
Wen Ning can't move.

He tries so hard to move any part of his body but nothing seems to be working. His cold fingers are being held by someone. They are gently gripping his fingers and saying something to him. He tries to grip back but to no avail and he tries to make out the words being said to him but it's useless since he hears only murmurs and his sight is slowly blurring and darkening. He tries to remember what happen before he was like this but it seems right now his brain is acting like its shutting down.

The person who is talking to him is saying something and Wen Ning can hear how desperate the tone of the person's voice is. "Wen N…wa...p. Do…cl…e…eyes," No matter how much he tries to make out the words, the words being said seem too fast for him to even read the person's lips. He so tired.

He suddenly feels that someone is lifting him to a sitting position and laying his head on their chest. His weak body relentlessly follows the movement. Wen Ning can feel the trembles from the person and could hear the beating of their heart. The sound soothes Wen Ning. He tries again to see through his blurry sight. Few dark shadows are surrounding him and the person holding him. He can hear a bit of shouting and another person is ordering someone. He can hear footsteps rushing around him, smell grey smoke and see burning buildings if he concentrates enough. Wen Ning then remembers, he was in a war and he now can hear the sound of trumpets in the distance indicating the end of it.

He sighs in relieve but what comes out are weak coughs and he could see closely black spots on the person's, holding him, clothing. Is that, his blood? That is… weird. No matter how much damage his body has gone through, blood has never spill out from his body.

Now that he realizes this, his body is slowly starting to feel painful. His arms are aching, his throat feels parched, his fingers which were once numb could feel the gentle grip of the other person's hold and he wants to laugh when he notices that he is breathing. It hurt when his unused chest goes up and down from breathing in his first air after death but he feels exhilarated. To be breathing again after so long, he feels like crying and he does just that as tears which used to remain unshed even in his gloomiest and loneliest kept falling nonstop.

He gives out a small laugh which earns him a sudden pain to his chest. "Ow…," he says this still laughing softly. The person holding him is hugging his body tightly to their chest, their hand threading Wen Ning's hair softly. Wen Ning notices the figure behind this person slowly coming closer to Wen Ning and is holding his other free hand, shaking slightly as their fingers intertwine with Wen Ning's. Wen Ning feels warm inside, now realizing who these people surrounding him were.

With his sense of smell coming back, he could smell two familiar scent that he once known when he was alive and dearly wish he could again when he was a corpse. The one holding him had that distance scent of cinnamon mix with that familiar lavender incense smell that his Wei-gongzi cannot sleep without and of ink and paper that Wen Ning has one to many times tidied up when his master naps on his desk. He inhales deeply the scent wondering (probably knowing) if this would be the last time he could. The one holding his hands smell of fresh sandalwood and morning dew with a tint of sweetness that he realizes comes from those candy Wen Ning knows Hanguang-jun keeps hidden in his pouch. Wei-gongzi and Lan Wangji are with him. He feels warm and comfy.

If this is a dream, he wishes to never wake up. To be surrounded by two of the most important people in his life before he breathe his last breath. The only thing missing is his most beloved young cousin who he treats as his own son, even though he never told Lan Sizhui this. He regrets this so much. His time that should be spend with Lan Sizhui, his son A-Yuan had come to an end.

He always thought he had time with him being a living corpse. He could live much longer than others, even outlive most cultivators who had reach thousands and thousands of years but here he is now. Bleeding black blood and in pain. He feels silly now. His once upon a time wish to die has finally caught up to him.

Voices were being said. Hushed tone and quiet apologizes to his ear. With this distance he can hear Wei-gongzi hiccuped endless apologizes and promises of fixing him with tears in his eyes. Lan Wangji does not say a word as he lays his head on Wen Ning's lap, his hand still holding on Wen Ning's and his body trembling. Wen Ning thinks he can feels wetness on his cloth from where Lan Wanji is laying on him, as if he too was crying. But that was impossible. The ever cold Lan Wangji, who often show his dislike to Wen Ning, crying for him? That was silly, oh so silly.

But Wen Ning always care for his Hanguang-jun even when Wen Ning was dislike. His gratefulness to Lan Wangji for taking care of A-Yuan could never be express with words. He respected Lan Wangji before Wen Ning came to his death but with how he took in A-Yuan and raise the child to be an outstanding young cultivator, that had earn his loyalty. Also, Lan Wangji protecting Wei-gongzi and never stop loving him even after his master's death, Wen Ning would die to protect Hanguang-jun.

And wasn't that the reason for his predicament.

He looks down at his chest, an arrow was sticking out of him, right at his heart.

Its laughable. He was standing in the middle of the battle ground, the horn indicating the end of this worthless war as he looks around the scene, looking around if anyone from their side needed help. He caught sight of Wei Wuxian from afar together with Jiang Wanyin walking towards him. Then, he saw Lan Wangji helping a few Lan sect members near where Wen Ning was. Suddenly, he heard a noise at the forest near their area. Wen Ning looked up at the source of the noise and noticed a hooded figure with an arrow about to be release to where Lan Wangji was.


