
It has been a week and Wen Ning is officially eight months.

Right now, he is bustling from one place to the other, tending to the soldiers who had come in the infirmary today with some minor injuries from training. As much as he wanted to treat the few soldiers that were previously attacked a few days ago, he can only do so if Doctor Jian was around. Their injuries were quite deep and life-threatening. Luckily, those who were injured so were few and the ones who were lucky left the infirmary after a three-day stay but the unlucky ones were still recovering albeit slowly. It seems the inflammation medicine he introduced to Doctor Jian had worked.

Wen Ning had concocted a medicinal powder after replacing two ingredients from Wen Qing's recipe (where would he find the tongue of a three-headed serpent and eggs of a salamander? Also, salamander eggs, eww) and after testing the effectiveness and safety using A-Jia's special scanner, Wen Ning introduces the medicine to Doctor Jian and gotten approval after testing it on a soldier. Of course, the potency of the medicine wasn't as effective as Wen Qing's original but it was better than nothing. It didn't show instant recovery but the soldiers were getting better.

Since there was nothing much to do due to his last month of pregnancy, Wen Ning got to know a lot of people from soldiers to apprentices. They were very nice to him and luckily not many knew who he actually was. Everyone just knows him as Doctor Jian's assistant and there were even rumours that he and the doctor were, ahem, lovers to the chagrin of Bai Chao and distress of Doctor Jian.

The rumours started when he was introduced to the other doctors and apprentices on the first day of the job by Doctor Jian with his father at the side, guarding Wen Ning just for that day because Bai Chao was worried and he didn't feel comfortable knowing Wen Ning would be surrounded by soldiers.

He was being shown around by Doctor Jian and maybe because of their close relationship, everyone who saw them assumed that Wen Ning was Doctor Jian's partner and the only reason Wen Ning was working together with the doctor is because they thought the doctor was worried about Wen Ning's state of health and pregnancy so by working there with him, the doctor could watch over him without worrying. Wen Ning wanted to laugh out loud when he heard this. A-Jia was even supporting this rumour since he likes the doctor (the doctors give treats to Wen Ning and Wen Ning gives them to A-Jia, thus the reason).

Wen Ning didn't deny or confirm the rumours, he thought it was ridiculous but there were some who didn't find it funny especially his family and two very angry and petty soldiers. Wen Ning is unaware of the trouble he has cause Doctor Jian.

Bai Chao had picked him up early in front of the little mansion, taking Wen Ning away while leaving Liu Li Feng disappointed since he came to invite Wen Ning for breakfast but found out that Wen Ning had left early with his father. Wen Ning knew his father did that on purpose because when they arrived at the training grounds, the first place they went to is his father's war tent and breakfast had already been prepared with Bai Shirong and Bai Zian waiting for them. They both had been playfully arguing with each other before they noticed Wen Ning and Bai Chao's arrival. Bai Zian, noticing Wen Ning, had rushed over him and gave him a bear hug until both Wen Ning's feet were off the ground. Bai Zian received a slap on the head by Bai Shirong who swiftly took him by the waist and guided Wen Ning to the table, leaving Bai Zian rubbing his head with a pout.

They had breakfast and begin to converse what they would be doing today. Wen Ning found it quite enjoyable; the atmosphere was comfortable and everyone was trying to make up for the past. It was awkward at first but Wen Ning could see everyone making an effort. Bai Yujin would have been happy.

The breakfast was interrupted by Doctor Jian who came to deliver the news about the soldiers who were attacked. Wen Ning was so excited to see the doctor, since this was his first day on the job, that he had stood from his seat and went to greet the doctor, not realising that he had put his hands around the doctor's arm due to his excitement.

Wen Ning did not realise three icy glares given towards a nervous and trembling doctor and that marked the day Doctor Jian's name was written in their imaginary hit list.

It would have been fine if that was it but then people started talking about the mysterious ger who is always by Doctor Jian's side; following around seeing patients, helping the doctor make salves and medicinal powder, preparing his tea and light snacks during lunchtime and they even once saw the beauty massaging the doctor's shoulders. How could no one talk about it?!

