
First Arc

Promises and Your Smile

Wen Ning feels tired and groggy. He feels utterly weak but the urge to open his eyes were stronger. He weakly opens his eyes and is assaulted with the bright rays of sunlight. He covers his eyes with his palm and moans out lowly.

A sudden sound of an item falling catches his attention. He tiredly moves his head to the direction of the sound and is greeted by a surprise young woman. "Young master! You are awake! I need, doctor yes doctor," she says this with a rush as she runs out of the room, her footsteps growing farther away from Wen Ning.

Wen Ning looks at the door the woman had run out. He sighs out and slowly pulls his body into a sitting position. He looks at his fingers and moves them around. He realizes that his hands are now smaller than it previously was and the scars and roughness that he had were gone. He was confuse and looks around the room. "Sugar glider, are you here?" says Wen Ning as his eyes search around the room for his travel companion.

He suddenly felt movement under the blankets covering the lower half of his body and a cute face pops out. "Master, you're awake," the creature says as its runs up to Wen Ning's shoulder and nuzzle his cheek. Wen Ning softly smiles to it. "Where are we?" Wen Ning asks as he takes the water near him and drinks it. His throat felt parched as if he hadn't had anything to drink for quite some while. "We're in the first world! Based on the report, this world is a grade D. An easy world for your first task," the sugar glider flys to his lap and looks at Wen Ning with big eyes. Wen Ning tilts his head to the side and pats the soft fur of the sugar glider. "I doubt dying is an easy task su…I'm sorry but do you have a name sugar glider? I'm sorry for being rude for not asking when we first met," "No worries master! Well…I don't have a name. We underworld beast aren't given names when we are born," "Is that so…how do you feel being call hmm…cheeks, cheeks, Lianjia…A-Jia?" Wen Ning mischievously puts one finger on each of the sugar glider's cheeks, pushing the small cheeks until the sugar glider puffs out a breath. "A-Jia…A-Jia! From now on I will be call that!" the little creature squeaks happily, clapping its hand. Wen Ning looks at the sugar glider and is reminded of a child who is still naïve of the world. He wonders how this cute animal could be consider a scary underworld beast. King Qinguang was probably exaggerating.

Wen Ning's head was still feeling dizzy and his body felt heavy. He saw a mirror at the corner of the room near his bed and crawls towards it. When he sees the face on the mirror, he sighs in relieve. Wen Ning's face was still the same which he was grateful for but with a few of his feature having slight changes such as his face which was a size smaller, a small pointed nose and red pouty lips but he was happy to see that his eyes were still the same shape and grey color irises that he is used to seeing. There was also a small mole under his left eye. He actually realizes that his body was smaller compare to his past one. He bets he is also a few inch shorter and feels a tid bit dejected by it. The headache seems to have subside but the feeling of heaviness is still there. He kind of feels that this body he transmigrated in is a bit on the chubby side.

He looks at his stomach and yep, definitely chubby. His stomach was a bit bigger than what he expected but this is probably due to this person not exercising enough. Also, it was weird for the person he transmigrated to having similar looks with him. "A-Jia, this person has similar facial features with me. Is this normal when I go to other worlds?" "I don't think so. Each person you will transmigrate into have difference in looks. Maybe master, this person just looks similar to you, you know those doppelgängers," A-Jia says seriously, putting its paw on its chin in a thinking position. Wen Ning considers this was probably true but he still felt weird when he saw his face.

A-Jia taps on his hands, catching Wen Ning's attention. "I have the information of this world and the person you are occupying master. Would you like to hear about it now?" "Please,"

This world is in the era of ancient China similar to Wen Ning's timeline but lacks cultivation, monsters and ghouls and flying swords (Wen Ning pouts in disappointment when he hears this). Right now, Wen Ning and A-Jia are in the castle situated in the royal capital of the country Zhenbou. Zhenbou is a kingdom known for its massive military strength and has conquered many villages, cities and kingdoms under its rulership since many years ago. It is said that the royal family has been bless by the god with tremendous wealth, undefeated in war, bountiful resources and foods and never ending peace. Peace is sacred in Zhenbou due to the many bloodsheds of war. Therefore, after successfully winning the war the royal family has ensure peace be kept and avoid war as long as possible to avoid repeating the dark past. Now it has been 100 years and Zhenbou's peace is still intact.

The body that Wen Ning is occupying is the youngest son of the kingdom's general, Bai Yujin. Bai Yujin was born premature due to someone poisoning his mother forcing her to give birth early and passed away after. The effect of the poison has made his body weak since young and he has always been cared for by the servants in his house. He has never step foot out of his family's house due to this thus he is naïve to the outside world. His family which consist of his father and two elder brothers are distant with him. Bai Yujin is not abuse by them but he does not have a close relationship which he blames himself because Bai Yujin thinks they hate him for causing the death of his mother. He is often left alone in the house with the servants since his father and siblings have high positions in the castle and seldom come back to visit. Bai Yujin can count the number of time he has met them in a year with both hands. Despite that, Bai Yujin was always patient and does not complain because he does not want to be a burden to his family.

