: (Blair) Billy

I got out of bed to find my stepfather, Billy, screaming at my Mom downstairs. I was terrified. He was always angry. Actually, 'angry' is an understatement for it. He loses his temper over everything and always finds a reason to beat me or my Mom up. Well today was no different. I thought that maybe I would be able to sneak out of the house before he found me. But there was no such luck. "BLAIR!" Billy screamed. "Get your butt down here NOW!" Shakily, I trudged down the stairs and into the lounge. I so badly wished that my Dad hadn't gone missing when I was 7. Oh, why did he have to leave us alone with such a horrible man? "Yeah?" I muttered, avoiding his gaze. I knew what he was going to say. "You were out last night, weren't you?" Billy said in a calm yet angry voice, spit flying from his mouth. "Um... No?" I lied. I instantly realised that lying was a mistake.

He grabbed me and shoved me against the wall, choking me. I couldn't breathe. I was in so much agony. Then, he slowly released me, still pushing me against the wall. I coughed loudly, my hands instinctively reaching out to hold my neck. I glared at him. "Let's try this again shall we," Billy growled. "Were you OUT last NIGHT!" I didn't answer for the first couple of seconds, I was still getting my breath back. I could feel the red marks that would be on my neck. Billy obviously thought I wasn't going to answer so he tightened his fingers around my neck. "YES!" I shrieked, tears rolling down my face. "I WAS! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" He released me and I collapsed to the floor, sobbing.

"Why were you out?" Billy snarled. "Were you seeing some boy?" "No!" I cried. "I was at a... sleepover with... a.... friend." "Which friend? You don't have any friends." he bellowed. "I do!" I whimpered; afraid he would hit me. "It was a friend called... um.... Katie!" He swore at me, irately and struck me with a heavy blow from his fist. I cried out. I felt blood trickling out my bruised nose. "Go to school. And NEVER stay out late AGAIN. Or you'll suffer way worse..." Billy muttered, raising his fist. I flinched.

Trembling, I stumbled out of the door. I would have to go without breakfast for today. I was starving and my stomach sounded like some sort of jet engine. But I didn't care. As fast as I could, I raced out of the front door. Hopefully I'd be able to catch a bus in time. In time so I had enough time to reapply my make up to cover my bruises and clean my bloody nose.

I couldn't let anyone know what was happening to me.