Doctor Jian could do without those pointless rumours. One because it was childish, do they not see that Bai Yujin was doing this because of the goodness of this child's heart. Also, he was older than this child, he could be their father! Second, he has been looking over his back because he could feel daggers shooting at him not only from the two elder brothers who sometimes popped out of nowhere but also from the soldiers who would look at him in envy because Bai Yujin was at his side. Don't blame him! Blame Bai Yujin for being such a cute and considerate person who would help others before tending to his own wellbeing. How did this child come from Bai Chao, even Doctor Jian wonders. Last, he could handle Bai Chao's scowls, the brothers scaring him, the soldiers look of envy and even the teasing from his fellow doctors and apprentices but there was one thing he couldn't and that came in the form of two monsters.

After finding out that Bai Yujin would be helping in the infirmary, Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie had rushed over and when they arrived, the first thing they saw was Bai Yujin in his tippy toes, face near with the doctor as his fingers touch the side of the man's eyes. The final blow was when they saw the fond look on Bai Yujin's eyes and the small smile directed to Doctor Jian. By the time the two people realised that they were being watched, Liu Li Feng's murderous aura despite the blank look on his face and Sun Junjie's fake smile that promised hurt could be felt by the doctor and he was sweating buckets when they came near him, eyes secretly wanting his death, and took Bai Yujin out to eat.

It isn't his fault! Bai Yujin was helping him to move an eyelash. Why is this happening to him?!

From then on, Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie have not stopped watching him whenever Bai Yujin is by his side. Liu Li Feng has been threatening him silently by showing his sword skills suddenly in front of him (slashing a dummy in half with one slash, gulp!) and Sun Junjie has childishly been pranking him by exchanging his tea with chilli powder and putting pornography in his desks (he accidentally held it in front of Bai Chao and the disgust in those eyes made him wailed like a baby that night).

Doctor Jian's normal and boring life has turned him constantly in a fright.

Yujin ah, help him, please!

Wen Ning is completely obliviously to the doctor's ordeal and is happily bandaging a soldier's arm.

"There you go. I know this is just the usual training but please do take care of yourself. You've been coming in too often that I'm kinda worried if they are making the training too difficult," Wen Ning voices out, face worried as he looks at the soldier.

The middle-aged soldier gives a nervous laugh as if he has been caught doing something wrong but shook his head, assuring Wen Ning that this was normal. "Oh, little master, no worries! This is normal, I'll be back to doing push-ups after a day of rest, you'll see," the soldier cheekily curls both his arms, trying to impress Wen Ning with his muscles. Wen Ning just cover his mouth with his fingers and giggles

"Yes, yes. Strong soldier aren't you. Now, if there is nothing else, you can go back to the grounds," Wen Ning says as he tidies up the equipment that was used and places them back at the cupboard. He turns back and sees that the soldier still sitting. "Yes?" he asked.

The soldier fidgets and looks nervous as Wen Ning addresses him. He opens and closes his mouth, suddenly seeming nervous to talk to Wen Ning. Wen Ning takes pity on him and just smiles encouragingly.

The soldier takes that as Wen Ning allowing him to continue. "Umm, little master, I know this isn't my place to ask but the boys were just wondering if you and the doctor are, you know, married or together?" the soldier asked, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he laughs awkwardly, finally able to get his question out.

Wen Ning eyes went wide and he blinks owlishly at the man, surprise with such questioning. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle, nearly missed his seat because of how funny it was.

"No, definitely no. The doctor and I are acquaintances and the only reason we are close is because he is my personal doctor. He takes care of my child's health," Wen Ning rubs his belly while he says this. The soldier perks up hearing this and laugh out loud surprising Wen Ning. "Hah! I was right then. Little master, you made me a very rich man today," the soldier grins happily and Wen Ning lifts a brow.

"I should have guessed you soldiers were betting on us," he rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"How could we not. We thought you were Second Commander Sun's sweetheart when you first came here with him but then rumours start spreading about you and the doctor, people got curious. Sorry for being nosy though," the man apologises, eyes sincere.

"Well, nothing wrong with harmless fun. Just ask next time,"

"Haha, sure little master. Thank you for bandaging me up. See you again soon," the man leaves with a skip in his step. The betting pot must be huge.

Wen Ning shakes his head in amusement. He and the doctor, married, very funny.

"Ooo, you look happy today,"

A familiar honeyed voice interrupts Wen Ning's day. He deeply exhales and turns his head towards the voice, a tired smile already plastered on his lips "Hello brother-in-law, you're here, again," Wen Ning tries his best not to show his annoyance.

