
Finally, the awaited day came.

Early in the morning before the sun rose to the sky, the castle was bustling with noise. Servants were running around doing last minutes preparation, guards were already stationed at their allocated places, cooks preparing for morning breakfast and getting the food preparation for the tonight's feast, the high eunuch was barking out orders to a few servants making them sure that the rooms for their esteemed guests had been properly prepared and the high advisor overseeing this while checking on every working area to ensure everything was perfect. Truly, it was a chaotic morning for the castle residents.

Wen Ning was already up and dressed to meet with Hwasou's representative and their group especially the princess. He had already prepared a welcoming gift for her which he bought from a clothing store in the town's market known for its high-quality silk clothing and famous among the nobles in Zhenbou. He had Liu Li Fei paid for it, which the man grumpily obeyed. Wen Ning hoped the princess likes it.

"Sit still, young master. I am still finishing up your hair," Rou Mei reminded him. He shyly smiles at her and went back to his task; reading letters.

Some days ago, Wen Ning had found a box of letters hidden behind a few books in a small cupboard. He pulled it out and being the curious person he was, opened it and found a stack of letters being hold up with a string. There was also a piece of paper in the box. Wen Ning unfolded the paper and there was a picture of a young boy, his youthful face looking serious, standing under an apple tree with a view of a lake or pond behind him. Wen Ning soon realises that the picture that Liu Li Feng had given to Bai Yujin at their first meeting was this drawing. Someone had drawn this for the prince so that it could be given to Bai Yujin.

The picture looked worn out with the side crinkle and there were even a few smudges from the charcoal used to draw this but Wen Ning knew that it was handle with care with how carefully the picture was preserve in these ten years. Looking at the letters and picture, Wen Ning finally found Bai Yujin most precious treasure. He was adamant at first to go through Bai Yujin's letters since this was something personal and private but A-Jia was able to persuade him to read them. The little rascal is such a busy body.

So, he starts reading, with a small sugar glider peeking on his shoulder and commenting every time it feels emotional. Wen Ning's heart beats erratically with every letter he reads, the soul consuming his emotions until he can't stop the tears from his eyes. Sincere and heartwarming words with every writing; telling Liu Li Feng about his mother's blossom tree, talking about his mishaps in cooking, commenting on the weather and his boring days, asking if it will be sooner until they meet and the 'miss you's and 'I love you's are a few ones that are constant in every single letter even the ones that were left unsent. Wen Ning's heart broke when he realises that Bai Yujin had even written letters for Liu Li Feng even after their marriage. Telling his husband to be safe, asking if it was okay to meet, wishing he could hug Liu Li Feng before he walks out of the house and saying 'welcome home' when he returns. The letters after marriage will always start with 'To you who I love' and ends with 'From the one who wishes for your love'. Wen Ning has no words for the affection Bai Yujin has for Liu Li Feng.

There was also a letter wanting to talk about baby names with Liu Li Feng with one Bai Yujin comes to love, Liu Qiji or Bai Yujin's nickname for the bun, Xiao Qiji meaning little miracle since the doctor told Bai Yujin that his chances of pregnancy were low or if he gave birth, there was a high chance either one of them lose their life. Bai Yujin stated that if he was to make a choice, he would choose the child to live rather than him. Wen Ning hands trembled when he read that.

The risk of the pregnancy was kept a secret between Bai Yujin and Doctor Jian. Not even his family knew of this and Liu Li Feng was also kept in the dark.

Wen Ning was conflicted.

So his chance of dying was higher during the pregnancy. The medicine he made and takes with what the doctor gave him is something to improve his stamina, avoid anaemia and strengthening the womb. He avoided taking anything for his heart, giving the medicine to A-Jia to keep because he wanted to at least give birth and take care of the child at least to see them grow a bit even if Wen Ning's lifespan was short but with this new info, even he was conflicted. He asked A-Jia if there was a way to prolong his life a bit longer and A-Jia nods telling him there was but he can only use three chances, so Wen Ning should choose carefully.

With that out of the way, Wen Ning has a backup plan for now.

