: (Robin) The Drama about Clay

My life was getting worse. Now everyone feels sorry for me because the teachers must've told everyone about the death of my Dad and Brooke. It's absolutely weird to not have Brittany or Axel teasing the hell out of me. But there's a reason they hate me. You see, I used to be the 'Queen' of the school. I was literally the most popular girl ever. Everyone would want to sit with me whilst I smacked gum. Yeah. I was obsessed with gum. Strawberry Hubba Bubba to be precise.

But that's not the point. Axel (who was still the most popular guy at the time) was best friends with Brittany (who was extremely popular but not yet the most popular). Brittany and I both had a crush on Clay. Notice I said had. Which obviously meant that Brittany hated me. A lot. Axel and I were friends but I knew he would stick up for Brittany against me. One day, Clay asked to hang out with me. No! Before you ask, it was not a date. Just two friends relaxing together. Well Brittany got extremely jealous and we had an argument.

Another time, Clay threw a huge Halloween party and didn't invite Brittany (mainly because he knew how much drama that would involve). But what Clay didn't know was how much drama it would cause if he didn't invite her. And what I didn't know, was that Brittany had overheard me talking to Blair about my anxiety. She said to me that if I didn't get her an invitation to the party and tell Clay that I didn't like him, then she'd expose my secret to the school. Well, I obviously wasn't going to do that so I may have got a bit violent.

I punched her. Extremely hard. Right on the head. And it knocked off her hair. No. I'm not lying. I actually did. Yeah. Even I was confused at first. Until I realised it was a wig. Brittany had cancer. And I'd just exposed her secret to the whole school, just when she was about to reveal mine. (Her cancer is better now by the way). Brittany was furious! And being the best friend Axel was to Brittany, he punched me. Hard on the nose. So hard there was blood gushing out my nose like a tap. So, I kicked him. Right where it hurts.

By now we had drawn quite a crowd. Literally everyone was watching Axel and I fight. So, I lost my temper and screamed something very immature at everyone.

What I'd done that day was so embarrassing that I was pressured to give up my spot as 'Queen' of the popular group and give it to Brittany. To make it even worse, Axel and I's fight was posted on YouTube too. And it went viral. But everyone was scared of me after the fight. But they won't be anymore. Now that they knew about my anxiety. Now they think I'm a weak little pathetic idiot.