A couple of unexpected meetings.

Lau straightened his black tie - which he stole from a knocked out man as payment for the destruction of the Black Tiger gang - and snapped his fingers. The building, the address of which the Asshole №1 gave him, immediately caught fire. Lau's pride began to move and, using the shadows from the fire, completely surrounded the bandits' base so that none of them could escape.

The cat boy checked the entire building with shadow eyes beforehand to make sure the information was correct, and that everyone was inside the building. The yellow-eyed teenager thought he was becoming a pyromaniac. It suited him.

Lau took from his jacket pocket the pack of cigarettes he always kept there for special occasions. He thought that today was a special occasion. Today's mission could be stealthy... or he could make an example for the rest of the gangs. Lau chose the latter.

The building was not burning fast enough to harm the people inside, so after a couple of minutes, gang members began to run out of there, only to be cut down by his shadow hands. When night falls, the city becomes his territory.

After the first wave of people, Lau's Pride rushed into the building through all the aisles. They hunted people down and after they knocked them out, their hands carried them out of the building. And then from the fire, his shadow hands were able to pull the unconscious leader of the gang, the Black Tiger. The teenager did not know why his name was exactly that, because he looked completely human, so no mutation Quirks.

'Oh well.' he shrugged his shoulders and set to work.

That night, the firefighters who came to the call were able to find the still warm ashes and the crucified body of the Black Tiger in the middle of it. His throat was slit and a message was written on his chest in his own blood.

{Kamino Ward is mine, stay back. - Herpo The Foul.}


The yellow-eyed teenager left the place of the burning through the dark alleys of the night city. He wiped his left hand from the bandit's blood with a rag and burned it with a snap of his fingers. Lau was too smart to leave any evidence behind.

He continued walking down the alleys for quite some time, until he was sure that there was no tail behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. His body was covered with red lightning for a second and he returned to his original form, enlarging his clothes with the help of Alchemy at the same time.

"Ooh! You and I are the same! It's so cute!"

As soon as these words were said, a knife tried to strike into his eye. But Harry grabbed it with his right hand and stopped it millimeters away from his face. Before him stood a rather short girl with blond hair gathered in two messy buns, she had yellow eyes with dark circles under them. Her skin was pale but healthy.

'I didn't even notice her. She's good. That's not her first time.'

"Huuuuu, why is your skin so thick? Now I want to see your blood even more!"

She was dressed in a typical seifuku, over which she wore an oversized beige cardigan. If she hadn't been trying to kill him right now, Harry would have called her cute. The girl smiled broadly and Harry could see the fangs that reminded him of something...

"Vampire...? How is this possible?" he muttered, instantly tying the girl's body with Pride.

"Hey! It's not fair! I-" her mouth immediately covered with a shadow.

"Quiet." said Harry, taking his phone out of his pocket "I need to make a call."

The vampire was annoyed, but stopped trying to speak.

The green-eyed teenager dialed Aizawa's number and waited for an answer. A minute later the beeps stopped and the teacher picked up the phone.

"Is this something important? I'm on patrol."

Eraser Head was an underground Hero who worked at night. There were many Heroes like him and they were not as popular as the others, which made them ideal opponents against Villains who also worked at night.

'Didn't even say hi...'

"Well, I was attacked..." he turned and looked over his shoulder at the Vampire, the shadows disappeared from her mouth "What's your name?"

The girl's mood turned 180 and she cheered up again.

"My name is Himiko Toga! And I want to taste your blood! You smell divine. Can you let me-"

The shadows closed her mouth again, Himiko puffed out her cheeks and looked at Harry with pure hurt in her eyes. The teen raised an eyebrow at her reaction.

"Oi, you tried to kill me, you have no right to pout at me."

The vampire thought a couple of seconds over his words and shrugged her shoulders, as if to say "fair."

"Don't be distracted by flirting with the Villains, did you get her name?"

Aizawa's voice was heard from the phone.

"Yes, her name is Himiko Toga, sounds familiar?"

The hero was silent for a minute.

"...a serial killer who hasn't been caught for months. Stay where you are. What's your location?"

"Kamino ward, not too far from my Orphanage. I don't want to think about what would happen if she met one of the children from there..."

Kars would've definitely die. Not that it was a huge loss, but still.

"Wait there." after that, Harry's phone went silent.

The teen turned to the young vampire and gave her the ability to speak again. He created a shadow chair for himself and sat down opposite.

"So, I have a couple of questions for you. Are you going to answer them?"

Himiko narrowed her eyes and looked closely at Potter.

"Then I have a couple of conditions."

He leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. Harry expected such an answer, the villains always have their conditions.


"You give me the same chair, we'll play twenty questions and then I'll taste your blood!"

