Midoriya's determination.

The forest was filled with screams. Izuku had been injured even before Dabi's attack, and now his hand was literally on fire. The smell of burnt flesh hit his nostrils, making him realize that he was still conscious. He sat up and was able to see how Mister Compress popped from the ground and dusted off his clothes.

"Ouch. To think they'd chase us by air! What a flight of fancy!"

'This fucker is joking right now?!'

Midoriya's mind was filling with anger. Influenced by Bang, Bakugo, and Potter, he couldn't help but start to curse too.

His arms were already broken several times, but he was ready to break them again. The first few times happened during the battle with Muscle, who did not want to let go of his prey. The last time was when he sent his classmates and himself into the air with a shock wave to catch up with the Villain.

"You got Bakugo?"

Dabi asked without much interest, Mister wouldn't come back without their goal, that's for sure. He was too proud for that.

"Naturally." He put his hand in his pocket, only to find nothing.

Tsuyu immediately jumped on one of the trees in order to have time to react to any attack.

"Go get Harry! I still not sure how his Quirk works, but these things are definitely Bakugo and Kanibara!"

During the short time she was next to Mister, Asui was able to steal two small crystal balls from his pocket.

"Tsuyu!!" Screamed Izuku in relief.

"Ho ho! Well done, so quickly to...! I guess a tongue is much harder to spot in your pocket than a hand... And what an interesting statement that sentence makes!"

With an approving nod, Mister clapped for young Heroine's agility.

"Great, now for Potter!"

Shoto enlarged the ice wall between himself and Twice to prevent the Villain from reaching him. And what was he going to do with the ruler anyway...?

"You fool-"

Dabi prepared for another attack, only to be stopped by Mister.

"No, wait."

He raised his hand to stop his leader's movements. Greed still didn't budge and was just looking, but at that moment he had an interesting thought.

"She stole something different, right, showman?" He guessed.

In the next moment, several things happened at once.

Portals opened next to each Villain and Twice immediately jumped into his own, running off the stage.

Nomu left the forest without his left arm and shoulder, walking towards Dabi who was his current Master.

Midoriya got up from the ground and prepared for the dash.

And Todoroki turned to the main portal, his left side immediately was covered in flames to propel him forward.

Mister Compress twirled his cane in his hand and pointed it at Greed behind him. Two marbles on Tsuyu's tongue immediately exploded into ice. The girl managed to react to the explosion and released them before they could rip her tongue apart.

"And we have another attentive person in the audience! What gave me away?"

The villain removed his mask from his face and showed that the real marbles had been in his mouth all this time. Three teenagers stood in front of three Villains and one Nomu, they had only one chance to pick up their classmates and they would not miss it.

"I have enough experience with tricksters." Greed turned around and entered the portal. "Dabi, It's been five minutes now, let's leave. Kurogiri was supposed to pick up all the living members of the Vanguard Squad." He took another step and disappeared in the whirling smoke, taking Potter with him.


Midoriya screamed and began to run towards the portal, moving much faster than a person in his state should. Asui and Todoroki also began to run towards them, wanting to take their classmates back.

"Well, and this is where I leave you-"

The Villain's grand speech was interrupted by Aoyama's laser, which shattered his mask and caused two marbles to be dropped from his mouth. Tsuyu was able to grab one of them with her tongue, but Shoto didn't have time to reach the other.

Dabi snatched the marble out of his hands with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Don't send out an amber alert. You're not getting him back..." He than turned to Mister. "Go ahead and release them."

"Where did that laser came from? It made a mess of my show!"

Mister Compress snapped his fingers and two teenagers emerged from crystal balls. Midoriya's eyes immediately focused on his childhood friend. Rage towards the Villains filled his mind. Normally, Izuku would be in panic, but Potter and Bang knocked that out of him during their sparring sessions.

'If you feel that kind of emotion in a fight, then you have not yet achieved mastery over your mind. But this does not mean that the emotions that you experience are harmful in battle, you just need to be able to properly direct them. But if you are going to help people then it is best to keep a cool head.' That's what Bang told him.

So right now, he directed his anger towards the Villains. If he could smash the bastard' skull, than he'll never use his Quirk against innocent people again.

"No problem..." Villain muttered, grabbing Bakugo by the neck from behind.


Izuku's body was covered with red-green lightning as he leaped forward, aiming his foot at Dabi's head. But the portal closed before the teen could hit the Villain and Izuku fell to the ground, leaving a long trail behind him.

Shoto swore under his breath and ran up to Midoriya, Tsuyu running after him. He was lying completely still, just looking at the stars in the sky. Aoyama got up from the bushes and walked towards Izuku on shaking legs.

"Deku, ribbit, are you okay?"

He was silent for a couple of minutes, and when Todoroki was about to put some ice on his forehead to get him out of shock, he began to speak.

"... They're gone."

"Izuku, you-"


The teenager was overwhelmed by a wave of different emotions. Hopelessness due to his failure to save his friends, hatred to the League of Villains and so much more.... But his anger blazed the brightest among them.


