Slise of life chapter.

The courtyard of the Bang's Dojo was destroyed. A huge number of craters could be seen on the ground, the walls were covered with fist-shape marks, and several walls were broken through. In the middle of the largest crater, Harry was lying only in black pants, his body completely covered with bruises and cuts. He gazed at the sky with wide eyes and lay on his back, his arms and legs spread wide like a starfish.

"You know... The weather is nice today." said Harry, seeing Bang sit down next to him.

The old man also looked up at the sky and pulled his mustache.

"Hmm... Although I agree with you, we need to talk about something else. Now that after sparring you have re-learned how to control the power of your punches, we can continue your training in Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. You said that you can move much faster, but you can't react to your own speed, right?"

"Yes. The world is becoming a blur. My brain doesn't have enough time to process information."

Harry covered his eyes from the sun with his hand and continued to lie in his place. Godric teleported onto his forehead, and Helga and Rowena simply slipped onto his chest and curled up around each other. The old man scratched his chin in thought and nodded to himself.

"I will teach you one of my techniques: Mikiri. Absolute Vision Technique. While using it, you can even follow All Might's movements."

Harry moved his hand to stroke Helga on the head and opened one eye to look at the old man.

"Seriously? What about that move where you appeared on the roof of the building in a second?"

"It was the Instant Moving technique: Shunshinko. But I think that after you learn Miriki, you will have no problem learning this technique. To learn all of my techniques, you need Absolute Vision, so you will train that first."

Bang said, stood up and started to leave for the Dojo.

"With your terrifying speed, I wouldn't be surprised if you learn it before the end of your internship."

Rowena lifted her head and looked at the old man leaving.

§Doesss the old man want teach you how to sssee?§ she hissed in confusion.

§Not really, he will teach my eyesss to sssee much better than before. It also trainsss my mind.§

Basilisk nodded her head and went back to sleep on the teenager's chest.


Three days later, Harry completed his training in two personal Bang techniques. Miriki training consisted of the old man throwing sandbags - which were about the size of a fist - at high speeds at the owner of the four Philosopher's Stones and Potter had to either dodge or hit them. This workout took two sessions of 12 hours each and Harry's body just shut off at the end.

It took much less time for Potter to learn Shunshinko. Just eight hours of learning the correct leg movements and two failed attempts - Harry broke both of his legs during those and had to heal himself - he could easily move around like a madman. Bang was not even surprised when Harry suddenly appeared in front of his face and slapped the teenager on the head in the next second.

Harry stood in his black coat and gloves, white shirt and black pants, his reinforced suit boots were present at his feet. This was the only part that survived Sloth's attack. The rest suit was taken away for repairs during his stay in the hospital. Godric held his hair back as usual, and the twins hid in his sleeves, only their heads were visible on the back of the teenager's palms.

"You will come here every Saturday, the Hero Commission canceled my teaching license to train young heroes, but my martial arts teaching license still works. So don't even think we're done yet."

Bang pulled on his mustache and stared at the teenager deep in though.

"...Harry, I know that you will not take Garou's path, but I will say it anyway. If you feel that the Stones begun to influence your judgment or you just need to talk, then my door is always open. I do not want to hunt down another apprentice."

Harry felt a warmth in his heart at the words. Of course, it was half a threat, but the teenager was pleased to know that he was important to the old man enough for him to tell him so. And he even called him his apprentice! He smiled brightly, using Envy to widen the smile and nodded.

"No problem Bang. Thank you for the experience. Well, until Saturday!" Harry turned and walked away, waving at his teacher.

Bang looked at the back of his last student for a long time, but in the end he just sighed heavily, turned around and entered the Dojo.

"Gotta call that asshole to fix the building again, I can't teach Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist in such environment..."


Harry decided to hide his scar on his face so as not to frighten the children in the Orphanage and calmly walked home. The weather was cooler than usual today, so Harry decided to go to the store and buy himself a new scarf. His knitted one was left hanging in his closet.

The young hero entered the mall and turned to the largest clothing store he saw. There were people around him with all sorts of mutation Quirks and they were choosing clothes. Of course, people who looked ordinary - what can be considered ordinary in this era? - filled most of the crowds.

Harry walked over to a small stand with scarves and began to look for a suitable one for his cloak. A second later, as if from under the ground, a consultant appeared in front of his face.

"Hello, how can I help you- Oh, I know you!" said the young woman in uniform clapping her hands "You're Harry Potter, the winner of this year UA Sports Festival, right?! I was rooting for you from the very beginning of the race!"

Harry smiled, but in his mind he was cursing loudly. This was the first time he was recognized on the street after the Festival. Even when he walked without disguise, no one recognized him, he could to some extent hide his presence and people simply did not pay any attention to him.

"Thanks for your support, could you help me choose a scarf for my coat?" well, if he's already discovered, why not take advantage of it?

"Oh! Of course. You're just looking for black one?"

