Why is it so bright here?

Near the exit at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiz- Ahem! UA High School of Heroes, there were twenty-eight people and one very smart animal was hiding in his colleague's scarf - there is only one animal, because Harry was told to leave the Basilisks at home for today - waiting for the right moment to show himself.

Today was the day of the practical exam - everyone passed the theoretical exam, even Kaminari - and that is why they were standing under the sun. It took a bus ride to get to the Battle grounds, so Class 1-A was already wearing their suits.

"Let's begin your practical exam." Said Aizawa, looking more tired than usual today, "It is, of course, possible to fail the exam. So if you want to attend the training camp, don't mess this up."

Harry listened attentively to Aizawa's words this time. Anyone will be worried before the final exam, Hermione was definitely worried before... When she was still alive...

'Why the hell do I have constantly bad thoughts in my head before exams?'

"Sure are a lot of teachers here..." Muttered Jiro, "Seven? No. Eight?"

"Knowing you guys, you probably asked around... And you might think that you have a vague idea how it'll all go, so..."

"It's a Robot Rumble, like the entrance exam!" shouted Kaminari, leaning back and striking a strange pose.

"Fireworks! Curry! Truth or dare!"

Mina was pumped up and was completely ready for the exam... In her opinion.

Nezu emerged from Aizawa's scarf, moving the Hero's heads slightly to the side to get out.

"Not quite! Various circumstances have demanded a revision to the exam format!"

Mina and Denki immediately froze in their places, trying to understand this new information.

"The Principal!" Sero said in surprise from under his mask.

Nezu usually did not show up for exams, and even less often for other lessons. The Headmaster of the school was too busy combining the Hero's work and his Principal problems. The school constantly demanded attention so that the gears in the worked out mechanism did not stop. Therefore, Sero was very surprised by his appearance.

"A revision...?" Momo asked.

Nezu, with the help of Cementoss, got down from Aizawa's shoulders to the ground.

"Well, you see... From now on we'll focus on flesh-and-blood opponents. It ie critical that our teaching simulates practical experience as close as possible!" Nezu's black eyes seemed to be looking into the very soul of the group of teenagers, "As such... You, students will be pairing up and fighting with one of the teachers you see here!"

"Against... A teacher...?" Uraraka asked uncertainly, not fully believing Nezu's words.

"Your pairings and assigned teacher have already been decided. Your battle moves, your grades, your friendship with one another... All those factors and more were considered, so without further ado..." The white animal pointed with its paw to Aizawa to continue.

"First, Todoroki is with Yaoyorozu... Against me." Aizawa said with a rare smile and began to unwind his capture weapon.

'Use Pride and knock out before he can react.' Harry's brain immediately issued a plan.

"Next, Midoriya... Is with Bakugo." Their teacher said with the same satisfied smile.



The two childhood friends were just as surprised as everyone else in the class. Why the hell were they put together?!

"Your opponent..." All Might got off one of the buses in his modern suit, "Will be... Me! So you'll have to work together to win! So come at me, you two!"

'How the fuck that's even going to work...? I know what I will do in such a situation, but how broccoli and dynamite bois are going to do deal with it?'

"Ten stages have been prepared and all the teams will begin simultaneously. The test guidelines will be explained by your respective opponents. None of the areas are outside the school grounds, but let's not waste any more time. Get going."

Aizawa finished with the explanation and walked - faster than he probably should - towards one of the buses, Momo and Shoto hot on his heels.

Harry, along with Tsuyu, followed the Ectoplasm against which they would fight. The frog girl was looking at the Hero's back with a finger on her chin and her head tilted.

"This is going to be a tough battle, kero. Ectoplasm can create around forty clones, and we don't know how many shadows there will be to use." Ectoplasm and two teenagers got on the bus, Asui and Potter sat in the next seats.

"Most likely they tried to limit my Pride... Well, I still need to practice using Sloth, so this is a good opportunity."

Harry muttered so that only his partner could hear. He was not going to share his guesses with his opponent. Only idiots do that.

"Yes, I've heard of it. Quirk Evolution is pretty rare, even nowadays."

Quirk Evolution happened on one occasion, with the Quirk is used constantly in mortal danger. After Evolution, Quirk reaches a new level of power, for example: if Shoto Todoroki goes through a Quirk evolution, he will most likely be able to use his ice and fire at the same time and from any limb.

"Do you have a plan in mind or do you want to hear mine? I have a new trick up my sleeve."

Harry asked, coming out of his stupor. Tsuyu thought for a moment and nodded to herself.

"You came up with a plan for us last time, so this time we'll use my idea. We'll just need to get to Ectoplasm in time, kero..."

When they reached their destination, a round arena appeared before the eyes of the teenagers with a bright one that reached all corners of the room, which was similar to an amphitheater. In fact, the light was so bright that neither Harry nor Tsu cast shadows.

