New Beasts in the Beast's Forest.

Rowena did not continue her calm journey as long as she would like. As soon as the rather mountain on which the remaining students stood collapsed, in front of a team of three Basilisks and one... human? His race was still debatable. Three earth monsters appeared at once which were created and controlled by Pixy-Bob.

Potter jumped up and let Helga slide off his wrist in the air. She grew to the size of her sister during the fall and simply crushed the monster with her weight. Rowena, with one bite of her toothy jaw, tore the body of the second enemy in half without any resistance. Harry's hands flashed with red lightning and changed to werewolf's claws. He landed on the shoulders of the four-legged beast and in one motion, he tore off his head and turned it to dust with a kick. The earthy body crumbled under his feet and Harry looked around.

§Obssserve, watch out for any sssoundsss and the sssmell of fresshh earth. Ssspeak when you feel anything. Ric, go ahead to ssscout.§ Harry hissed and the black Basilisk disappeared from his head.

§More weaklingsss.§

Helga's voice was louder than usual due to her sheer size. Harry nodded and closed his eyes. His spine flashed with red lightning and his clothes on the back ripped apart, allowing two bat-like black wings grew from the new holes. They looked like leather and reached two and a half meters in wingspan. The teenager rebuild his body from the inside to be able to fly and was more fragile than usual.

He realized that his reluctance to use Envy to create additional limbs was severely limiting him. So he made the decision at the last minute to use only Envy at Training Camp.

So during the trip, he plunged into his consciousness and tried to somehow stop the work of all the Stones except the Stone of Envy. What was his surprise when three stones lit up with red lightning and began to move around the cracked stone. After that, they completely stopped and Harry felt like his connection with the Three Sins was cut off.

He had also thought about using the Beast's Forest as a training ground for the Basilisks for a long time. And now no one could stop him. With one flap of his wings, he rose into the air and gave the order.

§Kill the pray.§

The Basilisks continued their advance with Harry watching the situation from above. Godric teleported to one of Rowena's horns.

§Three more tetrapodsss and two bipedsss.§

The sisters simply hissed back and raised their heads a little higher in preparation for a future attack. From behind the trees on the left, two huge four-legged animals attacked Rowena at once. The first slammed into the Basilisk's body with a loud roar and grabbed it to restrict her movements. In just a couple of seconds, Row made her body thinner in order to avoid the claws of the second beast, which seized the opportunity to attack and surrounded both of their bodies, making her body resemble number eight. She enlarged again and crushed her prey into dust.

The remaining three opponents surrounded Helga and one four-legged beast fell to the ground, allowing the two-legged one to jump off his shoulders and hit the Basilisk's head with its claws. The second sister was distracted by the last opponent and did not notice the sneak attack, the claws did not even scratch her scales, but the raw force of the blow made her head jerk back.

Yes, Basilisk scales were the toughest material in the world, but that didn't protect the insides from the shock waves that came from especially hard blows. Harry watched his companions' mistakes and memorized them. Basilisks had the best five senses in the world, but even they couldn't help if you were distracted. Even XXXXX-class beast can make mistakes.

Annoyed, Helga walked towards the biped and shrank to a meter. She jumped into his mouth and expanded from the inside, scattering pieces of earth all over the place. The beasts stopped for a second - Ragdoll was shocked by such an attack and unwittingly imagined how it happens with a creature of flesh and blood - but quickly got out of the stupor and continued the attack, but by that time Rowena had already dealt with her opponents and joined Helga. The outcome of this battle has already been decided.

Wings flapped over the battlefield and Harry landed on Helga's head with his arms crossed. He folded his wings behind his back, but did not put them back into his body. The teenager stroked the Basilisk's head and began to speak Parseltongue.

§You did well, but you ssstill lack experienssse. Watch the movement of the enemy and do not become dissstracted. Ric§

The black Basilisk immediately appeared around his neck, his head on Harry's left shoulder.

§No weaklingsss around yet.§

§It'sss good. Move on, I will continue to obssserve you from the air.§

Harry flew into the air again, but an earthen pterodactyl immediately tried to fly into his body. Potter folded his wings to dodge the dinosaur's claws and as soon as he was underneath, the teenager kicked the golem in the stomach. The body crumbled in the air and chunks of earth fell to the ground. He Harry looked around and saw three more flying golems of different sizes.

'So there is some entertainment for me too... Well, Ragdoll, let's see which of us has gotten better in these two years.'

The teenager went on the attack, changing his arms and legs below the elbows and knees for sharp bone blades. Harry quickly approached the three opponents. Once he was close enough, he spun through the air, slicing the bodies of the two smallest golems in half. He knew that they couldn't be destroyed by simply chopping off their heads, their bodies continued to move even after that.

The third pterodactyl screeched and dived towards Harry, its claws extended forward. Potter, who was at that moment busy with the destruction of the other two golems, did not have time to react and his wing was cut. The wing immediately flashed with red lightning and the wound healed, leaving only a scar that would later disappear along with the wings.

