Harry Potter.

Breathe in.

Forty-eight hours have passed since my abduction. If I am right in my calculations, then the Heroes should have already organized a rescue operation. If even Kumono was able to find their base by accident, the Pros should be able to find it with enough enthusiasm.

Breathe out.

Since no one has checked me during all this time, it means that I am not their priority target. That's probably Bakugo. But what exactly they need him for? Most likely it's some kind of stupid shit. "Join us, we have cookies!" Yeah, no.

Breathe in.

Due to sensors and cameras, I was unable to explore my surroundings, but that was not a problem. When I get out of here, everyone in my path will die. For this I don't need to know the exact location of rooms.

Breathe out.

Well, there is no point in crying over spilled milk. But still I wonder where exactly I am, Greed did not have time to tell me anything particularly important. Well, I have to improvise, although with a mental map of this place I could destroy them much more efficiently.

Breathe in.

I wonder how everyone else is doing? I don't think I made them happy with my abduction. Especially Azumi and little Karin. Although for some reason my blood went cold at the thought of the Headmistress

Breathe out-

My calm breathing was interrupted by the electric shock coming from the handcuffs. It felt like lightning itself went through my body and fried my brain. Fucking handcuffs. While ordinary suppressive handcuffs used some heavy drugs to keep Villains in a state of constant sleep, these used fucking lightning. Well, that meant they knew about my resistance to poison. Not surprising given the presence of Homunculus on their team.

I did not resist the lightning and allowed my body to shake violently. If I hadn't used Envy to heal the damage done to my brain, my fine motor skills would have been completely destroyed. The door to the room opened and I heard someone's rather light steps. The chains slackened abruptly, dropping my body to the ground. No fucking respect for me, I guess.

"They make me do such boring tasks, what a great team!" An irritated voice sounded full of enthusiasm...

I felt how the handcuffs were removed from my hands. And in a second, someone gently lifted me in his arms and carried me like a princess.

The fuck's wrong with all of them...?

After a short walk along the same bright corridor, I was put on a chair and my arms and legs were immediately wrapped in chains. Not only are they crazy, but they also have no originality. Well, or they were afraid that I could tear a regular rope with raw strength, even without my connections to the Stones.

A voice said through the speakers.

"Right away!"

I was immediately doused with cold water from head to foot.

My eyes shot open and I looked at the one who dared to wake me up in this way. Fucker in a black skin-tight suit with green stripes was standing to my left with an empty bucket. His mask had only white pupils, which showed the expression on his face with strange accuracy.

"... As soon as I get out of here, I'll rip your balls off."

The man's right hand immediately covered his genitals and he jumped a couple of meters away from me.

"You're sane! Don't do that!"

I decided to stop throwing threats and look around. A bright white room with a million lamps that were sewn right into the walls, soft chairs that cannot be used as weapons even if you break off their legs and a table with a monitor on it.

After my quick inspection, I turned my attention to the monitor in front of me. There was only gray noise and patient silence on the screen. Well, time to annoy the shit out of the bastard on the other side.

While doing my most disappointed face, I look directly into the camera.

"Damn, bitch, you live like this?"

Oh... Another strange one.

"You know that even if you exist on a higher plane of being, as you put it, you're still alive? Your words make no sense."

"Alrighty than. Please tell me why the fuck have you kidnapped me?"

I bite down a long groan and force myself to listen to this... Being.

"Not your son."

Ouroboros - I assumed it was him - spoke with an almost invisible measure of wariness. Was he afraid that if they brought him directly to his place, then I would kill him?

"Not gonna answer that, geezer. Now what? Gonna kill me? I'm not sure if Jasmine will be very happy with that."

Silence was his answer. And why is this bastard silent? Did he understand that I know what exactly happened to my body? Meh, give him a point. I leaned back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling. The cold metal chains rubbed against my skin and made me frown. Do they have a heater here? Question for later. Much more important...

Where is Ouroboros' base of operations? How do I get to the bastard and kill him? What exactly is his plans? Why did he wait for me to wake up and didn't kill me earlier? I don't know anything about his abilities, so I am fighting an unknown enemy.


