Chapter 161 - Seeking help

Zhu Kang rushed over to his brother. With his trembling hand, he touched his shoulders.

Altren suddenly reacted violently. He hugged his brother's waist and pulled him into a tight hug. "Why… why did I…" he started to wail loudly.

A blinding white light arose from his chest, soon sparks started to appear.

Kang knew what was happening.

Altren was self-destructing!

Without a moment's delay, he ran to him and firmly hit his neck.

The electric current around Altren shocked him slightly singing his scales and skin. Gritting his teeth, he slammed the back of his neck again.

After hitting him for many times, Altren finally collapsed.

This gave him an opportunity to pull Gwyn out of his tight grip.

His brother's limp head laid on his lap. His lips were pale and Blue.

"it can't be…" he placed a hand below his nose

Gwyn was breathing albeit very slowly.