Ever since he found these letters, he reads one every day. The soul inside him seems to calm down and Wen Ning finds that reading these letters makes him feel something. He doesn't know why but it is like a memory that he knows doesn't exist but it feels like he has gone through this before. Déjà vu perhaps. Nonetheless, his resolve has only been strengthened from reading the letters and he is determined to go through this. You can do this Wen Ning!

"There! Finally, your hair is tamed. Young master, have you been skipping on the oil I gave for your hair? How many times do I have to remind you to put it every night after you bathed," Rou Mei slightly shook her head in disappointment. This young master of hers is truly helpless.

Wen Ning sheepishly looks away, avoiding the stern gaze of his servant while he puts the letter back in the box placed on the vanity table. He plays with a strand of hair, making himself looked meek to soften Rou Mei's mood. "Sorry Rou Mei. It's just by the time I finish bathing, I get so sleepy and forget to apply it. Why can't I just cut my hair? It will make my life so much easier if I cut it off," he tugs on the strand of hair that reaches until his chest.

As much as he loves his long hair, taking care of it can get annoying sometimes. The back of his hair reaches until his waist and the side over his ear reaches until his chest. It was too long!

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't touch. I have spent an hour doing your hair and you will not mess it up," Rou Mei gently pulls the hand playing with the strand of hair down. With a few fixes to his hair here and there, Rou Mei declared it was perfect.

Wen Ning looks at himself in the mirror. His hair was done up in a bun in an intricate design that Rou Mei told him would bring focus to his eyes and enhance his beauty. It was held up using the hair stick Liu Li Fei had gifted him. The white gems shining as the sunlight goes through it. Well, almost all of his hair was put up into a bun except for the thick strand of hair that he had touched on the left side of his face. "Now that that's done, are you sure you don't want to wear a bit of makeup young master?" Rou Mei questions as she pulls a box of cosmetics out of nowhere. Wen Ning almost blenched when he sees the various items in that box. "No," he firmly says, backing away from Rou Mei who was now holding a pot of rouge. "I am not a woman Rou Mei, I don't need makeup on me," he warns the old servant again, who is slowly coming closer to touching his face. "Rou Mei…," his tone warning. "Hush child. Just a little redness on your lips and cheeks and I promise to leave you alone," she calmly says to Wen Ning. Wen Ning glowers at her, trying to prove a point but even that doesn't dishearten Rou Mei's attempt to treat him like a doll. He finally gives in, unable to stand Rou Mei ceaseless persuasion. Rou Mei happily begins to work her magic on him.

"Just a little and no powder, I do not want to look like a ghost," he groans out, a prominent pout on his lips which Rou Mei uses the opportunity to put the red rouge on him.

Wen Ning could not help but recalled the memory where some of the female cultivators liked putting on red rouge on their lips and cheeks and bright colour powder on their eyes. They even put on thick white face powder on their faces, in Wen Ning's opinion looked like a jester's face paint. Female cultivators were beautiful enough to be well known for their beauty and graceful appearance but according to the youngsters in the sect, makeup enhances more of their beauty and their confidence rise. Wen Ning can understand their reasoning but he still doesn't see the point in wearing all these stuff. Wen Qing didn't even touch cosmetics, claiming it was a waste of time and she still looks beautiful in Wen Ning's eyes. Maybe he's just biased for his sister but it still true, Wen Qing is very beautiful. And if anyone claims otherwise, fight him.

"I still cannot believe you will be attending such an important event for your first introduction to the nobles and royal society. This is so exciting! You always shy away from such events and now here you are, all ready to make your path into nobility. This old servant can't help but be proud of her young master," Rou Mei tears up a bit despite the proud smile on her lips.

Wen Ning smiles back at the woman as he looks in earnest at this woman who took care of Bai Yujin since childhood. Memories of Rou Mei and Rou Yao being there for Bai Yujin made Wen Ning understand how important these two were in Bai Yujin's life. He cherishes them, treating them as his parents even if they weren't his by blood and they were always there for him, caring and supporting. Bai Yujin loved these two and his soul is currently warm when he thinks of them. Is this what it feels like to receive the love of parents? If so, Wen Ning wished he isn't denied of his when he reincarnates.

"Aww Rou Mei, are you tearing up? Is the brutal woman crying over this child?" Wen Ning teases, his eyes glimmering with mischief.

