A night at the Orphanage.

Azumi Sato looked towards Harry's room and sighed. Today was his first day at high school and she just couldn't help but worry. Harry came to the Orphanage at the age of 8 and only by a miracle was able to get out of his shy shell. His life before joining the orphanage was... difficult. Although there were no scars on his body, there was always pain in his eyes.

Harry returned much later than promised and immediately locked himself in the room, which alerted the woman. The first day of school has already squeezed all the energy out of the child... Well, UA is not called the best school for nothing.

"Miss Sato, what are you thinking about?" asked Izumi Curtis "I don't often see you with that face."

Azumi sighed and went to the kitchen to make herself some tea.

"It's Harry, the kid drives me crazy sometimes. I still see in him that little boy who was lying in bed with a fever and was afraid to make a sound. I find it hard to believe that just a couple of years ago it was the same boy."

"Afraid to make a sound?" the black-haired woman sat down opposite Azumi and also poured herself some tea "That's hard to believe."

"His... relatives - she spat the word out - treated him, well, badly. Until eleven Harry was seen as Quirkless. You yourself know how 'different' people are treated in our society." Izumi nodded.

"Is that why he's always so quiet? I have never seen him start a dialogue with his peers, only with children."

A sad smile appeared on Azumi's face.

"Even our shelter is not protected from prejudice and children can be quite cruel. We try to control things like that, but Harry didn't even stutter about how he was being treated. He always dealt with his problems himself. Now he just ignores those who used to mock him, but before..."

The plump woman looked into her mug deep in thought. Izumi could not contain her interest, she came to work here only a week ago and did not know much about the children here.

"What do you mean?"

"Harry can be quite... spiteful. One of the older children pushed him down the stairs once, causing Harry to break his left arm. After his recovery, the child himself stumbled in the park and broke both his arms. Harry was twelve then and no one knew about his Quirk's awakening yet, so everyone blamed it on an accident. But when similar stories happened several times... Well, let's not talk about sad things."

"Wait, did everyone know he did it? Was he punished at all?"

"We have no evidence and Harry denied everything... I am very worried about him, if the path of the Hero does not help him, then he can turn onto a darker one."

"It's hard for me to imagine Harry as a Villain..."

Izumi chuckled and let her hair down, it gently fell onto her shoulders.

"No, no. Harry will never become a Villain. I'm worried that he'll become a Vigilante and end up in jail."


There was a knock on Harry's door and the teenager groaned. There were only two people who could knock on his room at three in the morning: Azumi and Karin. He raised himself on one elbow and opened the door with the help of Pride. Of course, there she was, a young girl with dark blue hair and gray eyes. She was dressed in pajamas and as soon as the door opened, she jumped with incredible speed onto the teenager's bed.

"Hi Harry!" she said happily and lay down on the bed, leaning on the chest of a green-eyed teenager "How was your day?"

"It was good Karin, but I'm tired... how was your day? Did you learn anything interesting at school?"

The girl puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest.

"It soooo boring there! Why should I know that huge lizards walked the Earth before? I'd rather listen to your stories about Hogwarts, they are much more interesting." Harry patted Karin on the head and smiled "And in the new class, everyone asked each other about quirks, we have a boy who can shoot his nails from his fingers!"

"...hope it doesn't hurt..."

The teen looked Karin straight in the eyes and smiled softly.

"You can't sleep, right?"


"Okay, well, let me tell you one more story. Do you know a man named Newt Scamander?"


Izumi and Azumi were still talking quietly in the kitchen when the floor creaked outside the door. The women turned and saw Harry in the doorway with Karin sleeping in her arms. The girl grabbed the teen's hair and apparently did not want to let him go. He just looked at Azumi with a pleading look and spoke with only his mouth "Help".

The woman laughed quietly and gently unclenched Karin's hand with telekinesis. Harry nodded in relief and went back upstairs to put the girl back in her room. The women waited until the door was closed and only after that they began to speak again.

"I don't think you need to worry about him that much, Azumi. The kid has a good heart."

"Maybe you're right... I'll have to tell Karin not to sneak at night. Again... That girl..."


Harry couldn't sleep after his talk to Karin, so he opened the black parchment tome and started drawing. He used Pride to control his pencils and draw the familiar Hogwarts castle with precise movements. In each of his new books, it always occupied the first page.

On the next page, the familiar forest appeared, where the teenager trained so often. It was a pretty detailed self-portrait of the moment Harry went deep into his soul. The third page was occupied by the image of two Philosopher's Stones. Harry picked up a pencil with his hand and began to write next to the drawing.


The source of Pride is the Philosopher's Stone.

The source of Envy is the Philosopher's Stone.

The Stones are inside my soul and are not shown on the x-ray."


Is it possible to merge two Stones together?

Do Stones have a limit of use?

Do the Stones have their own will?"

Harry stopped at this question and remembered the pain when he tried to touch the Stone.

"How many people have the Philosopher's Stone in them?

Why did Pride take over Envy at the first opportunity?"

"Possible answers:

Not enough data.

Not enough data.

Not enough data/yes.

The number of Deadly Sins is seven. There may be seven or more Stones.

The Stones tend to consume each other to fill in their imperfections."

The teen looked at the page and sighed heavily. These were all just his guesses, he did not know if anything was correct, he would have to visit Giran again to get the old books. A man could get anything for money or a favor, and Harry had never been in his debt before.

He got up from the table and undressed, then something clicked in his head. Since the age of thirteen, he has been using Envy on a daily basis, what is his original form now? Harry looked in the mirror and mentally relaxed control of his quirk.

To his great surprise, almost nothing has changed. His hair had lost its reddish tint and turned completely black, and another Ouroboros tattoo appeared on his left thigh. In addition, vertical scars appeared on his palms, but no further changes followed. Harry lifted his right leg and looked at the heel. Sure, there was a second tattoo there.

The teen sighed and hid both tattoos and scars. Harry looked at his reflection for a long time and for a while he simply changed his appearance. The size of muscles, bones, nose, skin color, eyes, hair, face shape and much more. He was even able to change his gender, but he felt somewhat uncomfortable in a woman's body. A couple of minutes before the alarm clock, Harry was already in the kitchen and preparing food for himself. Today promises to be interesting.