Old man Shu and the road to USJ.

Harry had been staring at the same page for hours. {The History of Alchemy.} turned out to be not quite useless as he originally expected. Inside many different events, some kind of information was encrypted and the teenager simply could not understand its meaning.

He checked three different codes in his notebook again and sighed heavily. If this shit continues, then he will be fiddling at one place for a very long time. Harry thought about a possible solution to the problem and decided to find inspiration in Shu's bookstore.

The teenager tied his hair in a ponytail and donned his trusty leather gloves. The weather this spring has been pretty warm lately and Harry hasn't been that cold. He walked down the street, holding his bag with notes and pondering what kind of cipher the mad author of this book could use.

The door to the bookstore creaked pleasantly and Harry waved to Shu cheerfully. He looked at the teenager for a few seconds as if trying to remember him and nodded back. Harry walked over to the table and put the 'History of Alchemy' and his notes in front of the old man.

Shu turned both books and his eyes widened. He quickly leafed through the already solved code and an old book, as if trying to find a deception or some kind of inaccuracy. After a couple of minutes, he looked straight into Harry's eyes and put both books under the table. He only raised an eyebrow at the strange actions of the old man. A sheet of paper appeared in front of the teenager's face with a couple of phrases.

{Give me two weeks. I haven't seen these ciphers since World War II.}

Harry used Pride to write his answer just as quickly.

{Do you want to do this? I thought I'd have to persuade you.}

{Boy, you have no idea what knowledge can be stored here, of course I will do it!}

The old man snorted and crossed his arms over his chest.

{Okay, I'll be back in two weeks...}

Shu waved his hand as if chasing a fly away and Harry left the store with a smile.


Still in the store, Shu looked at the teenager for a long time and sighed heavily. The old man got up from his seat and closed the store completely, right now he needs to calm down. Alchemy found him again.

The old alchemist-chimera Shu Tucker looked at the books with mixed feelings. He did not return to this science for many years and did not intend to, but... Harry Potter gave him a choice. He can use this chance as an atonement for all the sins that he has committed...


Completely unaware of what was happening in his favorite store, Harry calmly walked to school. The streets today were filled with the sounds of the battle of small Villains and Heroes. The teenager thought it was one of those days when something bad happened, but quickly dismissed the thought.

"Hello, Potter!"

Harry turned around and saw Toru Hagakure's flying school uniform. The girl waved her hand and quickly caught up with the teenager.

"Good morning, Hagakure. Are you also excited about the Basic Hero Training?"

"Yes! I can't wait for another lesson! I couldn't do much the first time... What do you think we are going to do today?"

"Hmm. To be honest, I'm not sure. UA can make us fight robots one day and throw us into a cage with hungry tigers the next. So I expect anything."

Two teenagers walked through the school gates, near which a couple of reporters could still be seen.

"But since we already had a test of combat skills, I think they will be testing something else today. According to statistics, Heroes in most cases fight Villains and help Citizens, so..."

"So you think we're going to save people?"

"Everything is possible."

Harry dropped his bag next to his desk and sat down, nodding to the few present classmates. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the bell rang and Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Now for today's Basic Hero Training. This time All Might, myself and one other will supervise."

Sero raised his hand.

"Um, what are we doing exactly?"

Aizawa took out a white card that read 'Rescue' and showed it to the class. Harry thought about the excessive theatricality of what was happening.

"Preparing you for disaster relief. From fire to floods. It's rescue training!"

"Hey, you were right! Statistics rule!"

"Sounds like another hard day..."

"Come on! This is the life of a Hero! I'm so pumped!"

"Oi, I'm not done yet." Aizawa silenced the class with a single glare.

"You have the choice of whether you want to wear your costumes, they may not be suited for this type of situations. The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. Thats all. Get ready."


As Harry expected, everyone changed into their suits and walked out towards the bus in a scattered crowd. Ida tried to arrange a boarding on the bus, but made a mistake with the location of the seats and everyone just sat down as they wanted. Harry got a seat next to Todoroki. Harry sighed and decided to listen to the conversations of his classmates.

"I usually say what's on my mind, Midoriya."

"Oh?! And what is it, Asui?"

"Call me Tsuyu." the girl turned to Izuku "Your Quirk resembles All Might's"

"R-r-r-really? I, n-nah, that's just-"

Harry watched this with interest, why is he panicking? Is it because of him talking to the girl again, or is his quirk somehow related to All Might? Bastard son of The Number One Hero? He chuckled at the thought, the guy was too skinny for that.

"Hold up Tsuyu, All Might doesn't get hurt though. They are already different in that way."

'Yes, but broccoli is shit at controlling his Quirk. Did All Might break bones at the start of his journey?'

"But such a simple and powerful quirk is cool! You can do a lot of things. Not like my Hardening, it just allows me to strengthen my body. I'm good in a fight, but it's real boring."

"I think that's pretty neat, thought. Your Quirk's more than enough if you wanna be pro."

"Pro! But let's not forget that Heroes must also think about popular appeal! My Navel Laser is both cool and strong. Perfect for a pro."

Mina put her hand on Aoyama's shoulder.

"As long as you don't blow up your own stomach!"

A shadow appeared on the guy's face.

"You wanna talk strong and cool? That'd be Todoroki, Potter and Bakugo."

"But Bakugo's so unhinged. He'll never be popular."

"What'd you say, frog face?!"

"We've only barely started socializing and already you've made it abundantly clear to us the unpleasantness of your steamed turd of personality."