He receives a light slap on his shoulder by the woman. "Hush! I hope this little one doesn't get your cheeky attitude. You are already enough, I do not need another one to take care of," she lightly snorts, finishing off the makeup on his face with a gentle pat of rouge on his cheeks.

"Done. Don't you look pretty? Second prince will be speechless,"

"Rou Mei, I do not intend to take back my words,"

"Stubborn child, it is not uncommon for royalty to take in a concubine. Your heart may be hurting now but I promise it will get better. Also, think of the little one, they would be sad watching their mother constantly crying over their father. It is better to focus on raising the child and loving them. More fulfilling," Rou Mei advises Wen Ning. She has lost hope in convincing him to not give up on Liu Li Feng but he ignores it since this was better for the three of them. By doing this, Wen Ning hopes he and Liu Li Feng will separate in good terms.

"Oh, from personal experience?" he jokes.

"I tell you this young master, I don't regret marrying Rou Yao but that man gets on my nerve sometimes. Thank the heaven our children did not inherit his love for picking fights. Back in our more youthful days, that hot-headed man would fight anyone who looked at him wrong, even those that were bigger than him. I lost count on how many times I had to bandage him up. My advice young master; it is better to be quiet when your partner does idiotic stunts. Let it be a lesson to them when their actions backfire," Rou Mei solemnly says as she straightens up Wen Ning's clothing for the day. He was already on his feet when Rou Mei put the fluffy coat on him.

"But you can't help loving him," Wen Ning joshes.

She sighs and a sweet smile form on her. "Too true,"

The door to his room opens and Rou Yao stood there. He was curious with the giggling from the two of them.

"Is something wrong?" the older man asks, nervous with the looks directed to him. Rou Mei shakes her head while smiling to her husband. "Nothing dear. Is it time to leave?" she asks Rou Yao who was already in his official servant attire. The man nods and Rou Mei gives a last glance to Wen Ning's clothing, hesitation in her eyes.

"I still feel hesitant to let you leave the mansion wearing this," she nervously says, looking at the ensemble Wen Ning was wearing.

Wen Ning quirks a brow, confusion on his face. "Why? It was sent directly by the castle servant for me to wear together with tonight's clothes for the dinner. I am sure they expect me to wear these, if not why bother sending," Wen Ning replies, attempting to ease Rou Mei's worries.

"Of course but still, not only did his highness gifted you the clothing but he personally came to you and ordered you to accompany him by his side throughout the princess's stay. People will talk and cause misunderstanding. Isn't it enough that the other servants' gossip behind your back young master?" Rou Mei just had to remind Wen Ning about those gossips. He doesn't really care about what people talk about him but Rou Mei seems distressed thinking about it.

Wen Ning looks at Rou Yao, asking for help but the man shrugs his shoulder and looks at Wen Ning with pity. Really, he needed help here Rou Yao.

Wen Ning holds onto both of Rou Mei's hands and stands before her with a confident smile. "You worry too much Rou Mei. The clothes are just a nice gesture from brother-in-law and he didn't order me but asked me politely (in his weird way) to accompany him. I said yes because it sounds interesting to be able to chat with a princess. Also, let people talk. It's not like it will badly affect me currently, only some castle occupants know I am Liu Li Feng's wife and others know me as Bai Chao's sheltered ger son. There are even those who don't know me at all so don't you think I should use this chance get my name out there," he winks at Rou Mei and gives a quick peck to her cheek before walking over to Rou Yao.

He waves her goodbye with a cheerful smile. "Bye Rou Mei. Take care of the mansion and I promise not to cause trouble," Wen Ning says leaving Rou Mei looking disconsolate and quietly complaining to herself.

Wen Ning and Rou Yao walk along the hallway, heading towards the front door of the mansion so they could leave. Rou Yao chuckles to himself, seeing his wife restlessness.

"I think Rou Mei isn't concern about you making trouble but more worried about what Prince Liu Li Feng will do knowing you are accompanying the first prince as his companion during the princess's stay. People who don't know will assume your relationship with Prince Liu Li Fei and I know Prince Liu Li Feng will be unhappy with whatever rumours will be floating after this. It seems trouble is attracted to you, young master," Rou Yao jests, as he opens the front door for Wen Ning.

