"Let me go you bastard!" Izzy shouted, the hallway was vacant, only her voice resounded as she struggled to free away from the rigid grip around her wrist.
"Stop doing that or I will kill you." He threatened her.
"Fuck you" She spat.
"Fuck the person who will be your boss." He dared to flash that lousy smirk at her, the yellow teeth peeking. "Now behave and shut your pretty mouth, you whore." With that, he opened a door and harshly pushed her toward a few girls who were standing in a row, in front of the fimiliar red curtain.
"What the hell." Izzy's brown eyes rounded as she looked at those women who were clothed like her but she was the only one wearing a robe, sticking out like a sore thumb.
"Where am I?" She mumbled to her self.
"Pretty mouth, you are curious huh?" The male asked her, dirty mischief in his smile. " let me tell you, they are prostitutes and now you are one of them." His venomous words chewed her senses.
"I wanna go home. Please." Izzy's lips moved to plead him.
"Look beautiful, this is called destiny and you don't have any choice. So accept it, fucking embrace it." He rubbed his temple in fraustration, "It's time for the auction." He screeched to let everyone know.
Izzy's knees were shaking by the temper streaming in her vessles yet she managed to stand there with other girls in the row. Shortly, realisation roared into her ears, as she carefully peeked through the girl's shoulders, understandig that she was in a brothel.
Izzy watched men and women sitting infront of the stage, the red lighting around the club cast over them. They didn;t look like some ordinary men, they appeared wealthy, sophisticated and belonged to superior families. Izzy was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise that she was the last girl.