"You know, I think it was easier to just tell me not to use Pride like Bang did at the beginning of our training, no?" Harry said thoughtfully, looking around.

"But that way they can be sure you won't cheat."


Ectoplasm has already explained the conditions of the exam to them. The limit is thirty minutes, during this time they must have time to either capture their opponent or escape from the arena. For capture they have special handcuffs that had to be put on any part of the teacher's body.

"Most likely Sensei will be waiting for us at the exit from the arena. It will be the easiest to catch us there."

Tsuyu had already sat down on the floor and prepared to move at any moment, while Harry stood next to her and memorized his surroundings, creating a mental map of the arena.

"We start in the middle... In an open area... Why does it seem to me that we are not fighting on equal ground?" Potter asked sarcastically and walked into the middle of the arena.

"Everyone in position?" Recovery Girl's old voice came from the speakers on the ceiling, "Let's begin the final exam for UA High students! Ready... Go!"

The report to the end of the Final Exam began and all the teachers attacked their students. Three clones of Ectoplasm emerged from the floor and Harry went into a Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist stance. The shadows on his body spread over the entire exposed skin, making it completely black, but leaving the clothes themselves intact. Potter turned his back to Asui, believing that Asui will be able to stop at least one of the Hero's attacks. In the shadow of Harry's clothes, several eyes opened which allowed him to see 360 ​​degrees. Tsuyu strained her legs, preparing to jump.


"I forgot to mention... We teachers will be giving it our all..." Ectoplasm's clones begin circling teens, seeking opening to attack, "To utterly crush you, students."

"Fuck no, pal."

Harry smiled like a madman and touched his back to Tsuyu's back, casting a shadow between them. Pride's hands grabbed the girl by her shoulders and the green-eyed teenager kicked off the ground, leaving only cracks on the ground.


The girl did not answer, only grabbed the failing of the fifth floor with her tongue and threw Harry exactly above her, so that his shadow fell on her. Potter's Pride took Tsuyu by shoulders and in just five seconds they were able to escape from the center of the arena on higher ground.

"Not bad." One of the clones said and finished the second one instead, "So they've chosen to flee?" The clones looked at each other, ""Not going to work."" Ectoplasm's voice sounded from both sides.

As soon as the teenage duo climbed onto the sixth floor, they were immediately surrounded by four more clones. Harry threw his shadow over Tsuyu and pushed off the railing, flying right through one of the clones. The clone disintegrated back into ectoplasm and merged with the floor.

"Counterattack. Hmm, that's good."

The second and third clones simultaneously attacked the green-eyed teenager with a roundhouse kick to the ribs and a left hook in the jaw. Harry redirected the left hook to the face of a second clone, and he just dodged the kick by jumping over the leg. In the air, Asui caught him again with her tongue and pulled him away from the clones.

"Got you."

As soon as Harry's feet touched the ground, he lifted Tsuyu into his arms and threw her onto his back like a backpack. The frog girl immediately grabbed his shoulders and closed her eyes, knowing what was about to happen.

Potter used Shunshinko and moved to the end of the corridor, but due to the weight of another person on his back, he had to stop by hitting the wall with his right hand. He has not yet learned how to instantly move with a passenger.

"We need to get to his main body, we cannot waste time in useless battles." Harry pulled out his right hand, which was stuck up to the elbow in the wall.

"Useless? These battles give you hands-on experience."

And again, around the two teenagers, five clones of their Sensei appeared. Potter growled in annoyance and Tsuyu, pushing off his shoulders, jumped to the ceiling, pushed off it and again tried to take Harry with her. But this time, Ectoplasm expected such a tactic and blocked her tongue.

"This will only work if you are fast enough and if the opponent is not expecting your atta-"

The clone's speech was interrupted by a kick to the back of the head from behind, which shattered him to pieces. Harry literally stepped on heads to get out.

"Yep, we know. That's why we have contingency plans."

They discussed all the Ectoplasm fights they had seen and his typical tactics during the bus ride. Since his clones are just ectoplasm with no muscles, he could run after his opponents without getting tired. Given the time constraints, the protracted battle was not profitable for the teenagers.

"Six more in the front and five in the back!"

Tsuyu drew back from the blows of the two clones, who attacked with incredible coherence. The pros of working with yourself.

"He can be a real pain in the ass."


After completing his battle with All Might, Midoriya stayed in Recovery Girl's office and began observing the battles. He was especially interested in the fight between Harry and Tsuyu.

"Why haven't they finished yet? Harry always seemed too strong to me..."

The old woman laughed and showed him one of the monitors, where Potter again destroyed the clones of Ectoplasm, but he just created even more.

"There are many restrictions placed on him in this exam so that he can complete the assignment given to him. Each of the participants in the exam has one thing and Mr. Potter is learning to rely on others."

Harry again broke through the crowd of clones, opening the way for himself and Tsuyu and the two teenagers continued to run towards the exit from the arena.