"You have no idea," he mumbles. Trouble in the form of three stubborn and head-strong men.

Wen Ning can feel the cold air hitting his face and he shivers slightly. Today is colder than he expected. He should have worn something thicker. Wen Ning lets out a sigh as he readies himself for the day.

No turning back. Let's do a good job today. Go Ni-ning!


Sun Junjie and Liu Li Feng stood in front of the open arched door waiting for the arrival of their young beloved. Sun Junjie restlessly waits, watching for Bai Yujin's figure in the distance. They should have left at the little mansion together but he had to go check up on the soldiers in Liu Li Feng's stead since the emperor requested for his sons' presence. A last-minute reminder from a father to his sons, ordering them to behave in from of Hwasou.

Liu Li Feng had met with him here after the meeting. Sun Junjie noticed the too sharp eyes and tensed physique despite the expressionless face of his. It seems something or someone had gotten on Liu Li Feng's bad side.

Sun Junjie got closer to Liu Li Feng and gently touches his arm. "You seem angry. Did something happen with the emperor?" Sun Junjie asks. Liu Li Feng did not answer but the anger from his eyes told Sun Junjie that he was furious. "My brother," he snarls lowly, after a minute of silence.

Ah, Liu Li Fei. The man truly lives out to his name of being a nuisance. Sun Junjie wonders what trouble has he cause to make Liu Li Feng angry this time. Not only did Sun Junjie received the order to be Bai Yujin's bodyguard while also receiving news that the ger would be the first prince's companion during Hwasou's stay (that made both Sun Junjie and Liu Li Feng want to throttle the bastard) but also, Liu Li Feng was not allowed to disclose his and Bai Yujin's marriage to the public under any circumstances.

Sun Junjie wasn't there to witness the verbal fight between the emperor and Liu Li Feng but from what he heard through the grapevine was that Liu Li Feng had destroyed three of the emperor's expensive ceramic vase and nearly slashed a servant in anger. Liu Li Feng rarely gets angry, mad yes but never truly angry, preferring to release his anger towards the poor souls on the battlefield.

The only time Sun Junjie had seen Liu Li Feng furious and retaliate similarly as this is when Liu Li Feng tried to end the arranged marriage but failed to do so, and firmly exclaimed to the emperor that he will only consider Sun Junjie as his official partner in life even after marrying Bai Yujin. The emperor did not care if his son had another lover or take in concubine after concubine. The most important thing for him is to have control of the Bai Family and if that meant he would use his son, so be it. Liu Li Feng made an agreement with the emperor that he will marry Bai Yujin but Bai Yujin's identity as his spouse will never be revealed since Liu Li Feng had planned to take in Sun Junjie after his status in the army was strengthen and acknowledge by the emperor. That was the plan.

Now look at how the wheels have turned.

How could they have expected to come to love Bai Yujin after spending this short amount of time with the beauty? It was crazy how Sun Junjie loves the younger one just in one day and Liu Li Feng who has been engaged and now married for two years has surprisingly opened his heart to Bai Yujin after really getting to know his wife. God was probably laughing at them and Sun Junjie thinks they deserve it. Hah, what a mess.

"Let me guess, he reminded the emperor about your agreement. You wanted to take it back but Liu Li Fei's interference made it impossible for you to have any say," Sun Junjie says in a neutral tone, already figuring what could have possibly happened since they have discussed this when deciding to pursue Bai Yujin properly. It was only a matter of time before Liu Li Feng talked with the emperor to null the agreement but luck seems not to be on their side when Liu Li Fei's damn mouth become their hurdle.

That rat bastard, I wish Bai Shirong would just beat him up for all our sakes.

The deep frown on Liu Li Feng's face indicated that he guessed right. In all honesty, the emperor's decision was technically correct. Liu Li Feng did make the agreement with the emperor and it was even signed with his blood. It might have been impulsive in Liu Li Feng's part but could Sun Junjie blame his lover when both of them were determined to go through it.

"No matter. We'll overcome it when the time is right. For now, let's focus on making Yujin comfortable with us, okay?" Sun Junjie grins up to Liu Li Feng with his hands on Liu Li Feng's cheeks.

