I need to name this chapter. What a pain.

On the evening of the third day of internships, Harry put on his suit and looked in the mirror. After a few changes from Gin, the design hasn't changed at all, kunai with ropes, smoke bombs, flash grenades and a first aid kit appeared on his belt. Sure, he's immune to most poisons and by extension drugs, but other people might get hurt, so he needs everything he can get.

His baggy hooded cloak had undergone a few changes and now had flat green lights on his wrists and on the back of his shoulders. They were turned on and off by pressing a small button, which was located on Harry's right glove on the side of his forefinger.

Attached to the suit was a note from Gin, which read the following:

{I made the improvements we talked about and added a few attachments to your belt. The wires are protected by an extra layer of Kevlar, and the lights are made of special materials. So they will only go out if my suit is destroyed. I don't want my suit destroyed. Be careful while using it.}

Harry chuckled as he read her message. She considered all costumes she created as her own, he realized this during their conversation in the library.

§Sssalazar, can we go with you?§ Helga asked from his bed.

The snakes didn't want to let go of the only human they liked, they wanted to go with him.

§Sssorry Row, but you're too young, your ssscales are ssstill too sssoft.§

Basilisks have the hardest scales on the planet, but their snakes were born only ten days ago. Basilisks usually reach their peak state in the third month of their life, so by the beginning of June they will be considered adults. Harry stroked each snake on the head and left the room, leaving them to play with each other.

Bang was already waiting for him outside the dojo, he was still wearing a black T-shirt and black pants. This was his suit when he was young. The old man quickly glanced over Harry's suit and nodded in approval.

"The one who created this knew what he was doing. Come on, villains won't wait for you."

The teacher and student went outside and called a taxi to get to the station.

"You know how Heroes work, right? We usually patrol the streets and keep an eye out like ordinary officers, but we can be called for help at any time. Each district sends its requests to the operator and then he sends them to the best nearest Hero for the job."

Bang pulled his mustache and thought.

"Hmm... What else? Heroes also have to maintain their public image, but I was never interested in that. I can only tell you that reporters and paparazzi can be worse than any villain, so watch your mouth. You can swear as much as you want, but if you say something that is not in line with the opinion of the crowd, you will be eaten alive."

Harry remembered reading about Rita Skeeter and shivered.

'And now there are thousands of such people... Jasmine, save me from their attention.'


Bang and Harry sat on the train and the old man closed his eyes to take a nap. Potter was reading a new recipe that he wanted to try in the future.

[Chicken Kiev.


8 skinless, boneless chicken fillets;

225g dried breadcrumbs;

75g parmesan, grated;

5 eggs, beaten;

100g plain flour;

pinch paprika;

4 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil, for frying.

For the garlic butter

4 garlic cloves, crushed;

2 tbsp finely chopped parsley;

200g butter, softened;

Half a lemon, juiced.

Step 1:

Place all the garlic butter ingredients in a bowl and season well. Mash with a fork until well combined, shape into two sausages using cling film to help you shape it, then tightly wrap and chill or freeze until really firm. Can be made up to three days in advance. When firm, slice each into eight even pieces.

Step 2:

Lay a chicken breast on a chopping board and use a sharp knife to make a deep pocket inside the breast. The easiest way is to push the point of a knife into the fat end, keep going halfway into the fillet. Be careful not to cut all the way through or the butter will leak out when cooking. Repeat with the remaining breasts. Push two discs of butter inside each chicken breast, press to flatten and re-seal with your hands. Set aside.

Step 3:

Mix the breadcrumbs and parmesan on one plate, and tip the eggs onto another. On a third plate, mix the flour with paprika and some salt. Dip each breast in the flour, then the egg and finally the breadcrumbs, repeating so-]

Suddenly, Bang's eyes shot open and he put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Get ready for impact."


There was an explosion somewhere in the front and the bullet train stopped abruptly. Harry's phone flew out of his hands and crashed against the wall. People fell from their seats and chaos began on the train.

"What's happening?!"


"My arm! God, my arm!"

"...Bang?" Harry was finally able to say, staring at his broken phone with a frown.

"We're getting off the train and heading into town." Bang glanced at the city's name on the running line below the ceiling "Hosu... Well, I didn't expect an attack today... Apparently my instincts are starting to fail me."

The old man broke through the wall with one blow and jumped out, Harry followed after him, but stopped at the exit. The city burned before their eyes and explosions were heard in several places at once. The hero managed to see how a small old man in a cape hit and fly away with a strange creature that had unnaturally long limbs, four eyes and an open brain.

"Hmm... Gran Torio? He also decided to return to the job...? Kid, stay here and help people, you will get a good experience In handing these kinds of situations."

With this order, Bang disappeared from his seat and appeared on the roof of the building.

"...I'll make him teach me that move." Harry muttered to himself and returned to the train to help the injured.

On the theory part of the entrance exam at UA, additional points could be obtained by providing additional materials. So Harry learned to provide first aid to people and animals in order to be able to help the owners of mutation Quirks. Of course, the main reason was the ability to help people, the extra points were just a bonus.

