The Bang's old new intern.

The entire class 1-A and their teacher stood at the station next to the school. Aizawa examined his students once again and nodded to himself.

"You've got your costumes, right? Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited. But don't drop them."

"Yeah, the Support Course students ain't gonna like that." Harry muttered, remembering his talk with Gin.

'I wonder, how's she doing?'

"All of you, be on your best behavior! Now go." Aizawa waved his hand at his students to hurry them up.

Izuku and Ochako looked at Ida's back with worried eyes, and Midoriya decided to talk to his friend before it was too late.


The black-haired teenager stopped, but did not turn.

"If it ever gets to be too much and you need to talk... Just say something." Midoriya glanced quickly at Potter "We're your friends."

Uraraka nodded quickly in agreement. Ida turned around and said only one word with the most fake smile in the world.


Harry watched the Vice President of his class walk towards his bullet train with a determined expression on his face. If he doesn't find Stain, that's good, but if he can miraculously meet him, then he will have a much better chance of survival. The green-eyed teenager threw the case with the number 7 over his shoulder and walked towards his own bullet train. If he doesn't hurry up, he'll be late. And being late to Bang's internship is a very bad idea...


At the traditional-looking Japanese Dojo, Harry stood and looked at the clean building with wide eyes. The problem was that a year ago it was in a much worse condition. Every time a teenager asked Bang why he wouldn't fix it, he simply said that it made no sense, because he had retired a long time ago.

"Why fix it when only one old man uses it?" he always said.

Harry checked the address again - could it be some other dojo? - but he was in the right place. So the teenager walked to the door with confident steps and opened it. The interior has also been updated and everything sparkled. Potter's eyes widened even more and he just stared at everything for ten minutes. Bang walked past him, wearing his eternal black blouse with white pants and holding a hot cup of tea. Without even looking at the teenager, he began to speak.

"Take off your shoes and go to the courtyard. I want to test your reflexes."

Harry blinked and was pulled out of his stupor.

"Bang? What the hell happened to the dojo?"

The old man stopped and took a sip out of his cup.

"One of the former students paid to fix the building. The asshole did it when I was out of town, so I couldn't even stop him."

"Seriously? Damn... Well, send him my regards." Harry kicked off his boots and followed Bang into the courtyard of the Dojo.

The old man finished his tea and put the cup on the table in the corner of the courtyard. He flexed his shoulders with a crunch and turned to face the teenager. Potter had already taken off his jacket and threw it aside.

"Use Envy to strengthen your body, today I'm going to squeeze the life out of you."

Bang knew about Harry's second sin. How a Master of martial arts could fail to notice a drastic change in his student's body structure? Bang was the one who made the teenager study human anatomy so that he could use Envy one hundred percent.

Harry raised his hands to his face and tilted his head forward. He got into a Muay Thai stance and strengthened his body with Envy to the limit. If the old man said that he is going to squeeze the life out of him, then he would do so.

Bang raised his left hand behind his back, and extended his right hand forward and relaxed both wrists. He spread his legs wide and leaned on his right leg, bending it at the knee. It was a stance of a martial art invented by Bang himself: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist.


As soon as Bang spoke that word, Harry went on the attack. Muay Thai is a martial art that uses attacks with the fists, shins, feet, elbows and knees - which is why Muay Thai is called the "Art of eight limbs." In this martial art, there were no rules that limited a person, so it was the one that became the most beloved of a teenager. Muay Thai was considered the most brutal martial art in the world, because after a battle with a Muay Thai master, people have to heal for weeks or even months, this happens due to the concentration of blows on certain parts of the body.

Potter started off with a right hook to Bang's jaw, but the old man smoothly pulled his hand to the side. The teenager expected this and leaned forward to hit him with his elbow, but the Hero just leaned back and hit Harry in the gut. He flew off from the force of the impact a couple of meters, but landed on his feet. Now Bang went on the attack with a direct punch in the face of his student. Harry leaned to the left and lifted his left leg abruptly to hit him in the jaw. But the old man got ahead of him and hit Potter in the chin with his own knee. He tasted metal in his mouth and growled in irritation.

The wielder of the three Philosopher's Stones used the power from Bang's punch and counterattacked with a shin kick to the Hero's right side. He did not dodge and let the teen's leg hit him, as soon as the blow connected, he grabbed Harry and threw him to the side. The teen rolled over and jumped to his feet in a second and continued his attack.

Potter sent a roundhouse kick in the old man's temple, but he leaned slightly and avoided being hit by a hair. Harry jumped up a little and airborne hit the old man in the chest. He just grabbed his foot and in one quick movement threw the teenager over his head and hit him on the ground. The blow knocked all the air out of Harry's lungs and he stared up at the sky, gaping for air. Bang straightened up and tugged at mustache in thought.

"Hmm... Not a bad start. The power in your punches is good, but you still lack speed. Find a balance. Now get up and use something else."

The teenager nodded and got up from the ground. His stance changed to Boxing one and the old man also returned to his fighting stance. Boxing was one of the most popular sports before Quirks. It has several styles, but Harry chose only one: swarmer or in-fighter.