Liu Li Feng's anger simmered down when he sees the usual bright smile of his lover. He sighed and nods as he holds onto one of Sun Junjie's hand, pressing that warm palm closer to his cheek. He sometimes wonders how Sun Junjie manages to understand him without speaking and was able to make his mood better from just that smile of his. Truly, Sun Junjie must have been made for him if Liu Li Feng had fallen that easily for the mischievous and witty young man.

"Mhm," he answers Sun Junjie, his eyes close while he takes in the cold air around them.

"That's the spirit! Now all that's left is to wait for Yujin. Ah~ I already miss him. Yujin ah, come quickly, I want to hug you," Sun Junjie whines out, childishly hoping onto Liu Li Feng's back as he complains to Liu Li Feng, who was attempting to properly fix those arms around his neck so that he wouldn't choke.

As Sun Junjie playfully teases Liu Li Feng with nibbles to his red ear and whispering flirtatious words to him, they see two figures in the distance, the snow covering their view making them not able to get a clearer view. They wait until the figures got closer and both of their breath hitches when realising who they were especially the shorter one among the two.

Hearts thumping loud and fast as they see the beautiful man walking towards them with a grace befitting an empress and a lovely yet bewitching appearance that could make men fall to their knees to be bestowed by this person's beauty. Both Sun Junjie and Liu Li Feng wanted to do so. Their hearts beating painfully once they got a clearer view of the person's deep grey irises that had been haunting their dreams and the winsome smile that graces the beauty's lips once he sees the two watching him with unblinking eyes and dilated pupils, both shaking with a burning want and need that is this close to snapping the almost thin thread of their rationality.

What did they do in their past lives that god humbly gave them Bai Yujin?

If so, they will not be returning him any time soon, never if possible. Their beautiful Bai Yujin was theirs for the keeping and they were willing to strike anyone down who wishes to take what is rightfully theirs, even if it means Liu Li Fei.

Wen Ning, oblivious to his predicament, stands in front of the two men. He lifts an elegant brow, looking at the gobsmacked faces on these two who were intensely watching him. He gently pats their cheeks since it was getting creepy with the staring. "Hey, what is with all the staring? Is it the clothes? Do I not look good in it?" Wen Ning looks down at his clothes, now unsure if he looks good or not since Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie could not stop staring at his overall appearance. In Wen Ning's opinion, the colours look nice on him and it even compliments with his hair stick. He looks up at the two men, bright eyes in anticipation and nervousness to hear what they think.

Wen Ning did not know that these two were in a crisis.

Bai Yujin was wearing a delicate-looking hanfu that made him look like a snow fairy in the men's view. It was gorgeous with the lower part of the hanfu being a darker grey with a purplish tint to it and black designs of vines and leaves. His cotton sash on the chest area was black with purple lining similar to the colour of the small flowers gems on his hair stick including the long ribbon that flow downwards reaching his knee. The upper part of his hanfu was made out of translucent barely see-through fabric with small black designs at his sleeve. It was an expensive-looking and felt like it too since Bai Yujin felt comfortable wearing it that it did not seem to restrict his movement and flowy enough that the growing baby bump was unnoticeable. He really looked like a tiny and delicate snow fairy among the white scenery.

Since he was wearing makeup, Bai Yujin's already pretty looks made him more gorgeous and enticing to the soldiers. Pouting red lips, beautiful flushed cheeks, delicate eyebrows, dark and full eyelashes, his small nose that scrunches up cutely when he is annoyed and together with his natural demure behaviour made Bai Yujin a feast in anyone's eye. Unfortunately, this cute feast is unaware of their effect on others so Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie would have to be a barrier to those people. Even to themselves.

Sun Junjie was the first to break out from Yujin's spell and proceeded to tackle Bai Yujin into his customary hug, per usual. Bai Yujin seems to have gotten used to Sun Junjie's bear hugs and wasn't surprised by it now. Before releasing Bai Yujin, Sun Junjie couldn't help but breath in the ger's scent. Bai Yujin's scent always seems to make Sun Junjie warm and comforted. He doesn't know why but he is reminded of something every time he catches that scent.

'Smells like home,' he thought to himself.