His Quirk gathered in his left hand and he hit the ground, - breaking both the ground and his hand again - forcing his classmates to dodge his blind attack. Gradually, Izuku's analytical mind took over his anger. He was able to calm down and begin to perceive the world around him again. The red an green lightning still hasn't left his body, making the teen frown.

"I already deactivated my Quirk, so why...?"

Shoto, Aoyama and Tsuyu stood a couple of meters away from him and also couldn't understand what was happening with their classmate. All this time, his quirk continued to work, and slowly the green lightning began to be absorbed by the red one.


Before Izuku could finish his words, all of his nerve endings lit up. Red lightning shone even brighter, making him shake with pain that washed over his body.

"Midoriya!" / "Izuku!" / "Deku!"

The answer to the call of his classmates was another cry of pain. Lightning began to gather around his injured left eye and with another bout of pain it disappeared into his eye socket, ending the pain abruptly. Midoriya was breathing heavily, glad that this shit was over.

"Izuku... Your arms..." Tsuyu muttered.


Midoriya looked down at his arms and was shocked. The wounds on his body were completely healed, even the scar on his right hand was gone.

"B-but how?"

His classmates exchanged glances and came closer to get a better look at their friend. He didn't even move his head, but apparently knew what they were talking about. But as soon as Shoto could see Izuku's eyes better, he immediately stopped walking.

"Midoriya... You're a Sin."

In the teenager's left eye there was only a red Ouroboros symbol instead of a pupil.

Something incredible happened that night. A Quirk was able to create a full-fledged Philosopher's Stone from several soul shards. But the greatest thing was that it was no different from Harry's Stones... It had no need for new souls to exist.

Izuku still didn't move, but realized that his vision had changed and his wounds were completely healed. There was only one thought in his head.

'With this power... I can save Harry and Kacchan... And kill all members of this fucking League Of Villains.'

And thus, on one warm summer night, a new Wrath was born into the world.

Only fifteen minutes after the villains attack, the rescue workers and firefighters began to appear in the forest. Izuku could only grit his teeth and think that they were late as usual.

Out of the forty students, sixteen were critically ill due to the Villain's gas attack. If Harry were still here, he would call him a living gas chamber. Ten more students had other wounds of varying degrees. Thirteen left without a scratch and... two were missing.

Of the six Pros, one suffered a serious head injury. Another couldn't be found. Having left behind nothing but a massive bloodstain.

On the other hand, two Villains were arrested on stage - Moonfish's involvement will not be known for a while, as well as his death. But with the exception of these two, the Villains have disappeared without a trace...

The summer camp that everyone had been waiting for ended in a bloody massacre.


Even though they could not find a scratch on Midoriya, or despite the amount of blood on his body, he still went to the hospital for an examination. The reason for this was the change in his Quirk and the loss of his left pupil. And Izuku couldn't even blame them for that.

"Describe to me exactly what you see."

An overly detailed young doctor asked him. Izuku sat on a chair in the middle of the office with his eyes closed and sighed in exasperation. This test was repeated for the fifth time.

"I see absolutely everything. It's like I look out of my head in all directions at the same time." He thought a little and added. "Everything looks far too detailed to be normal."

The doctor wrote down all his words in his notebook and sighed heavily. The teenager, meanwhile, ruffled his hair so that it covered his left eye. After becoming a Sin, his eyes turned blood red. That was enough to scare his mother, so a tattoo instead of a pupil will definitely make her faint.

"Well, this is definitely a new Quirk. Oddly, it has nothing to do with your old one. Two awakenings in just two years... Incredible."

Originally Quirkless kid awakened two useful Quirks at once in such a short amount of time. Even the very presence of two quirks was considered a rarity, and Izuku Midoriya's situation should be impossible.

"Incredible or not, I don't care. Are we done here? My mother is probably already waiting outside the door, worried out of her mind about my life."

Cut off Izuku and glared at the doctor. He embarrassedly scratched the back of his head and pointed his hand towards the door.

"Thank you."

Rolling his eyes, Midoriya said and left the office, only to be hugged tightly by Inko. His arms immediately wrapped around the distressed woman, and his T-shirt was drenched by her tears.

"Iz-Izuku! T-thank God you're okay!" She grabbed onto her son as if his life depended on it. "They said you were hurt, but something happened and, and..."

She spoke through tears, still not opening her eyes. Izuku just smiled softly, his anger forgotten for a while. He just couldn't stay angry when his mother was crying.

"It's okay, mom. I'm still alive and healthy, don't worry... Because I'm here."

Inko laughed and was finally able to calm down a bit.

"That was the worst possible thing to say to your poor mom right now. A Hero quote, really?" She could begin to hate Heroes if her only child suffers because of the dangers of their profession.

"I am who I am." He shrugged. "Now let's get out of here, I'm starting to hate hospitals just as much as Harry does."

The mother and son duo walked out of the hospital, and Inko just now looked into Izuku's face.

"Izuku? What happened to your eyes?"