Harry nodded and the woman - Kiri Kagune, he read on her badge - bent down and pulled out a completely black scarf from the bottom shelf. The teenager reached out to take it and she noticed Helga's head in his palm.

"Ooh! Is this your companion? Wait a second, I have a thing made just for you." the woman quickly took the scarf from Harry's hands and began looking for something on the shelves.

After a minute, she pulled out a long black scarf from the shelf with the image of two green snakes, whose heads were on both ends of the scarf. This time Potter was able to take the it and try it on. He looked in the mirror and liked the result.

"Hmm, try wearing this too."

Harry looked around to see that Kiri had a black vest in his hands and mentally clapped for her speed. The teenager took off his coat, depriving Helga and Rowena of shelter, put on a vest and put the coat back on.

"Ho... So you have two of them?" Kiri looked at the snake with interest "It's fits well."

"There are actually three of them." Harry turned his head to show Godric holding his hair "This little one loves this place for some reason. Maybe he's watching my back."

§Of courssse, I'm watching your back. Who do you think I am Sssalazar?§ the black Basilisk hissed in irritation and Harry wisely decided to remain silent.

When the teen turned his head back, Kagune had a new set of clothes in her hands, her eyes burning with determination.

"Try this on too! I'm sure it will fit your body type well."

'My trip to the store will not be so short...'

Five hours later, Harry stood outside the store with five bags in each hand and his shadow tentacles were holding twenty more. His eye twitched and a twitching tick mark appeared on his forehead.



The first thing that the owner of the four Philosopher's Stones saw upon returning to the Orphanage was Kars, tired and twitching. His hair was matted, there were huge black circles under his eyes, and his clothes were crumpled.

Before starting his internship, Harry set up a lot of traps, ticking objects, hidden alarm clocks and even a couple of firecrackers in the blonde's room. Kars Horror Week seems to have gone well.

A huge smile immediately appeared on Harry's face. He confidently walked up to his 'friend' and put his hand on his shoulder with a loud clap. Kars jerked and his head turned sharply towards Potter. As soon as he saw his face and smile, his face turned red with rage.

"You! It was you, you fucking bastard! I'll rip your head off!"

Azumi, sitting in her office, sighed heavily and rubbed her temples with her hands.

"He's back."

The woman got up from the table and went to the door. As soon as she opened it, Harry walked past with it a spring in his step. Kars was thrown on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Please tell me you didn't knock him out." Azumi looked at the teenagers as she continued to rub her temples.

"Okay. I won't." Harry shot her a grin and skipped towards Kars' room.

The woman just looked at the back of the teenager with tired eyes and when he disappeared on the stairs, she returned to her office. Documents won't sign themselves.


After he reached his room, Harry pushed all of his new things inside the closet and changed into a plain blue T-shirt with sweatpants. After dinner and some small talk with his friends and Karin, he was left alone in the kitchen with Azumi. They washed the dishes together and the teenager had an unexpected question appear in his head.

"Azumi? What did you do before you came to the Orphanage?" Harry dried another plate with a towel and put it on the shelf.

The woman froze for a second at the question, but continued to wash the frying pan. Memories of blood - so much blood - bodies of her enemies and the endless run of which her life was, rushed in her head. The faces of her victims flashed before her eyes and the woman shook her head to chase away the thoughts.

"Nothing special, during my younger years I worked for my father's company, dealt with finances."

Technically, it was true, she dealt with people who were causing problems for their finances. Her father gave her a name, a photo, and a location, and she did the rest of the work. Telekinesis is a handy quirk when you want to stop someone's heart.

"Then I went to work in one of the government offices, but did not stay there for long."

Hero Commission, no matter how they showed people kind smiles, were a bunch of bastards who were willing to make a deal with a hitman to get rid of a couple of annoying villains. She agreed to their terms to stop constant attacks from Heroes, but her loyalty was never theirs.

"For several years I just traveled the world with my friend. But she stayed in America and I continued on my way alone."

She remembered Yue... Her beloved, beautiful Yue. Her dark hair, her red lips, her little scar under her eye and her ringing laugh. She remembered her bright blue eyes and her silly smile when she broke something again. She remembered the blood on her own hands and her lifeless body. On that day, she killed fifteen heroes and disabled eight. No one could escape her rage.

"After another couple of years of traveling, I came back to Japan and took a job at this Orphanage."

Hiding from the World Hero Commission was not easy, but she knew one person whose Quirk could change the structure of the human body, he was the perfect plastic surgeon. After that, she returned to Japan with a completely different name, face and life.

Harry had long since finished washing the dishes and was now leaning on the kitchen table and drinking tea. He listened with interest to Azumi's story, which he had never heard before. But something in her voice was not right... He couldn't put his finger on it.

"You've had a busy life." Harry said with a chuckle.

Azumi Sato, Osu Shi, former hitman, former underground hero, widow and experienced tourist smiled at the teenager.