"Ragdoll honey, I didn't think you were a sadist. Find someone else to play with! You have two whole classes besides me!"

The golem screeched again, rubbing two stones together to create that loud sound, and again flew towards Harry. The teenager smiled broadly and also began to approach the prehistoric bird at high speeds.

Potter strengthened his body with Envy and met the pterodactyl head on. As soon as the two bodies collided, golem's earthy body began to crack and Harry flew right through him, covering his face with bone blades. His shirt was finally destroyed and his body was covered with small cuts due to sharp stones inside the body of the golem. The teenager again regained his human arms and legs and suddenly a very interesting thought flashed in his head.

'Hehehe... Well, now this forest will be called the Basilisk's Forest.'

He dived towards his companions, who were already fighting with eight golems, and his body was completely covered with red lightning and began to change. It was not Harry Potter that landed on the ground, breaking several trees, but Salazar Slytherin.

§Sssalazar! You became one of usss!§

Helga hissed excitedly, crushing another small golem. A smile appeared on Salazar's face that was only possible through the use of Envy. Godric appeared around its central horn and wrapped around it, using Salazar as an observation tower.

§I desssided to ssstop watching and join you. I have already ssseen your missstakesss, now isss the time to correct them.§

The three Basilisks hissed happily as they continued to destroy the golems. Meanwhile, Ragdoll jumped in excitement as she watched all of this happening through the hologram on her glasses.

Salazar glanced towards the camp and shook his head, returning his gaze to the twins in front of him.

§Let'sss hunt sssome more. We don't want to return early, do we?§


Nineteen students from class 1-A walked out from the woods, tired and bruised all over their bodies, feeling like they'd been after training with Bang. Of course, compared to the Dojo, this forest was paradise, but here they were allowed to use their quirks to the fullest, which was forbidden in the Dojo. Since Bang's license to train Heroes was revoked, he could no longer allow full use of Quirks in his building. Not that the old man needed his Quirk to do massive damage...

Their uniforms smelled like earth and sweat, some had them torn in several places at once and they were no longer suitable for wearing. The Young Heroes could hardly move their legs but reached the camp, where Aizawa and Ragdoll were waiting for them, along with Mandalay.

"They're finally here." Announced Ragdoll, putting her hands on her hips, "Well, most of them, anyway. Needless to say, they didn't make it in time for lunch."

"'It'll only take three hours', yeah, right..." Sero groaned.

"So hungry. Gonna die..."

Kaminari was so tired that his jaw stopped closing. Mandalay just laughed and gave the teenagers with a completely innocent look.

"Sorry. That's how quick we would've made it."

"Faulting the power gap in our paces...?"

Sato muttered, already recovering a bit from the side effect of his Quirk. Pixy Bob approached the teens laughing strangely.

"Mew mew mew... We actually thought it'd take you longer. And you dealt with my Earth Beasts pretty easily too. Not bad. Especially..." She pointed to a group of Bakugo, Ida, Midoriya and Todoroki, "You four. I'm guessing your past experiences allowed you to act without hesitation?"

She immediately jumped up to them and, with insane zeal, began to spit on them.


"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Gotta have fun three years from now on!! I'm marking them as mine!!"

Aizawa turned to the second Heroine and pointed at Pixy Bob.

"Hey, Mandalay... I didn't know she was Like that."

"She's worried about being a spinster forever..." She just shrugged.

Bakugo, wiping his face with his shirt, looked around and frowned.

"Where's Еyeballs? Even I'll admit that the shady asshole should already be here."

Pixy Bob re-activated the hologram on her glasses and looked at the image for a couple of seconds. She raised her hand and pointed her paw behind them.

"In the south, the distance is about a kilometer and it's rapidly decreasing. The kid surprises me, I did not know that he could become something bigger than a cat."

She replied, forcing the students - with the exception of the three who already knew Harry's abilities - to exchange confused glances.

"Cat?! Harry could turn into a cat all this time and be silent?!"

Mina almost screamed, feeling cheated for some reason. The trees in the forest behind Class 1-A began to crack and the sound was rapidly approaching. Izuku frowned at the amount of destruction.

"He doesn't have to break so many trees to open up a path for himself. Then what is the reason? Is it possible that he is being followed? No, he can easily destroy the golems or break away from the pursuit with Bang techniques." He muttered and then his eyes widened in understanding, "Snakes!"

In the next second, an enormous white Basilisk with gray tints on its scales crawled out of the shadows of the trees. On his head, wrapped around the three front horns - there were seven in total - sat three more snakes. His dark green eyes threatened to kill if you stared into them for too long, and his mouth was full of fangs.

"Heya Harry! How's Bang? Has he turned you into his copy yet?" Pixy Bob instantly found herself on his head and held on to one of the side horns so as not to fall.

"I don't even know how I feel. The joy that The Beast's Forest is not called that because of him or the shock that the giant snake is Potter. Or I'm too tired to feel emotion." Ojiro said in a half-dead voice, leaning his tail against the ground for balance.

Harry in the form of Salazar hissed something and gradually his speech became human.