Liu Li Fei was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed. Wen Ning could see the glint of humour in his eyes as he walks towards him and sits on the chair the previous soldier had sat. He takes a strand of Wen Ning's hair and kisses the end of it, a fondness in those mischievous eyes. "Hello again, little sparrow,"

Wen Ning lets the man be with his flirty manner. This has become a habit for the prince to greet him in such a way and after scolding Liu Li Fei one too many times, Wen Ning admits defeat. He really cannot beat this obstinate person.

"You were really chummy with that man just now. My brother not taking care of you?" Liu Li Fei lets Wen Ning's hair go and sits backs, still with that dishevelled appearance of his. At least this time he wore his outer robe and had a large cloak over him.

Wen Ning prepares the tea and biscuits and placed it gently on the table. It seems teatime with his brother-in-law is becoming a normal occurrence between them. "Liu Li Feng is treating me well. Thank you for brother-in-law's thoughtfulness towards Yujin. Yujin really appreciates it," Wen Ning says it so sickening sweet that even he wants to slap himself. Liu Li Fei seems to find it amusing as the man tries to stifle his laughter. Wen Ning ignores him and sips on his tea.

They began to chat idly with Liu Li Fei starting off by complaining about Bai Shirong. His brother seems to be working the prince to the bone and Wen Ning doesn't feel any sympathy for him. Serves him right!

Talking to Liu Li Fei can be exhausting. The man treats their talks like a game; always trying to find out anything about him, wanting to know how he is handling knowing Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie are basically living together in the mansion with Wen Ning there and just riling him up for fun. The man is tenacious and downright cruel that Wen Ning takes pity on Bai Shirong. His brother has his work cut out for him.

"You know you can ask me for help? I did tell you I'll give you anything,"

It seems Liu Li Fei really intents to press on with this topic.

"That seems almost too good of an offer," Wen Ning narrowed his eyes as he bites onto the biscuit.

"As I said, anything for my little sparrow," Liu Li Fei gives that smug grin of his. "Anyway, I did come here with news this time,"

"That's a first," he sniffs.

"Remember that 'what if' situation I told you?"

"The one with the enemy soldiers attacking us?"

"Yes. Actually, I have a confession to make. I proposed your idea to Bai Shirong and we decided to utilise it,"

Wen Ning choked on his biscuits and coughs a bit. He looks at Liu Li Fei in disbelieve. "What?! You, you did what?" this man must be joking.

"We were having trouble with our friendly neighbour Hwasou for quite some time now and they decided to take the first step first by sending their troops into our country under the guise of training. Two groups but in a large number. We monitored their movements and nothing seems out of the ordinary but we let our guard down. They disguised themselves as bandits when our soldiers were out and attacked them. Of course, I couldn't just let them go that easily," he picks up his tea and drinks it, disregarding Wen Ning's shock.

Wen Ning's hands tremble as he hears this. He feels like fainting knowing that his idea was used to…kill someone. Wen Ning didn't need to ask if they killed anyone, he just knew from the nonchalant way Liu Li Fei was telling him.

"What kind of poison?"

"A different kind from what you told me. I would have wanted to see them dying slowly but even our poison specialist says the ingredients are difficult to find so we used a fast-acting one that is still undetectable even if they took back a corpse and tried to find the cause of death. I send my shadow guards to do the work," Liu Li Fei had the nerve to looked at his nails as he speaks of death as if it was just a normal thing to do killing people.

"All of them?" Wen Ning's voice wavers.

"Hmm, I left one alive to send the news back to their kingdom. But it was snowing heavily that week so it took that soldier quite some time to reach there. Of course, I left the horses alone. Poor animals shouldn't get involved with our problem,"

"And you aren't worried that the only surviving soldier would tell on us?"

"How could he? There is no proof to blame our kingdom. Also, he barged in the castle, scared out of his wit, screaming for help. Of course, I did my job and acted like the prince I was and sent our side to help," he looks at Wen Ning sounding very proud of himself for acting 'dutiful'. Wen Ning is talking to a child at this point.

He massages his temple and gives a long exhale, feeling worn out.

"Are they sending a representative to discuss this 'incident'?"