With that single thought, Wen Ning ran towards Lan Wangji. Before the arrow was released, Wen Ning stood in front of Lan Wanji, pushing the surprised cultivator to the ground. Seconds after, an arrow had pierced his chest. Wen Ning usually would have not care and just pull the arrow out but before he could do so, a sudden heat spread through his body and tremendous pain suddenly rush into him. He kneels to the ground on all fours and scratches the dirt trying to not think of the pain but it was becoming unbearable. He then felt the urge to vomit and threw up black blood. He felt hands rubbing his back, trying to sooth him. Seeing the white rob being stained with his blood he realizes the one comforting him was Lan Wangji. He heard his name being shouted by Wei Wuxian, worry in his voice as Wen Ning hears the rushing of shoes towards them. With the urge to vomit stop, Wen Ning then blacked out.

Now here he was, in Wei Wuxian embraced and with Lan Wangjii still caressing his fingers. What exactly had happen to him?

Wen Ning realizes that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were talking in a rush. Since they were so close to him, Wen Ning fortunately and surprisingly could hear their conversation even when his hearing was turning worse before.

"Lan Zhan, he's not responding! We need to get Wen Ning back to the sect,"

"Too far. It'll be too late by the time we reach there,"

"We have to! All my equipment are there. I can't help Wen Ning if I don't have those. Wait! Stasis talismans! Lan Zhan give me, I know you have a few in that pouch of yours,"

"Wei Ying, calm down,"

"I am not calming down! My A-Ning is dying and you want me to calm down. How heartless can you be Lan Wangji?"

"Don't. Don't you dare insinuate that I don't care,"

"I… I just…,"

"Here. The arrow is covered with talisman strips with blood wordings on them,"


Wen Ning feels sad that they are fighting because of what is happening to him. It didn't suit them to fight with each other. He knows deep down it wouldn't be long before he is gone. He needed them to listen to his final words.

With his last strength, he softly grips back both of their hands and slowly call out Wei Wuxian's name. "Wen Ning!" Wei Wuxian quickly gave his attention to Wen Ning. "Wei…gongzi…please don't…fight," uttering even those few words hurt but he had to be strong. Wen Ning had to use this moment to convey his last words and feelings.

Lan Wangji though realize that Wen Ning is in pain. His fingers gently touches Wen Ning's lip, shushing him to rest. "Rest Wen Ning," Lan Wangji says this as the fingers that had touch Wen Ning's lips is now caressing his cheek. Wen Ning looks at the blurry figure of Lan Zhan and turns his face towards that hand, relishing on Lan Wangji's rare comfort.

He wants to rest but not yet.

"Wen Ning don't worry. I'll put a stasis talisman on you and you'll be back to normal the moment you wake up. By that time, I'll fix you up as usual," Wei Wuxian gives his blinding smile to Wen Ning despite the hidden nervousness in his tone. Even in a dire situation such as this, Wen Ning finds Wei Wuxian ways of covering the seriousness of something with a positive attitude endearing. He will miss this, he will miss them.

Wen Ning lets out a sigh and looks directly at Wei Wuxian's eyes. "Wei-gongzi…I'm sorry. Wen Ning will…be leaving before you," With his resolve strengthen, Wen Ning finally was able to say this. Wei Wuxian wanted to retort back but the look Wen Ning gives to him had Wei Wuxian quiet down. Wei Wuxian gives a look to Lan Wangji, probably to asks him for help but Lan Wangji looks at his husband and shook his head. "Let him continue Wei Ying," he says this as he tightens his grip that has been holding Wen Ning's hand, never once letting go. Wen Ning smiles at Lan Wangji conveying his gratefulness.

"Wei-gongzi…Hanguang-jun…thank you.

Thank you for always being there and caring. I-I don't know how I ca-can express my gra-gratutide to the both of you. A-Yuan…I can't tha-thank you enough for taking ca-care and raising him to be the youn-young man he is now. I wish I cou-could have been there mo-more but I know, he is in better hands. I'm sorry, so, so sorry," tears fell from his eyes as he tries to keep a calm mind. Wei Wuxian wipes his tears with his sleeve, he too crying.

Wen Ning took a deep breath, calming himself. "Thank you both for being in my life. I wish it could have been lon-longer but it seems my ti-time is up. Please continue to take ca-care of A-Yuan and te-tell him that…I'm so proud of him," Wen Ning suddenly coughed out harshly, black blood spilling out from his mouth. A few drops had hit Wei Wuxian's face but his master ignore it , just continuing to hold Wen Ning. Lan Wangji had use his sleeve to wipe the blood around Wen Ning's mouth. Wen Ning feels sad knowing that Lan Wanji's white robe is now dirty due to his blood.

Wen Ning knows that he wasn't going to last any moment now. With his last bout of strength he uses both of his hands to softly touch Wei Wuxian's and Lan Wangji's cheek. Wen Ning looks above him facing them both giving his best smile. "Wei-g, no, Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, may we meet again if fate lets us.I… I've always,al-always have lo…,"

His hands slip from their cheek, gently falling to his lap.

Wen Ning's world turns black.