"Get off me, otherwise I'll throw you off. I need to return to my original form."

The Heroine simply patted him on the head and rolled down his back like a hill and shouted joyfully. Toru looked enviously at the impromptu slide that Salazar had become.

"I also want to do that..."

Several students nodded their heads in agreement and also looked at the huge Basilisk. Salazar's body was covered in red lightning and began to shrink rapidly. Within five seconds, Harry Potter in a shadow business suit stood in the place of the monster. The Basilisks fell on his head and shoulders. Mandalay walked over to the teenager and poked him on the cheek.

"Why do you need this suit?"

Before arriving at Camp, Potter entered his mind and reconnected with the remaining Stones. He was not going to be defenseless while he wasn't training. Harry slapped away her hand and growled in annoyance. Yes, he still hasn't forgiven the Pussycats for that golem that attacked him when he went behind the tree to empty his bladder.

"You know, I just want to look stylish and totally not because I'm butt naked. Clothing usually gets destroyed if you try to put something a dozen times bigger than they are."

"We got a second exhibitionist..." Mineta muttered to himself.

The female part of the class blushed at his words, and Pixy Bob only patted him on the shoulder in sympathy. Mandalay only raised an eyebrow at such a reaction, she expected at least a vulgar joke from her friend, but nothing followed.

'Maybe she still thinks of him as a child because she's saw him when he was thirteen?'

Then her hand gripped Harry's shoulder tightly.

"Quickly! Who has a bright quirk here?! You, pretty boy!" She nodded at Todoroki, grabbing Harry's arm with her other hand, "Give me some fire! Now!"

"Ah, here it is." Mandalay nodded, it already looked more like her friend.

Potter and Todoroki looked at Ragdoll like she was crazy.

"You know, you're still not that old enough to grab the first teenager you come across. And that's a crime."

"Gee, can't you say something nice for once?"


The Heroine finally let go of the green-eyed teenager and he joined his classmates. Mina was still drilling his skull with a hurt look, Harry only raised an eyebrow at her strange behavior.


"You can turn into a cat." She said in the same hurt voice.


"A fluffy, soft, warm, cute cat... And you didn't tell me about that."

"Why? For me to be your squeeze toy? No thanks, that's not my style." A shadow fell on Mina's face, but Potter was not going to change his mind.

In his entire life, Harry could only remember a few times when he really liked the touch of another person. When he was hugged by Hermione, Jasmine, Karin and Azumi. The list, as you can see, is very short, considering that half of the people on it were dead.

"Are you crazy?!" Shouted Mineta, who for some reason had wet pants.

'I really don't want to know...'

Harry's gaze finally fell on the scowling child who was standing next to Mandalay and he looked at him for a couple of seconds.

"Who's this? Kota? I haven't seen you in two years." Harry sat down in front of Kota, but was still a head taller than him, "I'm Harry Potter. You probably don't remember me, but we saw each other when you were three years old."

Harry didn't have time to offer his hand in greetings, as Kota tried to punch him in the groin with a surprisingly well-placed right jab. Potter caught the blow and looked at the child with interest.

"Nice. But too slow for people with enhancing Quirks. Better to attack from blind spots so they don't have time to react."

After his short lecture, Harry let go of Kota's fist and the kid turned around without saying a word.

"Hey! Why'd you try to hit Potter in the junk ?!"

Ida's voice sounded outraged by such behavior. And Kota just glanced angrily over his shoulder.

"I can't abide jerks who wanna become heroes."

Potter frowned at this reaction. But given his situation...

"Abide?! How old is this kid?!"

"Cute kid." Bakugo said with a grin.

"You two are a lot alike."

Todoroki looked thoughtfully between Bakugo and Kota, even their eyes were the same shape, and that's not to mention the character.

"A lot alike?! Fuck off. Don't wanna hear anything outta you, Mr. Threw-The-Match!"

The blond was still furious with the final match at the Sports Festival. Half-and-half bastard was the only one other than him who could kick Eyeballs ass and Todoroki lost the match because he 'lacked control'. Should've just burned the bastard to ashes.


'So similar...'

Aizawa finally decided to cut this circus short and began to speak.

"Enough of this sideshow. Go get your luggage. From the bus." He pointed behind his back, right to the entrance to the central building, "Drop your things off in your rooms. Then come to dinner in the mess hall. After that, you'll bathe. Then it's bedtime. The real training start tomorrow. Now hurry up."

Boys and girls went to the common rooms allocated to them. Harry, as soon as he reached the room, immediately disappeared into the bathroom and a minute later came out completely clean, again earning himself glances from his classmates.

"Okay, I'm tired of asking this, but how?"

Rubbing his temples, Ojiro said. Potter pulled aces from his sleeve like he was a cheater with an endless supply of cards.

"I just created a thin layer of shadow on my skin and thus removed all the dirt from my body. But I still feel dirty. Fucking disadvantages in a quick cleansing..."

Finally, after finishing, the teenagers left for dinner. And Harry was still thinking about Kota's words.

'I should talk to Mandalay soon.'