In the past I at least had stories about how terrible Voldemort was, but now- Shit, he's saying something.

<... I learned my lesson with the Elric brothers. If something needs to be done, then it needs to be done before anything can interrupt my plans. I did everything two centuries ago. So you don't have to worry, my child-> "Nope, still not yours."

The Villan looked between the monitor and me, but after a couple of seconds he jumped even further.

"I'm still care for my balls! I'm not going anywhere near him!"

Twice pulled a ruler out of the device on the wrist - what's the right name for these long ones anyway? - and then Dabi appeared next to him.

Honestly, this Quirk is insane, if I had the same ability, then Ouroboros and all the Homunculi would already be dead.

"Seriously? Just one kid?" Dabi turned towards Twice. "You can't even handle a kid?"

Twice's eye began to twitch in annoyance and he began waving his arms frantically.

"Hey! The safety of my little brothers is in question!! Take this seriously!"

I just watched the Villains argument for a couple of minutes. But they didn't stop talking, so I turned to the monitor with a raised eyebrow.

"And you work with them? They're crackpots-"




"I find myself... disappointed."

Suddenly, a black liquid smelling of decomposition began to flow out of my mouth. I didn't notice at that moment, but something started to flow from the Twice mask too. I felt how my body began to dissolve and looked into the camera with a mad smile. I knew what was happening.

"Die in the ditch, cunt."

A moment later, I was immediately teleported to a completely different place, but not having time to twist in the air, I fell straight on my face into the ground. Hidden shadow eyes immediately appeared on my pants.

There was a man in front of me, because of whom I again had this overwhelming feeling of hunger. Huh, so that's either Wrath or Lust, and something tells me he's too ugly for the title of Lust.

"Koff! This stuff stinks... What was that?!"

Oh, and Bakugo's here too. Along with the marry band of cocksuckers that calls themselves 'League of Villains.'

"Apologies... Bakugo."

Wow, how polite... That's all you gonna say?

"... And what am I? Minced meat?"

I muttered under my breath while standing up, but Bakugo still heard me. For someone who hears explosions at close range almost every day, he sure has some great ears.

"Huh? Wait, is that Eyeballs? The fuck happened to him?!"

I just looked at him like he was an idiot, well, right now he was an idiot. Why the heck ask what happened to a man who has no hand? And in general, what the hell is this with the villains and their desire to rip my arms off?

"You've failed again, Tomura. But you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I brought your little band. And them too, because you determined them as important pawns. So try again. That's what I'm here to help you to do. It's all... For you."

I stood up completely and cracked my neck. Red lightning flashed through my body, completely repairing the damage done to me over the past two days. A shadow clone appeared behind me immediately after, and now I was looking in two directions.

With a huge smile, I looked into Shigaraki and Wrath's eyes and a dark blue aura began to emerge from my hands along with my feet.

"That's great for you sweetcheeks, isn't it?"

With that, my clone and I began to move. To my surprise, Bakugo also began to attack. Using the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, I jumped right onto Wrath and kicked him in the stomach. But the bastard only used several Quirks at the same time and his hand became the size of his body.

Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he blocked my punch. The shock waves broke the remains of the building and the nearest concrete fence. One of the sharp shards of concrete almost cut off my head, but I was able to dodge and only my hair suffered. Fuck, I need to protect the neighboring buildings from attacks, there might still be people there.

Bakugo, along with my shadow column, tried to punch a way out. Which was easy enough considering the two villains still had their legs punctured after my attack. Katsuki pointed one of his hands down and threw himself into the air with explosions. After that, he directed his hand at the Villains and sent a single huge explosion right at them.

Two explosions sounded simultaneously, merging into one. My clone used the shadow from Bakugo's explosion and spread across the ground, gradually raising a dome over the battlefield.