"Yes! I need your help because they are coming here together with their princess," his face in distaste as he says the words.

Wen Ning guessed this is Hwasou's strategy to appease the emperor. With the princess there, the emperor will likely be more welcoming. Hmm, maybe this could be of use to Zhenbou. If both representatives of Zhenbou and Hwasou could come into an agreement, an all-out war could be avoided. Of course, Hwasou has to bring forward something of great value so that Zhenbou would consider peaceful negotiation. Is that why they are bringing the princess along?

Wen Ning looks at Liu Li Fei grumbling to himself. The displeasure on his face when he says that the princess was coming makes Wen Ning have an idea.

"Arranged marriage?"

"Fucking arranged marriage. I swear if that princess tries to touch me, I will cut her fingers off," Liu Li Fei snarls just thinking about it.

"I guess this is why you are bringing this up to me. In need of my help brother-in-law?" Wen Ning's tone is apathetic as he eats a biscuit.

"I just need you to be there whenever my father asks me to accompany her. I know I can be a bastard but I swear if you help me with this, I'm in your debt. Help me…please," he murmurs the last word quietly, face flushed as he was forced to begged Wen Ning for help. Well, he did say please so why not.

"Alright but you have to accompany me somewhere," Wen Ning stands up and heads towards the rake where he hung his coat (this coat is officially his now!).

Liu Li Fei eyebrows rose. He looks at Wen Ning who is behaving very cheery suddenly.

"Where?" Liu Li Fei cautiously asked.

Wen Ning just grins.


"Damn it Bai Yujin, how many more item do you intend to buy?" Liu Li Fei lowly grunts as he tries to juggle multiple boxes in his arms. He snarls at a man who had hit his arm, scaring the poor fellow. Wen Ning apologises to the man on behalf of Liu Li Fei and pulls him back to the road before a fight broke up.

Wen Ning decided that Liu Li Fei should accompany him to the town market since Wen Ning had planned to go there to buy some personal items but no one was willing to keep him company because of their busy schedule. His father was too busy with the situation regarding Hwasou and his brothers couldn't too with Bai Shirong taking care of the first prince's work and Bai Zian disappearing to who knows where. Don't get him started with those other two.

This week he asked Sun Junjie if he was free but the usual agreeable man had acted strangely around him and unfortunately had to decline Wen Ning's invitation. Wen Ning knew that Sun Junjie was hiding something from him from the nervous glances given to him and the fake laughter to cover up his act. Wen Ning didn't ask but it still hurt to be lied to. Wen Ning even had the courage to invite Liu Li Feng again but the stoic man's expression had cracked a bit before it went back to its normal expressionless one. He too declined Wen Ning's invitation, uttering that he had previous plans and quickly walked away from him. Wen Ning stood there feeling humiliated being brushed off in such a way and stomped his way back to the little mansion telling Rou Yao that he didn't want to see anyone especially those two men. What being friends? Treating him like a nuisance. Rude!

Luckily, Liu Li Fei needed his help and here he was, enjoying himself while the first prince carried his items. He bites into his meat bun grumpily, finishing it as he remembers those two men.

Wen Ning was then suddenly pulled by the waist as a group of laughing children ran through the street, not seeing where they were looking. This reminds him about the time with Liu Li Feng, similar to when he was nearly knocked over by some children. Wen Ning looks up to see Liu Li Fei angrily shouting at the children who ran away, frightened by the furious man who was threatening to hit them. Well, the difference between these siblings when it comes to being angry is very different. At least, Liu Li Feng wasn't as vocal.

"Bloody kids," he growls. Wen Ning giggles and gently pulls Liu Li Fei's hood forward, covering his face so that no one would notice the first prince of Zhenbou walking around among the commoners. Wen Ning softly smiles, his hands still on the hood of the cloak as his face comes close to the prince's. "My hero~," he says in a sing-song voice. Liu Li Fei displeased with being teased, promptly puffs at Wen Ning's face, making him scrunched up.

Liu Li Fei's heart skips a beat as he sees the cute, annoyed face of Bai Yujin. Even when he is a little bit angry, he is cute. And his younger brother gets to see this expression every day.