"Yes... You could say so."


Harry was sitting at his desk writing another essay on modern History. Midnight was definitely a sadist. Karin sat on his bed and stroked Godric's horned head.

"Hey, Harry, have you ever found out what kind of snakes they are?"

Karin scratched under the chin of most dangerous creature in the room, the black Basilisk... And the creature casually purred. Why can he do this at all, again?

"Godric turned out to be a King Cobra with a Quirk, but I'm still not sure about Rowena and Helga."

The sisters were now wrapped around his neck, they took inspiration from Harry's new scarf and now his neck has become their second favorite place.

"Hmm... Maybe they have a Quirk too? That's probably why they look like that."

This made the teen stop and look at the twins.

§Have your ssspecial abilitiesss' awakened?§ he hissed with interest.

§A couple of nightsss ago.§ Helga replied §My sssissster and I can change our body sssize.§

To prove this, she slid to the floor, increased her length to three meters and curled up into herself. Karin watched it with wide eyes and when Helga finished changing she began to applaud. Harry looked at the Basilisk and millions of ideas rushed through his head.

§Thisss isss our limit right now. In the future, my sssissster and I can become even bigger.§

The teenager scratched his chin and began muttering in Parseltongue.

§Thisss can be usssed for crowd control and civilian evacuation. If they can grow to the sssize of an adult Basssilisssk - about 25 meters - in a sssecond, then they could inflict huge damage on the environment. Alssso-§

"Harry, you're muttering." Karin interrupted the train of his thoughts, looking at the boy whom she considered her elder brother with worry in her eyes.

"Oh, sorry about that, Izuki's bad habits rubbing off me." he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Just... Don't do that. Especially in snake language. It's a little scary." Karin shivered.

Harry smiled and ruffled the girl's blue hair with a shadow hand.

"Sure thing, runt."

She pushed his hand off her head and quickly began to straighten her hair.

"Don't call me that!"

Harry only chuckled in response and went back to his essay.


There was a group of three children in the hallway and today they were on a mission. They must bring down the strongest man in their Orphanage. Harry Potter. The plan was ready a week ago and they put it into action.

Ichigo Tovasi had a Quirk that allowed him to produce strings from his fingertips and manipulate them at will, as well as control their stickiness and strength. He stretched several thin strings from one wall to another, it was almost impossible to see them.

John White could shoot pressured streams of wind from small holes in his palms, air collected through pipes at his elbows and passed through his hollow bones. But that made him a living glass cannon. His role in the plan was also simple, he had to shoot when Potter got closer to the strings.

Shia Sobu was born Quirkless, but she was the brains behind the operation. Her strategic mindset has allowed her to earn the respect and friendship of children of her age.

"Here he is!"

Ichigo whispered excitedly, earning a 'Shh!' from Shia. Harry was walking down the hall while reading a book he was holding with a shadow hand, all his attention focused on the words inside.

"This is our chance. John, on my command."

The girl whispered and raised her hand in the air. As soon as the teen got close enough to the strings, Shia gave the go-ahead and John quickly shot Potter in the back. The three children had smiles on their faces, but they disappeared along with Harry.

"What?! Where is he?"

Ichigo asked confusedly and looked around.


Harry's cheerful voice answered and the heads of the children went up. Potter covered his legs with shadows and held on to the ceiling with Pride. His hair in a ponytail reached down to the head of Ichigo, who was the tallest of the three.

The shadows disappeared and Harry began to fall. He flipped and landed on his feet, simultaneously chopping all three children over the head, using a third shadow hand for Shia and hitting it with a book.

"Well, the plan was far too simple, but effective. And you made several big mistakes."

Harry's face became completely serious and the children were a little afraid to hear what he would say next. The teenager went up to the strings and ran his finger along one of them, a wound appeared on his fingertip and blood flowed from there. After that, his shadows cut all the strings. The eyes of the three children widened in understanding.

"If it had been someone else, they could've been seriously hurt."

Shia turned sharply to Ichigo and frowned.

"You're supposed to make them sticky."

"Hey! They're sticky! You also asked to make them strong so they won't rip under Harry's weight!" he answered indignantly.

Harry raised his hand to stop the children form arguing any further and they fell silent. His face softened and a smile emerged.

"You're all to blame. Ichigo, you should have checked each string twice, if not thrice. John, you should learn control the power of your shot, it was too strong for a simple capture. Shia, you should've followed the actions of your allies, you are their leader, the brains of the group. So use your this drain of yours properly."

The three children nodded in understanding and went to John's room to discuss the next plan, better and safer. The teenager turned and opened the book again, but after a couple of steps he stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"Oh, and guys?"

They turned and looked at Harry.

"Next time you won't get off with a simple chop to the head. I will take revenge and my revenge will be terrible. Just remember Kars during last week." he smiled broadly and continued walking again.