I opened several eyes on the shadow wall to check the area for civilians, but instead I found more of my classmates. Midoriya, Kirishima, Ida, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. I slowly raised the shadow wall, but was ready to open a small passage to throw Bakugo in their direction. A mouth opened under an eye and I began to speak, while striking Wrath in the neck with my open palm.

"This battle is not on your level, so get the fuck out before you die..." I looked closely at Izuku and suddenly realized that because of him my feeling of hunger had doubled. "Broccoli, how the fuck have you become a Sin? It doesn't matter now, leave."

His eyes flashed in disbelief, but almost immediately this emotion has been replaced with a rage stronger than Wraths.

"I can help! I can't be killed anymore!!"

What? How does he know this? Has he tried to kill himself?

This thought made me stop for a moment, giving Homunculus a chance to hit me and send me flying towards Bakugo. I turned to look at the remaining Villains and noticed that Greed was nowhere to be seen. Good, he managed to hide underground.

I grabbed Bakugo by his clothes and threw him towards the shadow wall, the one behind which my classmates were standing. A hole opened in the wall and as soon as Katsuki's body was outside I immediately closed it.

Wrath looked around with interest, without even paying attention to me. The remaining Villains slowly surrounded me, but didn't dare to attack. The Homunculus even had the audacity to turn his back on me, it was such an obvious trap that even an idiot would not stick his head in there.

"Hmm... He's even more late than I expected. The Symbol of Peace is so weak that he can't even help his student in time?"

"Master..." Shigaraki muttered.

I quickly scanned the battlefield again. Around me, there are ten Villains, two of whom are unconscious, two more are severely restricted in movement and one hid underground. A total of five consioss bastards, only two of whom can be considered a serious threat.

And then I felt something hitting my wall. Something too much like a human body in shape. Well, I'll let the idiot in and just dare to tell me to leave. Right now I am in command.

"No, he's on time." I said, wiping the blood from under my nose with a crazy grin.

Supporting such a huge dome is not that difficult in itself. It is difficult to spread shockwaves throughout the dome to contain the terrifying force of blows, both mine and my enemies. So today I will lose a lot of blood... How wonderful. All Might fell directly on Wrath, immediately engaging in a fight with the old Villain.

"You've gonna give it all back, All For One!" Hero growled.

"Came to kill me again, All Might? What took you so long?" Villain calmly asked.

I almost groaned from this. Higher Powers, these two idiots think they are in a comic book? I'm not going to listen to all their ramblings, Wrath will die.

"I was chatting with a friend of mine! She was very interested in the survival of two of my students, so I will take them back and smash you into jail!"

"Hmm... One pawn escaped, the other fights like a caged animal... Well, maybe it's time to take the next step."

Wrath threw All Might Into the shadow wall with a single air cannon blast from his hand. From the mouth of the Villains - including Kurogiri - black ooze poured out. Oddly enough, I remained intact.

"Wake up Kurogiri when you arrive, he will send you even further."

Shigaraki reached out to his Sensei, as if trying to take him along with them.


But only three remained on the battlefield. I looked closely at Homunculus, trying to understand his plan. First Ouroboros, and now this one. What a disgusting day today.

Someone knocked on my shadow dome, but I said to fuck off. I'm too busy to be distracted by them right now.

"Shall we continue?"

I just smiled and the shadow behind Wrath pierced his heart right through, forcing the bastard to stop. All Might, who had already returned, just looked at it in shock.

"Young Potter... You-"

"Only one will survive... Toshinori... At least that's how it has been with Pride all this time..." Homunculus said faintly.

I ignored the use of All Might's real name and went over to Wrath's body. Hero Number One didn't even try to stop me. That was good, otherwise he'd be dead too.

My hand plunged into his neck, but this time I didn't feel the Stone right away. I was pulled into some kind of black void and the world around the world seemed to slow down hundreds of times. I was not alone in this void, before me stood a tall man with silver hair and red eyes.

"Well, I didn't expect that, Mr. Potter." He said, sitting down on an invisible chair. "I never thought anyone could get into my mind. Several Quirks have verified this. Congratulations, you've done the impossible again."