Wen Ning realises the grip to his waist tightens and he winces. He watches Liu Li Fei's face suddenly morphed into a frightening look that Wen Ning grows concerned. He palms Liu Li Fei's face and makes him look at Wen Ning. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you still angry with the children? Don't. Look, I'm not hurt. I'm here," Wen Ning calmly says to Liu Li Fei whose anger slowly fades. Liu Li Fei sighs and touches one of Wen Ning's hand, holding it as gently as he could and pushing it to his cheek. "You will be the death of me. Do you not realise that your actions might be misleading?" Wen Ning tilts his head in confusion. Liu Li Fei chuckles softly and puts those hands down from his cheeks. "Never mind, you cute oblivious fool," He rearranged their position so that one of his arms balances the boxes and the other on the Wen Ning's waist. Wen Ning, offended from being called a fool regardless of the word cute before it, chided Liu Li Fei who disregards him while manoeuvring them through the street.

Walking aimlessly around, Wen Ning stumbles upon the accessory stall from his previous trip. Excited to finally be able to buy something for his hair, he tugs Liu Li Fei's robe and points at the stall with shining eyes. Liu Li Fei rolls his eyes and brought him there, glaring at the other customers who gave them some room to browse since they were scared of Liu Li Fei.

Wen Ning quietly thanks Liu Li Fei, appreciating the sweet although unnecessary action and went to search for that beautiful hair stick from last time. He searched and searched but he couldn't find it. Wen Ning decides to ask the seller who just finished with a customer. "Excuse me uncle, there was a hair stick made of clear glass with grey-blue jewels on it shaped like small flowers the last time I came here, do you still have it?" Wen Ning eagerly asked, showing the length of it with his fingers. He really likes that hair accessory. It was simple and cute.

Despite what people say about his tall stature and often time frightening looks when he was a fierce corpse, Wen Ning actually like cute things. He had a box full of such items like a drawing of a rabbit drawn by a younger sect member, a flowery hairpin, and small wooden craved animals to name a few. So yes, he does love cute things.

The uncle hearing this looked regretful. He shook his head sadly as Wen Ning's smile slowly turns into a frown. "Forgive me child, I just sold it today to a gentleman and his partner. I can make you a new one but it will take at least a week," the older man tells him, trying to cheer Wen Ning up. Wen Ning just shook his head and thanked the man before he moved away but a firm hand makes him stay put. "At least buy something. There are plenty of other hairpins and combs here that you can find. You did come all this way to buy something for your hair," Liu Li Fei says as he picks up a gaudy hairpin with a bright pink tinsel and sneers at the design.

Wen Ning is surprise hearing this and Liu Li Fei could see it on his face. "You don't mind?" Wen Ning quietly whispers. He didn't want to trouble Liu Li Fei too much. Wen Ning was already grateful that the prince was willing to accompany him here. The prince reassured Wen Ning by placing a dragon hairpin on his bangs and pinched his cheek. "Yes Bai Yujin, go and choose. I will give my opinion if I find it ugly on you," He implored as he continues to look at the items in front of him. Wen Ning gives a small smile, touched by Liu Li Fei's sudden gesture. He softly says his thanks and browse at the other selection, determine to find something that he liked.

But after looking and trying out different hair accessories, sadly there was not one Wen Ning found interested in. Beautiful as they are, nothing seems to attract him. Wen Ning felt disappointed and couldn't help sighed out softly.

Then, he feels hands pulling his hair up into a bun and something being put through his hair. He is then moved to stand in front of a small mirror. "How about this one?" Liu Li Fei's whispers to his ear, his voice making Wen Ning stand straight from how close he was. Wen Ning huffs, ready to scold this man's ear off but as he sees his reflection in the mirror, Wen Ning stops.

His hair was a mess. Liu Li Fei had definitely put his hair up in a bun, but it was so messy that tendrils of hair had fallen off and the bun was lopsided, probably due to Liu Li Fei being unskilled in hairstyling, judging from his own messy and unkempt hair. Wen Ning wouldn't dare go outside looking like this. But what caught his attention was the silver hair stick with purple and black flowers placed through the bun. The accessory looked beautiful despite its delicate-looking purple-black flowers and small white gems hanging from the chain at the end of the stick. It wasn't gaudy and too stylish, just what Wen Ning liked. He likes it.