He knelt down next to a middle-aged man who was lying on the floor and groaning in pain. He had a deep cut on his wrist and a bloodstain on his right leg. Harry immediately got to work.

"Hello there! Do you feel pain anywhere except in your right wrist?" he raised the man's hand up to slow the bleeding.

"Damn it, yes! My right leg looks like it's broken!" he screamed in agony.

Harry nodded in understanding.

"Will you allow-"

"Yes! Just help me already, fuck!"

"Well, okay."

Harry took a first aid kit from his belt and opened it. He applied a tourniquet to stop the bleeding, took a bottle of water and cleaned the wound, ignoring the man's loud swearing. After that, he sealed the wound with a wide band-aid so that bacteria would not get into it.

"Kid, can you handle him yourself?" asked a Hero from the side, looking at Harry.

"Yes, everything is all right. But call the doctors here, he may have a broken leg, he cannot move on his own." he answered without looking up from the task in front of him.

"Okay, then I'll leave him in your care."

The hero nodded and went to help other people.

Harry bandaged his wound tightly, tore the end of the bandage in half with his hands and tied them up, so the bandage won't come off.

"If the blood does not stop, I will apply a second tourniquet, and now we move on to the leg. Are you allergic to anything?"

"Only cats." the man groaned.

Harry nodded and took out a painkiller from the first aid kit and made him swallow it. After that, he moved to his legs. He cut the man's pants open with a kunai and examined the wound. The skin on his shin was torn open and a broken bone was protruding from there, the leg itself was already beginning to swell a little and Harry frowned.

"Well, you have an open fracture... I'll warn you right away, it'll hurt like a bitch."

Potter applied the tourniquet above the wound to stop the bleeding and cleand the wound with the rest of the water. He put a clean bandage over the fracture and wrapped it around the man's shin.

Then he got up and broke off one of the handrails and cut it in half with a kick. He bit off the sharp ends with Pride and flattened them with shadows. Harry put an impromptu cascet on his entire leg to prevent the man from bending it and finally could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, kid." the man said with a small smile through the pain. Harry looked around and saw the medics enter the carriage, he smiled at the man and nodded.

"Well, my job here is done."


Potter finished helping with the evacuation ten minutes later and stood next to the Train, waiting for Bang. His phone was destroyed and he left the burner phone in the Orphanage, so he couldn't even call his teacher.

Suddenly a huge shadow loomed over his body and all his instincts screamed danger. Harry immediately strengthened his body with Envy to the limit and covered himself with the shadows of Pride and in the next second a powerful blow flew into his ribs. It threw the teenager into the wall of the train and broke through it. His body slammed into the second wall, leaving a huge dent on it.

"I need to find the body with the stones and take it home. What a pain." Potter heard the deep voice of his enemy, and a second later, he saw him.

A huge man with black hair and a white right eye climbed into the hole that was created by Harry's body. A strange red wire ran through his left eye, it went down to his shoulder and wrapped around his right bicep. On his wrists were metallic handcuffs to which long heavy chains were attached. His arms and hands were huge and he looked more like a gorilla than a man. But Harry's attention was focused on the Ouroboros tattoo, which was on his right shoulder.

The man looked at Harry and groaned.

"The kid's not dead, annoying. I'll have to work."

'Well, Bang said I have to use his martial art in a life and death situation, didn't he?'

The shadows around Harry materialized into huge whips with mouths full of teeth and swiftly attacked the villain, ripping off pieces of his flesh and swallowing them. But a red lightning flashed through the behemoth's body and his wounds were healed in a second. Potter's eyes widened in surprise.

'A Homunculus!'

Another blow flew into Harry's chest the next moment, which again caused his body to break through the wall and sent the teen flying off the bridge. Potter fell to the ground and slid for several meters, leaving a long trail behind him.

The Homunculus jumped after him and wanted to land on the teen's head, but Harry rolled to the side and dodged. Potter's Pride gripped the man's side and ripped out his ribs, but he regenerated again. He waved his hand in annoyance and tried to smash Harry's skull with his chains. His shadows reacted and devoured them, leaving Homunculus with chains only on his right hand.

The teen jumped to his feet, got into the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist stance and materialized even more shadows around his body, strengthening his defenses to the limit and changing their appearance. Now they stuck out in all directions like blades, giving him an appearance like demonic armor full of eyes and mouths than a simple black silhouette. A dark blue aura began to flow from his arms and legs and the teenager smiled like a madman.

"Well, fucker, try to hit me."

The Homunculus did just that and hit the teen's jaw with his huge hand, Potter took the blow - feeling his right eye getting destroyed - and his right hand in one smooth movement returned the blow to the man's eye, breaking his skull.

Harry returned the blow with double force.

He did not wait for the Homunculus' head to recover and continued to attack with a series of quick blows to his vital points. Kidneys, solar plexus, shoulders, eyes, throat and groin. He felt as with each blow something inside the man's body broke, but did not stop the flurry of blows.

