but be restless. Tears stroked down her face, one by one, yet she didnt bother to wipe it, the feeble girl had no energy to even move and the pain of her head was getting worse, turning her numb.
Her whimpers and sobs filled the chilly air, as she wraped her arms around her knees atleast to provide some comfort to her restless heart. Sadly, her attemps to stay steady didnt remain longer. Her body jerked in vigliance by the sudden screeching sound of the door. A tall, bulky black suited man entered the room with a girl trailing behind him. A huge grin adorning his wrinkled face and the girl looking down as if the floor was one of the most fascinating things to admire.
Izzy's lower lip wobbled and more tears slipped down by sensing something alarming wandering her veins, while the male rubbed his jaw and kneely eyed her head to toe.
" You've got a pretty figure, you can lure any man...but so fragile. They would relish devore you." He sneered. A ravenous glow prowling in his dusky shade of iris as he glided his tongue on his lower lip.
Those unnerving words were like scalding water splashing on Izzy's face, making her winch. Izzy could feel her frangible heart sobbing to break out of her ribs to abandon her in sheer grief.
" What nonesense is this? Who are you?" Izzy could feel the fear rolling on her tongue, she could taste it.
"What place is this?" her mouth was dry as her throat worked for a heavy gulp.
" Prison" he laughed lamely at his words " and you cant escape." he stared at her body and Izzy honestly craved to break his stinky mouth.
" What are you talking about?" Izzy's eyes broadened in disbelief, she wasnt finding anything humerous in his lousey statement."Why did you kidnap me?" her voice echoed around her, followed by the overflowing cries that she was spouting athe that hellish moment.
She wished that it was just a dream. A bad, bad dream.