Wen Ning looks up to Liu Li Fei, eyes shining with admiration for finally helping him find one that he liked. Without hesitation, Wen Ning gave him a small hug and thanked him. Liu Li Fei was startled with his sudden action, nearly making him lose balance and drop the boxes in his arm. "Thank you, Li Fei. It's perfect," Wen Ning lifts his face up, still hugging the prince and smiling happily at him.

Liu Li Fei froze. This child does not realise what his actions are doing to him. He can't help but want to keep Bai Yujin to himself. If he knew before about Bai Yujin, he would have made this ger his first. His brother has Sun Junjie already, why can't he leave this one to him? With one order, he could force Liu Li Feng to end their marriage. Liu Li Fei just has to say it but not now. It is still too early. He needed to trap Bai Yujin, so that this small sparrow would have no one else to turn to except him. He was patient, he could wait.

Liu Li Feng rubs the top of Wen Ning's hair. "You like it then. That is good. Seller, take this," Liu Li Fei tosses five gold coins on the table to the surprise of the man. The older man quickly takes the coins with shaking hands. "Dear sir, this is too much," "Take it. Your item has made this one happy. Come here and fix his hair," Liu Li Fei points at Wen Ning who has stop hugging, to the displeasure of the prince. The man respectfully bows to Liu Li Fei and quickly comes over to Wen Ning and fixes his hair.

They left the stall with a very pleased Wen Ning and the seller shouting out to them to come back again, grateful for their patronage.

"I'm surprise you did not invite those two to accompany you," Liu Li Fei remarked since he knew his brother and his lover were recently acting very intimate with Bai Yujin.

Wen Ning tiredly sighed, not wanting to continue this conversation. "Liu Li Fei please, not now. Can you just leave that topic alone?" Wen Ning complained.

"You called me Li Fei at the stall. I would very much like for you to continue to do so," he says, his hand tightening against that waist.

Wen Ning gave a hard pinch, Liu Li Fei cursing softly as his hold eases up. "Why is it so important even I don't understand. First, it was Liu Li Feng, then Sun Junjie and now you. Fine Li Fei. Go ahead and call me Yujin then. I don't really care," Wen Ning grumbles.

"Good boy," the satisfaction in that tone irks Wen Ning.

"Just answer me this, are you not angry with those two? Even I can see that they are trying to get close to you despite knowing what they have done and here you are, just letting it be while they play with your feelings. My brother claims to not love you but he has been showing me the opposite despite denying your existence all these years and Sun Junjie, servants are talking behind your back about the second's prince wife letting the mistress stay at the mansion and even sharing the same room. Even your marriage is only known to a small number of people due to my brother's condition before the marriage. You are a secret that he is ashamed to admit and he dares to flaunt his lover proudly. Tell me Yujin, why do you keep quiet?" he voices out, he himself curious with Bai Yujin's answer.

Bai Yujin grew silent and stops walking. Liu Li Fei sees his face has turned downwards, biting his lips in frustration. He felt that he had pushed Bai Yujin too far and attempt to alleviate his mood him but Liu Li Fei was elbowed to the stomach. Liu Li Fei bowed forward, holding onto his stomach in pain as he looks up and glares to Bai Yujin, who is glaring back at him with both his arms crossed. "That, hurts, little sparrow," he grits his teeth, the pain making him wince as he moves his body up. Despite being petite, Bai Yujin sure packs a punch. "That is for being nosy," Bai Yujin walks away but Liu Li Fei quickly took hold of his arm. He will get his answer whether Bai Yujin wants it or not. "Talk to me. Let me lend an ear and hear your complaints. Don't you deserve to vent Bai Yujin? Aren't you tired?" Liu Li Fei questioned, desperation in his tone that he has never heard himself voiced. He is annoyed seeing the ger act nonchalant to his situation, he wants to hear his reason for still being silent.

Wen Ning looks at Liu Li Fei. The desperation and stubbornness in the prince's eyes make him want to run away. Wen Ning doesn't know why but he pulls Liu Li Fei towards the bank of the town's river and sits them down on a bench.

They sat there in silence; Wen Ning's hand now held by Liu Li Fei as they stare at the river. Sunset in slowly approaching, colouring the sky orange as people start to return home. The laughter of children returning for dinner and stalls closing up to be replaced with night diners setting up. Still, they sat there, waiting for either one of them to start first.