The one treasure that Bai Yujin has is a picture of his fiancee. Since he was young, he has been told that he will be marry to the second prince of the royal family, Liu Li Feng. Since the first prince is the heir to take the throne, Liu Li Feng is train by Bai Yujin's father to be the next country's general. Liu Li Feng is ambitious and strong. He is consider to be a child prodigy when it comes to the art of war and strategizing.

Before their marriage, Bai Yujin has only met his to be husband once at the age of 10 and Liu Li Feng 13. A week after his father told him about their engagement, Bai Yujin was introduce to Liu Li Feng at his house. He was nervous to meet his fiancee and kept his eyes down due to shyness, not even taking a peek at the prince while his father and the prince's guardian discuss about their engagement and future wedding preparation. This was the first time for him meeting someone close to his age. He didn't have any friends so he didn't know how to act around the prince.

Suddenly Bai Yujin's hand was grasp and he was pull outside the room. He notices that it was the prince which made him scared if he had angered him. They walk until they were at the garden near Bai Yujin's room where the plum blossom tree his mother planted grew. Bai Yujin kept his face down to the ground, shivering both in fright and coldness. It was winter and he didn't wear a coat. He could see the prince's feet facing him and he was scared if he disappointed his fiancee, the same feeling he gets from his family. But then, a gentle hand places a plum blossom flower at his ear. He looks up in curiosity to see a smile on the prince's lips and Bai Yujin's heart gives a thump when he sees the sweet smile the prince has given him. He wants to see more of that smile. The prince puts his coat on Bai Yujin and fixes his bangs allowing his eyes to be seen. He says the words that Bai Yujin will keep deep inside his heart until the day he dies.

"Finally you are looking at me. Now don't be sad. Smile, your eyes look prettier with a smile. Don't worry, I'll always be with you. I promise Yujin,"

He was a child who has always been alone. He wanted to be needed and love. Bai Yujin could see the sincerity in Liu Li Feng's eyes and Bai Yujin knew right at that time his fiancee had his heart. At that moment Bai Yujin swears to love Liu Li Feng and he did until his death. He gives a tight hug to Liu Li Feng who hugs back, the warmness from his fiancee enveloping Bai Yujin.

That was the last time he saw Liu Li Feng before his fiancee was sent to another region to be train as a soldier and future general. A picture of a 13 year old Liu Li Feng was given by him to Bai Yujin as a token so Bai Yujin could see his face when he felt alone. Letters were written back and forth between them spanning years until it grew lesser and lesser from his fiancee's side until no letters came back to Bai Yujin. He was sad but Bai Yujin didn't complain. He was understanding to Liu Li Feng's circumstances; being young and busy, proving himself to be worthy to others and training to be strong to protect both the people and country. Such burden his fiancee had to carry, so as his partner Bai Yujin did not utter a single word of complain. He continues to write letters to Liu Li Feng but left them unsent, his previous letters were always returned due to the military strict rules. He waited patiently as he looks at the picture, imagining the warmth Liu Li Feng gives.

When Bai Yujin reaches the age of 18, he was soon to be wedded. After years of separation, he meets his fiancee again on the day of the wedding and gasp in surprise to see a handsome and sharp looking man who once stood in front of Bai Yujin as a cute boy with a scar at his left eyebrow when they first met. The happiness he felt in finally meeting Liu Li Feng had him smiling in adoration to his future husband but Bai Yujin felt a cold and distance aura emitting from Liu Li Feng. As the words of bonding were being said by their priest, no smile is seen on Liu Li Feng and Bai Yujin could see how the man had not once look into his eyes. His gaze was looking elsewhere, a distress look in his eyes. Bai Yujin secretly looks at the area Liu Li Feng has his gaze concentrated and saw a young man who was hiding behind the wall, silently crying while he looks at Liu Li Feng. Bai Yujin looks away, his body turns cold. He knows that look in the young man's eyes. It is a look he is so familiar with. How can he not when it is the same look Bai Yujin gives to Liu Li Feng when he looks at his picture, the look of love.

That night Bai Yujin was treated coldly by Liu Li Feng. Uncomfortable silence between them as they sat on their bed on their wedding night. Bai Yujin wanted to say something but his tongue seems to freeze whenever he sees the frustrated look his husband has. Bai Yujin grew nervous as he sees the day turning darker. Per tradition, the marry couple are encourage to make love on the day of their wedding so they will be bless by the god. So that night they did just that and all Bai Yujin could feel was coldness. Liu Li Feng did not notice his discomfort, his eyes close as they entangled their bodies. It hurts and no matter how Bai Yujin tried to catch his attention, his eyes searching for his and voice calling his name, Liu Li Feng seems to shut his ears from him and mind wandering elsewhere. After they finish, Liu Li Feng quickly left the room leaving Bai Yujin alone. That night endless tears and no familiar warmness could be felt. Bai Yujin ended up alone as before.