She said happily, licking her lips, the teen blinked a couple of times and sighed heavily. A shadow chair appeared under Himiko and he lowered the girl with Pride on it.

"Good. Now how-"

"No no no, you already asked the first question, my name. So it's my turn now. What's your name?"

The green-eyed teenager thought for a couple of seconds and shrugged his shoulders, his name was already on the Internet and the news, what's he got to lose?

"Harry Potter."

After hearing his name, a thoughtful expression appeared on Toga's face.

"It's an interesting name. I think I've heard it somewhere..." she muttered, looking at the ground.

"Most likely on the news. My name was on TV a couple of weeks ago."

"No, even earlier..." the vampire raised her head sharply "Yes! Grandma told me stories about you!"

She said with a happy smile on her face. Harry just sitting there, dumbfounded.

'How does her grandmother know about me?! What is this nonsense?! '

Himiko, oblivious to his panic, continued to speak.

"This story has been passed down in our family for many generations. It is about how a boy defeated some Dark Lord at the age of twelve!"

"Eleven... I was eleven then..." Harry muttered, not realizing that he was saying it out loud.

"Wow, seriously?! But how is that possible? The story is over two hundred years old."

She tilted her head and looked closely at her new friend. Potter, with the help of a shadow needle - which he stuck in his leg under his clothes - got out of his stupor and turned his attention back to Himiko.

"Now it's my turn to ask questions. How much blood did you drink as a child?"

The vampire thought and answered after a couple of minutes.

"Not that many... Sometimes I managed to catch a small animal and drunk their blood." she murmured thoughtfully "Why do you ask?"

Harry smiled slyly.

"Is that your question?"

"Hehe... I like you. Yep! That's my question."

The teenager nodded and began to explain.

"I have a theory that concerns you and your condition. I think you feel constant weakness, have a constant headache under the sun, you become faster and stronger at night and when you see blood, you will do anything to drink it. Am I right?"

The girl looked at the owner of the four Philosopher's Stones with wide eyes.

"Wow, can you read minds too!? That was right on point!"

Harry nodded to himself again.

"I believe you are a quarter-vampire in Bloody Frenzy."

The girl blinked a couple of times.


"This is a state when a vampire without enough blood to drink begins to... Change. Their reflexes, strength and speed are enhanced at the cost of the integrity of the mind. Also, how strong this state will be depends on the purity of the vampire's blood. For example, complete vampires lose all their mind and are moved only by their desire to satisfy their hunger. In your case, you're just... A little crazy. "

"Hey! I'm not crazy!" she protested.

"That's what a crazy person would say." Harry looked at her with a huge smile.

"Yes, but a normal person would've also said that." the girl answered with the same smile.

Both teenagers heard sirens in the distance and Potter got up from the chair, which immediately returned to his shadow.

"Well, we didn't have time to finish, I hope we can play again next time."

"Um!" Himiko nodded, but she suddenly remembered something "Hey! You promised me your blood!"

Harry sighed heavily and cut his wrist with Pride, spilling blood on the asphalt. He hoped she would forget about it. Himiko looked at the blood on the floor with sadness in her eyes.

"What a waste..." she muttered under her breath.

"A deal is a deal." said the teen, bringing bloody wrist to the vampire's mouth.

Himiko's eyes lit up with happiness and her skin returned a little to a healthy hue. Harry was surprised at such a quick reaction and wondered.

'Is my blood special too? Fuck, why couldn't Jasmine just tell me about this body right away?'

It was during this time that they were seen by two officers and Aizawa. The hero just looked at his student for a couple of seconds and sighed wearily.

"What are you doing?" he asked, glaring at Harry's back.

The teen turned around and looked over his shoulder at his teacher.

"She answered my questions for my blood. I still won't let her use her Quirk, so I don't see any problem with that."

One of the officers nervously stepped from foot to foot. It was evident that he was not comfortable watching the vampire drink the blood of a teenager, as if it was divine nectar.

"And how much has she already drunk?"

"Erm... A liter?"

Aizawa dragged his palms over his face.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you that your questioning was illegal. And what you're doing right now is a stupid newbie act. And what-"

"Yes, yes, I get it. I'm an idiot, can someone tie her up now? I'm not going to keep her forever." he answered irritably, finally removing his hand from Himiko's mouth.

The vampire's face had a blissful expression and it was as if she did not know that there was a world around her. Harry closed the wound - ignoring the small red lightning that appeared when using Envy - and waved his hand in front of her face. Himiko showed no reaction.

"And what happened to her?" asked the second officer, looking at the girl with interest.

Potter removed the shadows and took Himiko in his arms, carrying her semi-conscious body towards the officers. The vampire's circles under her eyes quickly disappeared and her skin fully returned to a healthy hue.