"Yujin, you look so beautiful, so gorgeous! How can we not stop but stare when you look this stunning," Sun Junjie delightfully says, pleased knowing that Bai Yujin wasn't immune with his charms when he sees the darken blush on Bai Yujin already flushed face. He gently held onto both of Bai Yujin's arm and landed a kiss to the surprised ger's forehead. He impishly smiles at Bai Yujin before turning his head to a still stunned Liu Li Feng who continues to watch Bai Yujin. "Right Li Feng. Isn't our Yujin just delectable?" he couldn't help but smirk watching Liu Li Feng eyes get darker and his irises dilated into slits.

Liu Li Feng walks closer until he was standing in front of a blushing Bai Yujin and a sneaky Sun Junjie. He then slowly proceeds to kiss Bai Yujin's ear with his hand on the other side, placing his palm on that soft cheek while the heat of his palm warms it. Liu Li Feng's lips linger before removing them, still close to that red ear. "Mhm, small and cute, like a dim sum," he whispers closely, his voice hoarse. Liu Li Feng moves back and looks at Bai Yujin with a gentle smile. Sun Junjie hums in agreement. "Our dim sum Yujin~,"

Wen Ning's eye twitch. These two, were they not ashamed flirting so openly with him in broad daylight. The nerve! Calling him delectable (I bloody know what you mean, you pervert!) and summing it up by calling him a dim sum, a freaking dim sum!

Wen Ning huffs in exasperation as he crosses his arms, trying to look intimidating but knowing it was a lost cause. His face was too cute, according to Sun Junjie, that he looked like an angry kitten whenever Wen Ning got mad. Even so, a kitten still has its claws.

"May I remind you two that the last time you acted like this to me, the both of you got hit and knelt on the floor until I finally forgave you. Would both of you like a repeat?" Wen Ning cracks his knuckles while still having that gentle smile on him. Sun Junjie nervously laughs but doesn't forget to give a small peck to his cheek before giving some space to Wen Ning. Liu Li Feng too moves back and Wen Ning saw his regretful face before it quickly turns back to its usual impassive one. Both stood in front of Wen Ning acting like they didn't just rile him up.

"So…I look good in it?" despite their words and kisses just now, Wen Ning still felt unconfident with his appearance. Sun Junjie promptly nods to what he says. "Of course! Didn't I say so, you don't believe me Yujin?" Sun Junjie sadly says and pouts at Wen Ning. "Yujin is beautiful," Liu Li Feng firmly says, his eyes directly looking at Wen Ning that Wen Ning couldn't help but shyly look away. He still wasn't use to Sun Junjie's flirty words and Liu Li Feng's steely gaze. Too direct!

Wen Ning slightly coughs to get rid of his awkwardness. "Well, that is good then. Now, both of you better behave. I don't want any fights going on between you two and Liu Li Fei," he plays with his fingers, the nervousness finally settling in when he realises that there will be many people today. Wen Ning isn't used to being surrounded by a large group; it makes him fidgety but he'll have to get used to it fast since there will be other occurrences similar to these in the coming worlds.

"It's not us that start the fights," Sun Junjie snorts and crosses his arms. Irritation on his face when he is reminded of Liu Li Fei's past misdeeds towards him.

"Still, you do not have to counter back. Just stay by my side and quietly guard me. If he does try to do anything, I'll scold him for you. Junjie, you can hold my hand if it makes you feel better," Wen Ning holds his hand and looks up to him, shyly smiling.

Sun Junjie looks at that small hand and felt the gentle grip. Happy that Bai Yujin initiated the first touch and said his birth name, he grins happily. Sun Junjie will definitely use this opportunity to hold hands with Bai Yujin a lot. He will make sure to hold Bai Yujin's hand in front of Liu Li Fei and see the prince's reaction. Sun Junjie wants to see that smirk wipe off of that man's arrogant face.

Wen Ning was glad Sun Junjie was cooperating despite having to use such trick to make him listen. He wants to avoid trouble if possible. It would not look good for the first prince to fight with Sun Junjie in front of Hwasou. Satisfy with settling this one, he looks over at Liu Li Feng. The stoic man had a downcast frown on him and looked lonely in Wen Ning's eyes as Liu Li Feng secretly glances at their joined hands and…is that a pout? Does this mean Liu Li Feng was jealous, because he was holding hands with Sun Junjie and leaving him out. Wen Ning can't help but quietly giggle. He finds the prince very cute.

