WebNovelBlack Fang100.00%


"Have you changed your mind now, little queen!”

He bellowed throwing the remnants of the now collapsed hut of himself.

Looking and not finding her bloody body as expected at the trench had him at a loss. Looking about he still couldn't find her.

Behind him the rest of the village was escaping.

“Don’t be shy now!” he laughed to hide the rising doubt.

Feeling a presence behind him turned around fist already swung.

It hit. All the power stopping dead in its track.


Taking a few steps back he laughed off the pain, broken bone knitting back together.

Lisa in her wolf form stood before him. A giant black beast over 2 meters tall, regal and powerful.

The power she radiated now incomparable to what she was before.

"I love it, struggle even more!" pushing down pain he swung at her again.

The air shock as the explosions came one after the other. The mountain of power that was Lisa stood where she was, completely unfazed.

The seconds dragged by, as Hearth only managed to injure himself. His hand a bloody mess, more than half his fingers broken.

Finally stopping, his breath came out rough, his eyes bloodshot and his body now cracked and slowly falling apart. A clay figuring in water.

Waiting for a few minutes to pass in silence Lisa then proceed slowly walking to her prey.

I don’t know what happened for filth like you to try to enter a wolf pack. It doesn't matter anymore, I guess. I will need to take my pound of flesh, for all the stink you’ve left on my little angel.

Ever so slowly her leg rose. Her claws digging into his shoulder, the arm was torn of together with half of his chest.

Heart torn in half Hearth was dead, blood soaking into the earth. Satisfied with the result Lisa shifted back. Her form dissipating into nothingness leaving behind her human form.

"...how did we miss them?"

She laughed at the apparent change in the status quo looming on the horizon. "Truthfully, I’m looking forward for what’s to come, if only you were really a challenge. Guess only he can move me."

Four wolves appeared behind her.

"Keep the bloody idiots safe, they are coming back with us. White will deal with them."

Getting a confirmation via the link they quickly left her alone.

Lisa tilted her head trying to make sense of the worthless goal of being king of this pack. "How did you even get here?"

With a final glance she left the village. Outside were a whole bunch of shifters nervously waiting.

This was a good plan right? There was no use working about it now. Lisa told herself as her gaze went past the many faces before finally settling on familiar pale one hiding behind the masses at the back.

“Angel dearest you’ve a wonderful story to tell, don’t you sweetie?”