I sat down opposite him and without blinking looked into the eyes of Homunculus. Right now, I was trying to use the little bit of magic that remained in my veins.

Namely, Legilimency.

If I am already in his mind, then I can learn much more about the plans of Ouroboros or even-

"Oh, you've lived a rather difficult life... Even two? Ah that's interesting."

All For One was looking somewhere behind my back and I followed his gaze. Pictures of my memories flew behind me, as if they were magical photographs. The problem was that it wasn't just me who could see them. Well, I don't have to try to use Legilimency.

"Beaten and starved, cursed and almost killed... Why do you feel the need to help people if their kind treated you so badly? What's the point? These insects deserve nothing but death. So why are you trying so hard to save them?"

I didn't care what Homunculus said, I was more interested in his memories. His first breath in a new body, the beginning of the Age of Quirks, the impossible combination of Quirks and the Sorcerer's Stone, the death of his 'brother'... There were so many of them that I had a headache again.

"Because not all people are sick bastards like the Homunculi and Dursleys. You consider everyone below you and therefore your judgment is not objective."

But the Villain ignored him, watching the memory of his wedding.

"Ginny Weasley? Seriously? You know she's probably drugged you with potions, right?"

"Yes, I know. And even then I knew perfectly well. Most likely Ron had no idea, he was too stupid for such a cunning plan." And then I saw something familiar. "Oh, familiar ambitions... Your "Father" knows what you are going to do with him as soon as you get enough strength?"

"Do you think I would be alive if he knew?"

"No, I suppose not..." A clock appeared in front of me, at which I only looked for a couple of seconds. "Oh, look at the time! It's exactly "Time for you to die" 'o clock!"

Wrath didn't even smile at my joke. Well, fuck him. Who cares about the opinion of a dead man anyway?

Greed emerged from the ground behind the Homunculus and stabbed his hated brother through the right shoulder. Even with all the Quirks that All For One had, he could not find one that would split his mind in two. So, unable to defend myself, the Stone of Wrath ended up in my hands.

As soon as the Stone left the body of Wrath, the three Homunculi jumped away from each other and found themselves at a decent distance. All For One fell to one knee and began clawing at his throat as if trying to open his way for oxygen.

Greed, All Might and I just watched the final death of the Simbol of Fear. I didn't wait until he dies himself, and my shadow mouths ate his whole body. Toshinori just looked at me for a couple of seconds and then began to speak.

"We'll have a long conversation after we get out of here. Until then, another question. Why did this Villain help you?"

I turned to Greed to tell him that I was not going to explain anything, but found the Homunculus on the ground.


I reactivated the Sloth charge to heal myself completely and ran towards my business partner. Honestly, I expected that I would be left with one charge at the end of the battle not six, so another one could be spent.

Greed looked at his hand, which had already begun to crack and break. All Might was standing behind my back, ready for anything unexpected.

"My time is up. Fuck." He muttered.

"... A deal is a deal, Greedy bastard."

I knelt down to him and put the Wrath Stone in his hand and closed it.

"Not as heroic as during the battle with Father, but it'll do... Don't die young, Harry Potter."

Greed smiled and looked up at the sky, his body slowly disintegrating into tiny particles. I was able to discreetly grab the Wrath Stone from his hand and hide it in my pocket.

With my other hand, I grabbed Greed's collar out of thin air and rose to my feet. I showed the cursed object in the direction of the helicopter that was flying nearby and defiantly took out the Stone of Greed from it. Several needles immediately popped out from inside the collar, one of which pierced my arm.

The world deserves to know that Greed was being controlled against his will. Yes, that bastard wouldn't mind taking over the world himself. But today he helped me to survive, which means I will help him live forever on the pages of history books.

I dropped the collar to the ground and put another Stone in my pocket. After that, I healed my hand and stumbled on a stone on the ground. Fortunately - or unfortunately - All Might caught me and with his usual smile raised his fist in the air in celebration of victory. Without thinking twice, I also raised my fist to the sky.

After today, someone will definitely want to adopt me... Fuck.