Accepting changes.

About a month later, Harry was able to get used to his new life in the Orphanage. The kids were still not so willing to hang out with him due to his Quirk issue, but the boy was used to being alone. A small orphanage with only ten workers and fifty children became his new home.

Pretty soon, the boy was able to find the Ouroboros tattoo on his right heel - he specifically looked at its meaning in the book - which appeared there on the day of his awakening. Harry connected this with his Quirk 'Pride' and decided to forget about it for now. He quickly began manipulating shadows as if they were a part of his body, but kept his late awakening a secret. He didn't want people to know about his shadow control, they'll probably just see it as Villain's Quirk.

Every couple of days, under cover of night, he would get out of the Orphanage and practice with his Quirk. The only limitation was his imagination: swords, armor, shapeless lumps with mouths, he could do it all. And damn it, how nice did it feel...

After a while, out of boredom, Harry began to revise the textbooks in all subjects. Now that he doesn't have to do worse than Dudley, he has discovered a talent for learning. The most difficult to understand was History, which was understandable, in a past life he had a completely different standard. Oddly enough, Japanese, English and Math were easy subjects for him, even his drawing skills were better than average.

Harry quickly began to absorb knowledge like a sponge, especially Physics and Biology. He needed physics to use his Quirk, because once in his head the question simply arose 'Don't atoms have a shadow?' from now on, the boy began to think that he would be a great student at Ravenclaw.


It was the most ordinary day in Harry's life, he finished his lessons early and calmly walked back to the Orphanage. The guy wondered how his life became quite calm only after death. For two years no one attacked him, inexplicable things did not happen around him, owls did not bombard him with letters. Overall, Harry was pleased. He walked as usual along an alley that strongly reminded him of Knockturn Alley. Suddenly, someone grabbed him from the side and dragged him into the darkness, no one even had time to hear his surprised cry. A strong hand, smelling of wet metal, squeezed his mouth and Harry immediately fell silent.

"Damn, kid, you're just a savior! I just need a new form, and you are right there, Heroes will never suspect a child!"

He couldn't see the face of the speaker, but clearly heard the madness in his voice.

Harry felt a hand tighten on his face and his bones began to crack. Pride reacted on its own and in one swift movement pierced the attacker's chest. The hand lost all its strength and the villain screamed, staggering back a couple of steps. The teen spun around and wanted to cover his body with shadows as armor, but his quirk began to protest.

A bald man with dirty clothes and bloody hands stood in front of him, but that didn't surprise Harry. There was a thin shadow spike in his chest, on which several mouths appeared, which tried to devour the flesh of the villain. The teenager pulled his hand back to remove the shadows, but only tore a very familiar red stone from the villain's body.

"AAAA! You fuck, what have you done?!"

The man fell to his knees and began to scratch his bloody chest. Harry, however, did not pay attention to this and only stared blankly at the Philosopher's Stone, which was quickly swallowed by his shadows. He felt an incredible surge of strength and knowledge that never belonged to him.

"Why can't I use my Quirk?! What did you do?!"

Harry waved his hand and knocked out the man with one blow using Pride. He fell silently to the ground. The teenager sat on the floor and called the police, Azumi will eat him alive when he finds out about the attack...

"Yes... cough! I was attacked by a villain next to... No, no, I wasn't hurt... badly... just send someone to take his body... He's alive... I think."


After Villain was picked up by an ambulance - his name was Envy and Harry decided to pick it up for his new Quirk - the teen was taken to the station for questioning. A rather tall detective named Naomasa Tsukauchi with black hair and eyes spoke to him.

"So, mr. Potter, as you might have figured out, we have a couple of questions for you. How did you end up in the same alley with the wounded villain?"

Harry twitched in the uncomfortable chair in the interrogation room and decided to tell the truth. He couldn't hide Pride forever.

"He grabbed my face and began to say something crazy... so my quirk just reacted on its own and attacked... his name is Envy, right?"

Harry rubbed his throat, which was still aching, most likely there will be a bruise.

The detective frowned, took off his gloves and touched Harry's hand.

"Are you saying you have a quirk? In the files, you are recorded as Quirkless."

Harry's cheeks flushed a little.

"My Pride awakened at the age of 11, after an illness, I gained the ability to control shadows and it looks like a very villainous quirk... I hid it so that people would talk to me in the Orphanage, even the Quirkless live a little easier than the Villains one."

The detective's face softened a little, he could not be angry at the frightened child for a long time. But one thing still bothered him.

"Did your quirk react on its own? Is it a symbiote?"

Harry made a face.

"I'm not really sure, rather, it sometimes acts how my subconscious thinks necessary... Usually I have complete control over it."

The detective removed his hand and put on his gloves again. He was silent for a while and looked at the teenager in front of him.

"Tell me Harry, what do you want to do in the future?"

The teenager blinked and thought deeply. This thought often flashed through his head, but he could never catch hold of it. With his quirk and intelligence, he can become anything, but...

"I want to help people, but I'm not sure if I can become a Hero."

Naomasa looked at the teenager with interest.

"Why do you say that? Anyone can become a Hero, regardless of strength or quirk."

"I don't like the title of Hero, it implies that they cannot do anything wrong, and anyone who goes against them becomes a Villain. It's just... weird."

The detective looked at the teenager in front of him with a surprised look, not many adults dared to think so, he certainly did not expect such an answer from the child.

"That's a pretty good point. I think the world needs people like you to sometimes look at themselves from the outside."

Harry just nodded.


On his return to the Orphanage, Harry received a mixed welcome. Someone congratulated him on getting a Quirk, some were worried after the Villain attack, and Azumi... Azumi decided that next month all the children would go in groups. After a dialogue with Detective Naomasa, Harry began to think seriously about the Hero's profession. In another life, he became an Auror and protected the wizarding world from evil wizards, he read about his life, does he want to do this again?

The final straw was a report on TV, which talked about the victims of Envy and how he would not be released from prison for another twenty years. If Harry can help cleanse the world of such people, he will become a Hero. From that day on, he began to train even harder, not only in controlling his Pride, but also in using Envy. His new quirk allowed him to change his appearance, using the Philosopher's Stone as a battery. Harry didn't know if the stones had a certain charge, if they did, he hadn't felt it yet.

Martial arts have become second nature for a teenager, for a person who attacks at medium and long distances it was vital to learn how to defend himself at close range. At first, it was quite difficult for him in the Dojo, since he had never learned to fight in his life, but that did not stop him. The weeks of life spilled over into months, months into years, and at the age of fifteen Harry stood in front of the best school of Heroes, UA.