"Even if it is subtle, he still tries to do everything himself. Of course, Tsuyu Asui's role in this battle is support, but her skills as a melee fighter would come in handy in protecting Potter's back. Well, we'll see how the battle progresses."

Harry and Tsuyu finally made their way to the final round room where the exit was. Near it, blocking the passage, stood the main body of Ectoplasm. The bodies of the teenagers were completely covered with shadows and their faces could not be seen.

"Most likely I was right. Materializing shadows puts a lot of stress on his brain or muscles, which is why he only uses this ability at the end of his battles."

The eternally young heroine laughed and nodded her head. She even suggested to the teenager to give him a personal bed as a joke, but the teenager abruptly refused, muttering something about 'Second time already'.

"Yes, I remember how many times he came to me, complaining about headaches. The boy completely stopped caring about his body after he received this new ability... See here?" As if confirming her words, Potter took the kick from Ectoplasm to protect Tsuyu, "Although this is one of his smallest injuries..."

Izuku remembered how immediately after the battle with Stain, they met with Harry, who did not have his right arm, but had countless wounds on his body. If he had not seen how his hand was restored with his own eyes, he would never have believed that it was once missing.

Ectoplasm opened its mouth wide and in a few seconds a huge clone appeared in the arena, several dozen times larger than usual. Harry shouted something and disappeared from his place, only to appear next to Tsuyu. Immediately after that, the huge Ectoplasm bit off a piece of the third floor on which two teenagers were standing and for some time the dust blocked the view of what was happening.

The huge Ectoplasm straightened and from the middle of its chest emerged the two bodies still covered in shadows. But after that, dozens of huge toothy smiles appeared on their bodies and Tsuyu... disappeared.

"All this time she was a fake?! But where is-?"

The answer to Midoriya's question came in the form of a sneak attack from behind of Ectoplasm. Tsuyu slipped between his legs and handcuffed them, finally winning the battle.

"Wow! Making Ectoplasm Sensei think they were attacking together, he completely grabbed his attention and allowed Tsuyu to carry out a stealth attack!"

Recovery Girl nodded and leaned towards the microphone, pressing a button to start broadcasting her voice.

"Asui and Potter have passed the exam!"

'And passed their personal assignment.' she thought with a smile.

But Potter didn't pass his personal assignment.

The teen left the clone's body and brushed the dust off his cloak with white gloves, striking several sparks from them. Old habits die hard. And in the case of Harry's paranoia, it fought attempts to get rid of it with tooth and claw. But no one knew about the green-eyed teenager's new passion for fire, so at the moment he earned his place in the Summer Camp.


Kumono Ashi watched the villains from the rooftop of one of the buildings in Kamino Ward with undisguised interest. The spider worked simply, but efficiently, at first it collected all possible information about the enemy and only then attacked. Typical search and destroy tactics.

He watched as Giran led several villains from C to S rank to some bar and recorded the movement on a camera sewn into his mask. A vigilante can't let the authorities recognize his face, can he?

"Fuck, is that Muscle and Moonfish...? Hell, whoever it is, they're putting together a powerful team. It's interesting..."

He stopped the recording and sent it to Harry - who was listed as Salazar on his phone - along with a message.

[Hey dude, strange things are happening here near your area, I'll go take a look. If I don't write again in an hour, look for my body in this old bar.]

He sent a message and saw that Harry read almost it immediately.

"Aww~ he misses me after all." he said with a smug smile.

[Fuck you. If you die there, I will resurrect you and kill you again.]

"He really misses me."

The spider nodded to itself and began to descend the wall, clinging to it with its eight legs. He jumped to a nearby building and lowered himself to a slightly open window and began recording again. There was some kind of dialogue going on inside right now, so Kumono came on time.

"...plan and execute it. You know the goals, so after successfully completing the mission, you will become a full member of the League." Someone outside the spider's line of sight said, "If you fail and get caught... Well, that won't be our problem."

"So this kid will be the one to command me? Hell, I don't like this, but my hands are already itching with impatience."

Muscle had his back to the camera, so Ashi couldn't see his mad smile. Then Moonfish started sniffing the air and the spider knew that it was time for him to leave. He slowly climbed the wall and when he was far enough to the window, he shot a spider web at a skyscraper and began swinging through the streets of Japan.

"What is it, Moonfish?" Dabi asked, looking at his new subordinate

"I smell a Spider... He's gone now."

His spider legs controlled its flight, and human hands typed on the phone.

[This is real gold! I found the base of the League of Villains, these bastards are gathering a whole vanguard for something. They could even recruit Moonfish and Muscle! And-]

Then the branches of a tree stuck into the wall next to Kumono, missing only a meter.

"Stop, criminal! Your work as a Vigilante is against the law!"

Wooden Hero hung between two skyscrapers

"Wait, I'll add it to a friend!"

[Can't talk. Fleeing from Kamui Woods.]

"Okay, let's get started!"