:(Robin) Covered in blood

It wasn't fair. Nothing was anymore. I'd just found out that my Dad was a flipping murderer. I'd lived with and loved a psycho for 15 years of my life.

"Robin! Olive! Aidan! I'm sure you guys can tuck yourselves into bed tonight!" my Mom called up the stairs. I waited till I heard my Mom go to her bedroom and then I tiptoed to the kitchen. As quietly as I could, I opened the cupboard and grabbed a packet of Oreos. I ate a couple and then heard a timid knock on the door. I pulled a purple dressing gown on over my pyjamas and opened it. Standing there shaking and sobbing was Brittany. And she was covered in blood.

"Help!" she shrieked and grabbed my arm. "Hide me! Please! We need help!" I was confused at first when she said 'we' and then I saw a terrified 3-year-old holding onto Brittany leg. It was her sister, Blaze. She was also bloody too. I glared at her. This must've been some sort of prank. We hated each other! Surely, she would turn to someone like Axel if something was really wrong? But being the kind and concerned person I am, I helped Brittany and Blaze into the house. I was greeted by a surprise.

"What the hell is going on down here!" laughed Aidan and then stopped suddenly when he saw Brittany and Blaze.

"Oh my god," gasped Olive and clutched Aidan's arm. "What's wrong with them!" I cursed. I was going to be in such trouble. So much that I had to take matters into my own hands. I harshly grabbed hold of Aidan and Olive and shoved them against the wall. "If you dare tell anyone what's going on, you'll be sorry," I growled. Olive and Aidan nodded, obviously scared of my sudden outburst. Then my Mom decided to join in the fun. "What's going on down there!" called Mom and started walking down the stairs. Swiftly, I shoved Brittany and Blaze out the front door and stood at the foot of the stairs, smiling at my Mom. Olive and Aidan obviously understood what I was trying to do and stood by the window, blocking my Mom's view of who was outside.

"We were thirsty," Olive said quickly. I was glad Olive was there at the moment: she was good at lying, unlike me. My Mom raised an elegant, orange eyebrow and said, "Okay. Just go back to bed once your done."

My Mom walked up the stairs whilst a list of curses went through my head. How was I going to ask Brittany what was wrong with my Mom twittering around like a starling? I would have to create a plan.

"Olive!" I hissed. She looked at me. "Distract her," I said whilst nodding my head towards where my Mom had gone. Olive nodded and ran up the stairs. "It's safe to come in now," I whispered to Brittany. She took Blaze's hand and led her into the hallway. "Follow me," Brittany and Blaze tiptoed up the stairs behind me, Aidan at the back, and I led them into my bedroom.

"Woah," was Aidan's reaction when we entered my room. He strode across my room and sank himself into a sofa. "This is bloody great!" He was just about to turn on my TV when I elbowed him and brought him back to reality.

I'll admit it. My bedroom is great. It has a silky, grey double bed with lots of velvet pillows. An L shaped sofa surrounded a marble table with a huge TV in front of it. Fairy lights hung over a large tapestry that was hung on the pale, grey walls. A mirror had flowers of every variety swirling around it. There was a dressing table below it, filled with designer make-up and perfume. Aesthetic plant pots dotted the corners and Polaroids decorated the walls. My sleek, shiny laptop sat on a desk with my gum-ball machine. That seemed to be Aidan's favourite bit. He kept sitting there and dispensing gum of every variety. There was a mini fridge too: filled with fizzy drinks, bottled waters and ice-cream. But my favourite part was the walk-in closet. It was too die for! I had some pretty epic outfits, all designed by the latest designers. I could probably write a whole book on my room but I'll cut my description short for now because you probably want to know more about Brittany.

"So, what's up?" I asked Brittany, who was hugging her knees to herself. She glanced up at me, her dark her was tied into a bun. Her bangs just about touched her dark eyes, casting a shadow on her face. But I was concerned, for as I have mentioned before, she was covered in blood. Brittany looked up at me and shook her head, clearly shaken up.

"I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong, Brit," I said, trying to stay calm. I had a sudden urge to slap her. She'd just strolled into my house like it was a free B & B and wouldn't tell me what was wrong? I was still curious about why she was here though. Even Aidan was watching to see what Brittany would say. Brittany carried on burying her face into Blaze's hair and shaking.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I asked while reaching into my fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. I offered it to her and she took it, gratefully gulping it down. I gave one to Blaze too.

"I need you to hide me," she stated, stroking Blaze's hair.

"Why?" Aidan asked and walked over to sit beside her. "Who is this, Robin and what in the goddamn world is going on?!" "This is Brittany. She's from my class. And I have absolutely no idea why she came knocking on my door covered in blood. She has her younger sister Blaze with her," I said, deciding it was only fair that Aidan knew what was going on. At that moment, Olive came racing back into the room, her hair flying wildly behind her. "Sleeping pills," she stated, gasping for air. "I gave her sleeping pills," "WHAT?!" I shrieked. "You can't drug my Mom for GODSAKE!" "She'll be okay, silly," Olive replied. "How did you get them?" I asked, trying to calm myself down. "Well... um... I kinda found 'em in your Dad's coat pocket. It turns out he takes a hell of a lot of drugs," Olive said whilst looking rather embarrassed. I froze. So many things I didn't know about my parents. So many things they hid from me. I wonder how many more secrets they were hiding. "Show them to me." I demanded, looking at Olive straight into her fierce blue eyes. She beckoned to me to follow her.

She took me into the kitchen and over to where my Dad's coat was hanging on the door. "Here," she said. "His pockets are full and that draw has them too," She pointed to a locked draw. "How are we going to unlock the draw?" I questioned, getting slightly angry. My Dad had told me that that draw as locked because he kept his wallet and bank information in there.

"I found the key in one of his pockets," she answered and passed the key to me. I unlocked the draw and was shocked at what I found. There was loads of different kinds of drugs: including the sleeping pills. I stuffed some of the sleeping pills in my pocket in case I needed them to drug out more people later. Like my Mom. But only if she was a nuisance. "Look," Olive said and picked up a tube. "He must've bought some of these drugs from someone. They are prescribed to a guy called Axel Turner," Crap. Oh no. Not Axel Turner. I snatched the packet off Olive and read the name, my heart filling with dread. My Dad had been purchasing drugs from Axel.