Two years have past. Nothing has change except that he has move to the castle. His room is near the royal garden and he walks there, never too far due to his declining health. His two previous servants from his house follows him, taking care of him and being the parents that he never had. He rarely gets to meet his family but he doesn't care anymore. Liu Li Feng rarely meets him, probably thrice a month as an obligation. There have been word of him meeting up with another man and the rumors have spread around the castle and even in the kingdom's city. Yet Bai Yujin denies all of it and place his trust to husband. Bai Yujin tries to be good; cooking for his husband and learning music to entertain him but his action go unnoticed no matter what he does. Still he believes but even that trust is broken.

The night of their anniversary Bai Yujin got news that Liu Li Feng had return. He secretly walk to his husband's room and before he could greet him, he heard noises in the room. Through a crack from the opening of the door he pears inside and was stunned. His husband was having sex with the same man who had cried at their wedding. Bai Yujin couldn't look away as he sees the passionate embrace he (Liu Li Feng) gives to the other man and the warmest smile he has ever seen from his husband. He was so gentle and lovable that Bai Yujin was in disbelieve since all he gets is coldness, short replies and the feeling of strangers whenever they talk. But what broke the last of his trust and heart is what his husband kept saying to the man.

"I love you. Don't forget, I love you. I'll always be with you, I promise,"

Bai Yujin steps back and numbly wanders slowly through the castle and ended up at the edge of the garden lake. He did not cry, he felt he didn't deserve to. His heart was breaking and his weak body had given up. His lips was in a forced smile. With the last thump from his heart, it stops and he dies at that moment, his body falling into the lake with Liu Li Feng's last smile and words in his mind.

Bai Yujin is now gone and Wen Ning has replace him.

Memories of Bai Yujin rushes into his mind as he hears A-Jia's explanation. Wen Ning was quiet and conflicted. Could he really do this? Could he live as this person while they had live in misery? It felt wrong and Wen Ning was angry on behalf of Bai Yujin. If Bai Yujin was here right now, he would have given a hug to the man. Reminding him that he wasn't alone. It wasn't fair, Bai Yujin was never given a chance.

"Master's task is to complete Bai Yujin's last wishes. He wishes that Liu Li Feng and the man end up together and their relationship acknowledge by the royal family. Bai Yujin also wishes to have a close relationship with his father and brothers. Lastly, he wants the child to be born healthy and happy," A-Jia says this, not noticing the clueless look on Wen Ning's face. "Child? What ch…,"

"Young Master Bai!"

A loud voice resonated through the hall before Wen Ning could hear the sound of feet rushing to his room. A group of people rush in the room surprising Wen Ning. An old man walks towards him and gives him a tight hug, his feeble body trembling as he chokes on his words. "You are aw-awake. Fin-finally, young master, you made al-all of us wo-worry," no tears were in his eyes but the sob from the old man had Wen Ning felt bad for him. He returns the hug back and pats the old man's back, calming him. A name pops up in his mind. "I'm…fine, Rou Yao. What happened?" Wen Ning asks as Rou Yao brought him back to bed, covering his legs with a blanket, trying to make him comfortable. "You don't have to worry about that. Doctor, if you could," he says to a man who walks forward and begins to check on his health.

The doctor took quite some time but after that he nods and hums out in satisfaction. "The young master seems to be out of danger. I suggest that he get some needed rest and I'll prescribe the usual medicine with some herbs to strengthen his heart. Increase more iron in his food to avoid anemia," he says this to Rou Yao and turns to Wen Ning, smiling to him with worry eyes. "Young Master Bai, you had everyone worry especially the second prince. When he heard a loud splash at the lake and saw your body drowning, he dove in despite the cold weather," he explains to Wen Ning who hid his surprise in hearing this. The doctor continue to talk not noticing how Rou Yao face was in distaste when he heard Liu Li Feng's name. "Luckily, he acted fast and called someone to me. If we were a few minutes late, both of you would have not last. Now just rest and do not stress yourself. Its bad for the mother and baby to be stress. Rou Yao lets talk outside regarding the new medicine while young master gets his rest," the doctor nods at Wen Ning and he is accompany by Rou Yao who gives a last glance at him before following the doctor.

When the door closes, Wen Ning was left alone with only a single thought. 'Mother? Baby?' Slowly he looks down at his protruding belly hidden behind his sleeping robe. He shakily puts his hand on his belly and without warning, something hit him. He jolted in surprise with wide eyes and he could feel that hit again. "Wha-wha-what? A-Jia! What, what is wrong with this body?!" Wen Ning whispers loudly, afraid of putting his hands there again. A-Jia appears from behind his neck and goes to his lap. He looks at his master with innocent eyes.

"Its your baby master,"


"Technically its Bai Yujin's baby but its still your baby too,"


"Ummm, did I forget to tell you? You are currently a ger master,"

"What the hell is a ger?"

"Well, you are a male who is able to get pregnant and right now you are 7 and a half months pregnant master,"