Wen Ning motions to Sun Junjie with his eyes and Sun Junjie looks at Liu Li Feng. The childish man can't help but chuckle loudly when he sees a pouting Liu Li Feng. Liu Li Feng narrows his eyes and turns away from them, clearly embarrass judging from those red ears. Wen Ning and Sun Junjie looked at each other and slyly smile.

Liu Li Feng was put out. He wasn't as direct as Sun Junjie so people usually did not know what he was thinking due to his expressionless face and quiet nature. It worked well in handling soldiers and enemies but when he wants something, it was difficult for him to express. How could he just say that he too wanted Bai Yujin to hold his hand? Only a few like Bai Chao, Sun Junjie and surprisingly his brother knew what he was thinking and feeling. He doesn't expect Bai Yujin to understand him since he himself didn't give the chance for the ger to get to know him well. He feels satisfy enough knowing that Bai Yujin was at least giving him a chance now. He wanted to be like Sun Junjie; confident in his loving words to Bai Yujin and being able to freely express his affection to the younger man. Liu Li Feng could only be brave to initiate touch when Sun Junjie starts first. He should not burden Bai Yujin with his selfish request, not being able to act as affectionate as he can to his wife was enough if Bai Yujin's attention was on him. Still, he felt lonely being left out.

Suddenly, he feels a gentle grip on his hand and heavy arm on his shoulder at the other side. He looks at Sun Junjie who was grinning at him with his arm around his shoulder and looks to the other side, surprise to see Bai Yujin holding his hand, shyly looking up through his fluttering eyelashes. "Now, now Liu-er ge, why are you standing here alone? Don't you feel lonely? That's okay, now you have two very attractive men by your side to make you feel less alone," Sun Junjie snickers but affectionately leaves a chaste kiss on Liu Li Feng's cheek. Bai Yujin shyly looks back and forth before tiptoeing to give a quick peck to Liu Li Feng's other cheek before looking away to hide his red face. "Junjie to-told me you would feel be-better if I ki-kiss you. So there!" he exclaims, furiously blushing.

Liu Li Feng blinked and could not help but give a small lift on his lips. He caresses Sun Junjie's back, hoping his appreciation could be felt and looks at Bai Yujin's cute hair whorl before kissing the top of his head making Bai Yujin eep in surprise. Bai Yujin slaps his chest but did not let go of his hand, that made his heart warm. His precious beloveds, at his side. Having this felt enough to Liu Li Feng. "Not lonely," it doesn't mean he will admit it easily.

Wen Ning hears the sounds of horns from the distance indicating the arrival of Hwasou. It was the first horn sound meaning Hwasou had already entered the kingdom. Another two horns before their arrival to the inner castle sounded.

"They will be arriving soon. Let us go," Wen Ning was about to walk off before he was stopped. Now he stands in the middle of the two men, looking adoringly at him with each of their hand on his. "This is better," Sun Junjie says. Liu Li Feng nods and grips the small hand a bit tighter. Wen Ning looks at them and reluctantly let them be. "Only until we reached the entrance of the throne room," Wen Ning says and walk together with the two, not realising that he was being protected by the 'Monster Duo of Zhenbou' as eyes of nearby servants watched them fearfully and scurrying away from the deathly glares when their wandering eyes linger a bit too long for the soldiers liking at the oblivious young man in the middle chatting happily to them both as usual. Two guard dogs and a maiden.

This is all seen by Rou Yao who has been ignored by the two men and his young master throughout their flirty interactions from when they encounter the prince and soldier at the arched door. Rou Yao was treated as if he wasn't there and watch how his young master tried but failed to deny his affections toward the two men. He walked behind them and was able to hear their talks and watch as flighty hands take the opportunity to touch and caress his young master who does not seem to realise this. He sighs tiredly, remembering his wife telling him that the young master is still young and should experience his youth, so they can only protect and guide him as best as they could. The young master's happiness is their happiness and if that means accepting two men in his young master's love life then he will begrudgingly accept. Does not mean he doesn't have one or two things to say to the two. Rou Yao admits, his wife is wise.

He is getting too old for this.