
           Hot coffee was already served on the table as to warm them against the cold evening.

   " Which program did your wife attend" Detective Rod asked as he held his tablet ready for typing. A sip of coffee followed this question.

   " Em it was a fund raising program for the motherless babies, orphanages and the less privileged hosted every year" he replied. Detective Rod nodded his head as he took time to digest the information.

"On which date did the party was scheduled to hold." he asked a second time.

" On the 24th of July" he replied. At this, Detective Rod looked at Moses as if analyzing him.

"But the program was held on the 26 the of July . So that begs the question Moses , what happened on the 24th and 25th of July." Moses paused at this  instant because he was confused. He saw the invitation card, it says 24th of July. After some moments of brainstorming, he finally remembered.

" The reason it was postponed till 25th was because the top donor fell ill"Moses replied.

" And who is that top donor? " Detective Rod asked.

" Johnson Miller Kano" Moses replied. Detective Rod nodded and wrote it on his tablet. He looked at his tablet for a while before he directed his attention to Moses.

"Why didn't you attend your wife's program"

" One of my oil pipes developed a huge leakage which needed urgent attention"

" And why did you not send some of your PA's must you actually be present?" Detective Rod asked.

" No like actually, it was just a minor issue, that my COO would handle by himself but..."

" Sorry for the interruption, if it was a minor issue, why did you actually go there" . Moses took a deep breath and another sip of coffee before he could answer the question.

"I sent my COO to handle the issue, but the next day he told me that my presence was highly needed as the oil pipe was  destroyed"

" And which day did he inform you of that? "

" On the 26th of July" . Detective Rod noted that on his tablet.

" What is the name of your COO?"

" Mr Matthew Ilo" Moses replied. Detective Rod looked at the already jotted down facts. He face was serious as his thought processes was faster than you could imagine.

"Okay, on the 24th of July, the program was postponed to the 26th"

" Yes Detective" Moses replied.

" And on the 25th, you were informed that one of your oil pipes had fault and you took it as a minor issue."

" Yes Detective" Moses replied.

He paused and took another sip of coffee.

" Then on the 26th, Matthew Ilo informed you that your presence was highly needed as the oil pipe was broken." At this, Moses paused and looked at Detective Rod. He was getting the big picture now. Detective Rod meanwhile looked at him and they had a long and uncomfortable glare at each other.

"Your wife's phone is with the police, we'll go through all phone calls and messages, and at the same time, my men would love to interview all your workers in this building as well as their bio data."

" Thank you Detective" Moses replied as he stood up in appreciation.

" You're welcome" Detective Rod said as he went towards Moses's laptop and pulled out the flash drive from it. Moses watched as he walked out while in his heart was great fear and anxiety. Fear about the fate of his wife. The picture appeared before him again. As well as the message.

      " Hi Moses, business as usual"