Fighters using this style prefer close-range combat, striking several combinations of blows in a row, consisting mainly of hooks and uppercuts. Harry chose this style because of it's aggressiveness and powerful close range strikes. Of course, swarmer's are at greater risk because of the closer proximity to the opponent, but with his body strengthening, attacks were less dangerous. Although to Bang that meant nothing...

Harry walked quickly towards Bang - dodging a quick straight hit to the face - and began his series of attacks. Right hook, left uppercut, right hook again. Hero with smooth movements, like a river stream, pushed the first two Potter's attacks away from him. He caught the last hook in a tight grip and punched Harry in the face twice before releasing him.

The teen had a broken nose, but quickly healed it with Envy and continued his attacks. Left jab, dodge the leg, right hook, left hook. Bang did not care about the series of punches from his student and he continued to redirect them to the sides. The old man kicked Harry in the knee, but he managed to take a step back and dodge.

Without wasting even a second, he returned to battle again. Two hits to the ribs from the right, dodge from a direct hit, a hit to the ribs from the left and a right hook. Bang continued to redirect his attacks and then slammed his heel into Potter's throat.

Harry stumbled back and coughed, crouching slightly and raising his hand to stop the fight. Bang straightened up again and put his hands behind his back, he began to walk around the teenager.

"Better. But boxing doesn't suit you, it limits your options too much. Just take some elements out of it and use them in your fights." Bang went back to his stance "Next."

Harry used Envy to return his throat to its original state. He nodded and leaned closer to the ground. The teenager began to swing from side to side and pace left and right, as if in a dance. Capoeira was a national Brazilian martial art that originated from dance and acrobatics. By studying Capoeira, Harry became a pretty good dancer, and because of his unnatural flexibility - again thanks to Envy - this martial art took second place in his heart.

Harry put his left hand on the ground and sent a low roundhouse kick with his right leg to Bang's head. The old man ducked under the blow and Potter continued with another kick with his left foot, now leaning on both hands. He was able to scratch the old man's nose with his heel and began to smile like a madman when he saw blood.

The smile disappeared from his face a second later, when Bang's leg joined his ribs. He rolled over and again put his left hand on the ground, this time he was more attentive and was able to dodge the second blow to the temple. Harry rolled back and spun around on his head, sending two quick punches to Bang's body.

The old man pushed his legs to the side and kicked the teenager in the back. Potter used the force of the blow to get to his feet and stood up to his full height. He sent a quick right hook to the hero's face and continued with a roundhouse kick with his left leg. Bang dodged both punches and hit Harry in the solar plexus with an open palm.

For the second time, all air was knocked out of the teenager's lungs. He squatted down a bit and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Bang turned his body to the side to crack his back and frowned when he didn't hear the familiar crunch. He arched unnaturally and this time a crunch was heard in the backyard.

"Ah! That's better. Well, your legs are still working fast and precise. I always thought Capoeira would be the perfect martial art for your body. Next."

Harry spread his legs wide and raised his right hand in front of his face, his left hand was in front of his chest, palm turned towards his body. Karate was a traditional Japanese martial art and was popular even now, in the Qurck era. Unlike Judo or Jiu-Jitsu, which used various grips, throws and chocking techniques, in Karate, the contact between opponents is minimal. During the fight, Karate masters deliver powerful punches and kicks to the vital points of a human body.

The green-eyed teenager attacked with a straight hit to Bang's right shoulder with his right hand and a kick with his left leg to his kidneys. The old man continued to redirect his blows and responded with his own hit to the jaw. Harry spat out blood on the floor and sent a kick in the stomach to the hero, after which he jumped, spun in the air and kicked him in the face.

The punch to the stomach connected, but the punch to the head was dodged by Bang. The hero crouched below the kick and punched Harry in the stomach with his knee. He stepped back, but quickly recovered and continued to attack. Potter sent another kick to the old man's right knee and immediately after that tried to hit him at the base of his left ear. But Bang jumped over his kick and grabbed his fist, he sent a blow to the right shoulder of the teenager from the force of which his shoulder joint dislocated.

Harry growled in pain, but quickly pushed the joint back into place with Envy's help. He struck a quick blow into Bang's solar plexus. He caught his hand and threw the teen to the ground, but Potter was ready for that this time and landed on his feet. He sent another hit to the old man's eye. Bang was able to dodge, but Harry's fist scratched his cheek.

The hero sent a powerful kick to the jaw of his student, from which he fell to the floor. The force of his landing cracked the ground and Harry was left on his back, motionless. He looked at the sky again with wide eyes and gasped for air like a fish. Bang sat down cross-legged next to the teenager. He put his elbow on his knee and rested his chin on his fist.

"We'll skip Aikido and Kickboxing, I know you only studied them to learn their techniques. Your moves were good, but your tactics are still lacking. You were able to get me twice, which is good after nine months without spars. I give you three minutes to rest, and then we will start again."

Harry said only one word in response.