Wen Ning doesn't know why but he feels like Bai Yujin isn't exactly dead. He is dead but his memories, emotions and attachment to the living makes it seem that he isn't. Wen Ning sometimes gets a sudden burst of emotion, a fleeting memory or a nostalgic feeling out of nowhere and he knows its Bai Yujin's way of showing him his life even after his death. Wen Ning knows that even if Bai Yujin physically is dead, his soul is still there, just a fragment for Wen Ning to take after he dies in this world. Wen Ning wants to honour Bai Yujin by granting his wishes as promised in exchange for the soul.

Right now, Bai Yujin's emotion is bubbling up. It's like it wants to make him tell Liu Li Fei. Wen Ning quietly giggles, it seems Bai Yujin's soul is quite fond of Liu Li Fei if it's comfortable enough to want to talk to him. Well, it seems Wen Ning doesn't have a choice.

"You know, it hurts when you love someone who doesn't love you," Wen Ning starts, breaking the silence they had. Liu Li Fei does not speak but squeezes his hand, letting Wen Ning know that he is listening. Wen Ning gives a long exhale and lets himself be comfortable on the bench. "You try so hard to get their attention, to show them that you are willing to be there for them in their lowest point of life and to just show them that you love them for who they are but it ends up nought when they end up falling in love with someone else. You lose it and you get hurt because they have never been yours. It hurts but you know what hurts more? Destroying their happiness because you couldn't get theirs. It's a vicious cycle that will end up hurting you and the one you love and as much as I want Liu Li Feng, I can't do that to him. Separating him and Sun Junjie will not make me happy because he will still not be mine even if I do so. So, I let it be because this is the most attention he has given me throughout the years I known him and I don't want to lose it. I am not expecting anything from them. Their affection for me will not last and it's only a matter of time before they get tired of my presence. Just let me have this before our time ends. To watch them be happy is the only thing I want, even if it isn't mine," Wen Ning ends up saying.

Liu Li Feng's love is similar to Lan Wangji's love for Wei Wuxian. He has loved both and stayed by their side, knowing nothing will come out of it. He just wants to be by their side, to be able to have shared their happiness because that is the only way Wen Ning has ever known. Because he loves two men who love each other so he knows how it goes and if he is able to handle the pain of loving someone from that time, then he can handle it now.

Wen Ning's head is pushed to lay on Liu Li Fei's shoulder as the prince runs his fingers through his hair. Caressing it gently, making Wen Ning want to close his eyes and sleep. Wen Ning wonders if the prince knows that despite him acting rude and heartless, he too can be kind to others.

"I may not know what love is but I know that you yearn for it, including the pain. It is idiotic Yujin. You can choose whoever you want but why do you still chase for the one you can't have," Liu Li Fei gently scold. He does not understand, he can't understand.

Wen Ning sadly laughs "Because I am a fool who wants their love and I will patiently wait for whatever they are willing to give," The same way he waited for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. Just being by their side was enough. It was enough.

The prince was silent and he growls in exasperation. "You, are a masochist,"

Wen Ning chuckles hearing that. "Maybe I am but you adore me," Wen Ning jokingly teases as he pokes Liu Li Fei's cheek.

'I do, you fool. I bloody well adore you,' Liu Li Fei grunts and pulls them up to stand. He looks at the darkening sky. "We should head back. Bai Shirong is probably cursing me to death for leaving him with my work," "You really should not make brother angry. He does so much that I can't help but want to knock him out just to make him rest," Wen Ning chides. Liu Li Fei just nods, agreeing to what Wen Ning says but not promising on it. It was too fun making Bai Shirong angry.

"Let's go," Liu Li Fei says to Wen Ning, the prince's arm back to his waist.

"Okay Li Fei. Let us return," he replies as they walk towards the castle. Silence in their step but a heavy load off their chest.

He and Liu Li Fei might not be considered friends but their understanding of each other after today is a start. Wen Ning knows that in the future, this person will be someone he will cherish. He does not know about Liu Li Fei, but this brother-in-law of his isn't so bad. He hopes Liu Li Fei would also rely on him someday.

Wen Ning and Liu Li Fei walked through the street, not noticing two pair of eyes watching them from behind. One concern with the ger, trying but failing to run up to Wen Ning due to the firm hold on his arm and the other wishing for his elder brother's death.