"See her changes? All this time she was under the side effect of her Quirk and went insane because of it. It gave her enhanced reflexes, strength and speed at night, but destroyed her mind."

Aizawa looked closely at his student. The side effects of using quirks were inevitable, be they positive, negative, or just plain useless.

"And you found it out in five minutes."

Harry nodded and handed Himiko into the hands of Aizawa, who immediately tied her up with his capture weapon.

"I already saw a Quirk like this a few years ago. In order to remain sane, she needs a liter and a half of blood to drink every day. Maybe even more. So give her bookbags with lunch."

"I need to tell Nezu about this... She's still a kid..." Aizawa muttered.

He put Himiko in the back seat of a police car and took out his phone to call Principal, but then he pointed to Harry.

"You will go to the police station with the officers and answer their questions."

Harry groaned.

'Well, half-truths and lies, here we go again...'


As soon as Harry got out of the police station - the interrogation lasted for two fucking hours - someone crashed into him and fell to the ground. The teenager did not even become annoyed, he was too tired to experience negative emotions. He looked down only to see the most beautiful girl in his life sitting on the pavement.

The girl was quite tall and slender, she had attractive forms and a pale complexion. Her eyes were narrow and were s beautiful light purple color. Her long black wavy hair reached her lower back and a short bang, pulled back to the left, partially obscured her left eye. She wore a tailored suit with a tie that matched perfectly with her eyes and high heels.

"Well? Not going to help the lady to get up from the ground?" she held out her hand to him and looked at the teenager with a raised eyebrow.

Potter immediately got out of his stupor and helped the girl to her feet. She looked older than the green-eyed teenager, about nineteen years old, but that did not stop her from moving with extraordinary grace. The hand in the black glove took the hand in the white one and Harry was a little surprised when he felt that her hands were as cold as his own.

"May I ask, what the lady is doing alone at night near the police station?"

She smiled charmingly and looked to the entrance of the building.

"I was called to work because of some serious incident. They say they caught a serial killer and they need everyone, even ordinary secretaries. I bet it's chaotic in there right now."

The girl looked thoughtfully at her place of work, and Harry only laughed in response. When Himiko Toga herself was taken to a small area in Kamino Ward, panic broke out throughout the building. No one could understand why she had come to the area from her previous hunting location.

"I won't accept this bet, there is pure chaos right now. Well, good luck with your work, my Lady."

The teen bowed a little and began to leave, but a voice from behind stopped him.

"My name is Solaris. I hope we meet again."

When he turned around, Solaris was nowhere to be found.

Inside the ladies' restroom at the police station, Lust - or Solaris - smiled at the pendant around her neck.

"The doctor knows how to create some useful things..."

The Mad Scientist that Wrath worked with created these pendants for her and Greed so that they could hide the presence of their Stones from the boy. She licked her lips, thinking of all the stones inside his body.

"Very useful things..."


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

These were Harry Potter's first words when he returned to his room at the Orphanage. Godric - still holding his hair - slid into his right ear and looked at the intruder.

On Harry's bed was a teenager with eight eyes and eight spider legs sticking out of his back. He had very short black hair - only five millimeters long - and a very slender body. He looked like a walking skeleton with a part of a carnival costume hung on his back.

"Aww, what's with that face? Aren't you glad to see your old friend?"

He shot Harry a grin and stood up from the bed. The green-eyed teen just crossed his arms over his chest - Helga and Rowena switched places to show their bodies as a threat to this new human - and continued to talk in annoyance.

"Kumono, if you don't leave my room now, I will rip out all your legs. One by one. All ten of them."

Kumono Ashi was a villagate Bang introduced to Harry. The old man had a high opinion of the spider and told him to fight under his leadership in underground battles to gain experience. But the old man didn't say that he is sooooo fucking annoying!

"Wow, you've gotten violent since we last met. I saw a fire in a gang safehouse just a few hours ago, your job?"

Another quality of the bastard that the old man didn't mention. He knew what he shouldn't have and was constantly searching for more stuff. He was even worse than Giran in that regard and Harry was happy to get rid of him once he started training for UA.

"Don't know what you're talking about. If there was a fire somewhere nearby, it's definitely not because of me. I was at the police station for the last two and a half hours, so I couldn't burn it." he waved his hand, as if driving away a fly "Now fuck off, bug, otherwise I'll kill you."

Kumono chuckled and climbed out the window, he turned and looked at Harry with a huge smile.

"Spiders are arachnids. Call me later, heh, Salazar!"

Kumono shot a web from one of his spider legs and yanked it with all his might, swinging away. Potter rubbed his temples and took out his cigarettes with Pride. He still didn't feel the effects of nicotine, but here the placebo effect came into play. He lit one of the cigarettes with a snap of his left hand. The green-eyed teenager looked up at the ceiling, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"What's with all the unexpected meetings today?"