Finally, Homunculus healed up and was able to respond with a blow with his left hand, but Harry's shadows jumped from his body and devoured the man's arm up to the elbow. He growled in pain and stomped on the ground, sending shockwaves from the impact and knocking the teen back.

Potter was able to land on his feet, but the next moment he saw the villain's huge fist flying into his chest. The blow connected and Harry kicked back, ripping off Homunculus's arm at the elbow again, his shadows devouring the limb in a second.

"Is this a battle of two villains?! Somebody call the Heroes!" someone shouted from the outside of his vision, but Harry ignored them.

"Too bothersome to fight with full strength." the teenager's eyes widened when he heard these words.

Potter immediately jumped back from the Homunculus and prepared for attack. The man, already fully recovered from his wounds, hurled up and slammed his body into the teenager with incredible speed. Harry managed to step aside and lost only his left arm on the shoulder. But he ignored the pain and used the force of the impact to return the blow with double force.

Due to such terrifying speed - Harry was sure that he was faster than Ida - the possessor of the three Philosopher's Stones was unable to aim correctly, so he quickly turned around to see the result of the blow. There was a huge hole in the place of half of Homunculus's chest and his left hand lay on the floor, quickly turning to dust.

"An eye for an eye, bastard." Harry growled, materializing a shadow hand for himself.

The artificial man groaned in annoyance and as soon as his arm recovered, he went on the attack again. Harry pushed himself off the ground with Pride, leaving cracks from the force of the jump in his past place and jumped over the attack of the Homunculus. He crashed into the wall of the building and stopped.

'The same tactics... And apparently he cannot control his movement at such speeds. I can trap him.'

As soon as Potter landed, the shadows on his heels dug into the floor and began to work. The man turned around and with a primal cry ran towards the annoying kid, fully intending on killing him this time.

Harry jumped again and the ground under his feet collapsed downward, revealing a pit with a huge, rough spike that his shadows had created in a short moment. The homunculus, not having time to stop, fell into the pit and an earthen thorn pierced his skull.

Potter jumped into the pit after his enemy and moved closer to his body, but he had already broken the spike and his head began to heal. The Homunculus recovered fully in a couple of seconds and tried to crush Harry's head with a clap.

The teen ducked under the attack, but the shock wave from the impact caused the ground to crack under his feet. Harry's shadows tied the man's hands together and he stepped to his body and dug his only hand into his chest, searching inside for the Philosopher's Stone.

A loud inhuman scream echoed in the street when Harry tore a red stone from Homunculus's body. He fell to his knees and just looked at the teenager without blinking.

"Lost my stone. Ouroboros will not be happy. Too bothersome... To lose consciousness..."

There was a hole in his chest, from which blood was flowing, but even with that, it was not fatal. Harry's brain was already fried, but he still registered a familiar name.

The light in the artificial man's eyes dimmed and Harry looked at the stone in his right hand. It was a translucent, blood-red stone with twelve smooth edges. He didn't know if this Stone will make him a full Homunculus, but he already has three of these fucks inside his body, so should he worry at all?

Then Harry felt the temperature rise around him and the eyes on his side noticed the flames of Number Two Hero, Endeavor with two familiar old Heroes, a bunch of his sidekicks and students from class 1-A. It was just a warning shot, so he didn't even bother to dodge.

"Freeze! Identify yourself and don't move, villain!" shouted one of Hero Number Two's sidekicks.

"Wait, those eyes..." Midoriya said with wide eyes.

Harry turned his head towards the group of eleven people and removed his shadows, shocking them with his injuries. His entire body was covered in blood, his right eye socket was empty, and his right arm ended at his shoulder, broken bone sticking out of it. His suit was destroyed and bruises from the huge hands of Homunculus were visible all over his body. He was still smiling like a madman, his mind had already turned off.

"The Shadow Hero: Salazar Slytherin." with these words, he inserted the Philosopher's Stone into his eye socket.

Harry screamed in pain and red lightning spread through his body, he had never experienced such pain before, but he was sure that it was worse than the Cruciatus. His wounds regenerated, his right eye and arm grew back. Immediately after that, he lost consciousness.

"...what the hell was that." Todoroki asked in shock, looking at his classmate's unconscious, bloodied body.

"I don't know, but apparently we are taking them with us too." Gran Torio said, nodding at Harry and the villian.

Bang didn't take his eyes off his student and frowned. He will not let him follow the same path as Garou.


At that very moment, somewhere in the UA school, Gin felt that something bad had happened and frowned. She stopped working on some class 1-B magician costume and just stared at the wall for a couple of seconds.

"That idiot broke my suit again, didn't he?"


At the Orphanage, Azumi suddenly stopped washing the dishes and. Her mother instinct screamed at her that one of her children was hurt. She sighed heavily and dried the plate with a towel.

"He's in trouble again... I'll make him a bento, the food they give in the hospitals is awful."

The woman turned around and went to the refrigerator for ingredients.