Chapter 241 - Yang sharing

"Your eyes are golden." Yuri slurred softly, and he dazedly looked down at him.

Eric moved back slightly. "Oh…" he tried to push his hand off but Yuri had a tight grip on his face. "Let go."

"They are beautiful. Like summer bonfire…." He smiled softly.

Eric froze up. 'Why do you smile like that? I moved on… please just let me stay that way. I don't want to get involved with you… I can't be with you.," shaking his head he forcefully pulling away. "Stay still. I'll help your yang energy,"

Yuri stumbled close. But Eric had a firm hand on his shoulders keeping him at an arms distance

"Stand still!"

Yuri's dazedly brown eyes peered down at him. "it's too hot…. It's hot…"

"I know bastard just stand still while I take your yang away." Gritting his teeth, Eric peered up at him. This bastard was making him forget everything/

Even the spell he was meant to mutter.

Closing his eyes Eric started to lowly mutter the yang-sharing spell.