"Yeah, okay mr. vocabulary. How about I pound you?!"

"See?" Tsuyu pointed to Bakugo and Midoriya had a mini breakdown.

"Hey Potter, how exactly does your Quirk work? I just understood that you can manipulate the shadows and look through them." Denki asked suddenly.

"Looking through the shadows... so many possibilities..." Minoru muttered.

"It's a little difficult to explain. In addition to control of the shadows, I can create whatever my imagination desires from them. But I need direct contact with the shadow if I want to control it."

"So, for example, I can interrupt your attack with a bright light?"

"If you have a bright enough light source, then yes. But you need something brighter than a short lightning bolt."

Harry decided to leave his full abilities to himself. He never told all the secrets and the whole truth to the first person he met, so the class can wait for a full explanation.

"We're here. Look sharp now."



Harry got off the bus and pulled his gloves, the weather became colder than usual... Minutes later there was a huge obstacle course in front of class 1-A. Harry was reminded of Universal Studios Japan, but on a much larger scale.

"The flood zone, land-slide zone, confrontation zone and many more... Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself. I call it the 'Unforeseen Situation Joint'!"

'So this is really USJ.'

Harry looked at Space Hero 13 and wondered about the woman under the suit. He had never even seen a photograph of Thirteen.

"Thirteen, where is All Might? I thought he should meet us here."

The Heroine said something quietly to Aizawa and the teacher frowned a little.

"The height of irrationality. So be it. Let's get started."

Thirteen raised her hand and interrupted Aizawa.

"Before we do, I have one or two points... or three... four."

'Can't you just say everything at once?'

She than turned to the teenagers and became as serious as possible.

"As many of you know, my quirk is the Black Hole. It can suck in and destroy anything."

"And you use it to save people from all sorts of disasters!" Midoriya said, but Harry was looking at Uraraka, who was shaking her head with incredible speed.

"However, my power can and easily kill. I have no doubt that any of you have similar abilities."

The face of the original owner of Envy and his torn chest floated into Harry's head. After the incident the teenager was not interested in the fate of the villian. He only heard that he would spend the rest of his life in prison. But at that moment he could've killed him...

'Bad thoughts. Stop right now, you could have died. It was either you or him.'

"In our superpowered society, the use of Quirks is controlled and monitored. It looks like the system is stable. But we must never forget that one wrong move with a Quirk and people can die."

"During Aizawa's physical test, you discovered your hidden potential. Through All Might's Battle Training, you realized how dangerous your Quirk can be to those around you. This class... will give you a new perspective! You will learn how to use your quirks to save lives! Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope you all leave USJ with the understanding that you meant to help people. That's all! I thank you for listening!"

"Bravo! Bravo!"

"So cool!"

The students were exited and got ready for action.

"Great. First off..."

Aizawa stopped short after hearing a strange sound from the direction of the fountain. A sudden chill ran through Harry's body and he strengthened his body with Envy.

"Huddle up and don't move!"


The teenagers looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what was happening, but Harry's gaze was directed to the black portal, from which dozens of villains emerged.

"Thirteen, protect the students!"

"What the hell is this? More robots like on the entrance exam?"

Aizawa donned his yellow glasses and prepared for battle. Harry at the same time began to control the shadows under his clothes.

"Don't move! These are villains!"

A smoke creature in a business suit materialized out of the portal and looked around.

"Thirteen... and Eraser head, is it? According to the staff schedule I received the other day, All Might is supposed to be here..."

"Of course. That whole incident was this scum's doing." Shota muttered.

"Where is he...? We've come all this way. And brought so many players... All Might, The Symbol Of Peace... is he here?"

The rather tall guy with white hair and hands all over his body slowly looked at the students and the Heroes.

"I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here...?"


"Villains?! No way! What villains'd be dumb enough to break into a school of heroes?!" shouted Kirishima.

"Sensei, aren't there intruder sensors?!" Momo asked, starting to panic a little.

"Yes, of course there are...!"

"Some bastard is jamming the signal with his Quirk. I doubt they were able to hack into the UA system."

Harry said and Todoroki nodded.

"So this is one of the villains. This place is far from campus and they chose a time when there will be fewer people here... So maybe they are not as stupid as they seem. They have a goal. This is a well coordinated sneak attack."

"You don't notice a sneak attack until you get hit. These idiots lost their advantage when they showed themselves immediately." Harry said.

"Thirteen! Begin evacuation! And try calling the school! One of the villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of the electrical types is causing the interference."

Aizawa began to walk with a confident step towards the villains.

"Kaminari. Try using your Quirk to signal for help."

"On it!"

"But Sensei, you can't fight all of them alone! Against so many... You can't nullify all of their Quirks! As Eraser Head, your fighting style includes erasure and a quick binding capture! Head-on battle isn't- "

Midoriya's strange analysis mode was quickly interrupted by Aizawa.

"No good hero is a one-trick pony. Thirteen! Take care of them."

Eraser Head jumped down the stairs, deploying his capture weapon. The villains quickly reacted and tried to shoot at Aizawa, but he erased their quirks and immediately knocked out two of them upon landing.

Thirteen began to lead the students away from the battle and Harry had to drag Midoriya by the suit to keep him from being left behind.

"Midoriya, consider the following: shut your fucken mouth! And stop staring!"

The teenager was annoyed by Izuku's actions, they must retreat as quickly as possible so that Aizawa can follow them. If the creature with the portal Quirk has time to react to their retreat-

"I won't allow that."