A bead of cold sweat ran down the teenager's forehead. He'll have to explain to her about Sins and how they work. At least a part of it. And because of this, he will reveal Harry's secret to another person. Izuku didn't know which would be worse, his mother's tears or Potter's anger when he would hear about it.

"Erm... It's a little tricky to explain. I'll tell you about it at home."

Inko Midoriya looked at her son for a few seconds and nodded. Izuku seemed... different. But not in a bad way, he was calmer than usual. Even his posture became more confident.

"Huh? Isn't that your classmates?"

The teen turned around in the direction his mother was pointing and was able to see Shoto and Eijiro walking in their direction. Izuku's eyes widened slightly in surprise, he didn't expect to see them today. Even so, his manner prevailed.

"Hi guys. Let me introduce you to my mother, Inko Midoriya. Mom, these are my classmates, Shoto Todoroki and Eijiro Kirishima."

""Nice to meet you.""

Todoroki and Kirishima bowed in greeting. Inko just smiled at their behavior. They were already better friends than Katsuki...

"Mutually, boys. Izuku, I'll be waiting for you at the exit. I'm sure you have something to talk about..."

Inko saw it on their faces, and the urgency with which they walked towards Izuku. They definitely have some news... And Inko didn't know if she could handle more news. As soon as the woman disappeared around the corner, Kirishima immediately dragged Midoriya into one of the chambers without saying a word.

"Midoriya? What are you doing here?"

Yaoyorozu was sitting on the bed in the ward, which surprised Izuku. She shouldn't have woken up for a few more hours.

"Yaoyorozu, tell him what you told us."

Kirishima blurted out quickly, finally releasing his classmate's hand. Momo just sighed heavily and began to explain.

"Awase from class B helped me attach a tracker to the body of one of the Villains who was in the forest. Most likely it was another Nomu, so he didn't notice it. And since I created both the tracker and the device to track him down..."

"... You can create another one." Graduated from Midoriya.

An approximate plan of action had already begun to emerge in his head. He knew they didn't have much of a chance against the team of Villains, but if they could free Bakugo and Potter... they'd have a huge chance to escape.

"Yaoyorozu. You just became our ticket to save Katsuki and Harry."


Harry, dressed only in plain pants to eliminate the possibility of any hidden weapons. His body was hung on a chains in the middle of the room. Light was coming from every direction, destroying every shadow. Apparently his captors did not trust the handcuffs completely, although they still put one of them on the stump of his left arm. So this Potter hung in the air as if in a straitjacket.

'I'm so uncomfortable right now.'

The handcuffs were created by some scientist under the command of One for All and were supposed to block his access to the Stones. But... They didn't.

Everything was quite simple, due to the fact that the scientist had only two subjects for experiments at his disposal - Greed and Lust, Wrath was out of the question - he did not know that the Stones belonging to Potter worked differently.

The walls of the cell were also completely white and smooth. From what Greed could tell him, he was in some kind of laboratory. This didn't make Harry very happy, as it meant the safehouse of the League of Villains wasn't here. Homunculus also told him about many cameras and sensors hidden within the walls of his prison, and even in the chains themselves.

'Well, I can still work with it... Let's play the waiting game.'

During all this time, Potter never gave any sign that he was conscious. His breathing, blood pressure and heart rate were consistent with that of a sleeping person. So even an experienced doctor will tell you that the teenager is asleep at the moment.

'If Greed betrays me, then I will have to break through with brute force. I have seven charges in the Sloth Stone, six if you count me having to rebuild my hand. At the moment I can use four Philosophers' Stones, Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and a few special techniques... Yes, that's enough for me. Wrath has collected a huge number of Quirks that can stack, so now they can be counted as one. In total, we have his seventeen against my five - if you count the martial arts of Bang as a Quirk. If he hasn't found a powerful Quirk in such a short time, then my plan should work.'

Harry thought about his capabilities for a long time and counted the hours that quickly passed by. Forty-two hours have passed since his abduction. Approximately so much will be required for the Heroes to organize a rescue operation.

In two days, Godric had to find his location and stand next to it with his sisters, so help would arrive quickly. The only problem could be considered the reactions of people in the Orphanage... Karin will definitely not let him out of her sight in the next week.


At the same time, Azumi Sato returned to one of the places she never wanted to return to. Before her stood an old and dusty house that threatened to collapse at the slightest touch. Azumi made sure that this would happen if anyone dared to infiltrate the old base of Osu Shi.

With the help of her telekinesis, the woman opened the lock and entered the building. She did not consider the already familiar empty walls and went straight to the middle of the room. A floor hatch opened in front of her, revealing only one black suitcase. For several minutes she just looked at him, not daring to touch him. But then she sighed and hit herself on the cheeks.

"Pull yourself together, your behavior is not befitting an assassin." The suitcase flew into the air and began to hover behind Azumi. "If these bastards can't save Harry, I will kill the entire League of Villains first, and then every hero that fails one by one."

And she could. That was the scary part.

It was not Azumi Sato that came out of the old house, but The Immortal Assassin: Shinigami. The actions of the Villains have awakened an unstoppable force.