12- Link

{After five-thousand years, someone has finally awakened me, nice to meet you, Master}

As the light faded away, Machina heard the voice but because of the blinding light, he could not see who it was, after a few minutes he finally regained his eyesight.

"Who is the one speaking?" Machina rubbed his eyes as he looked around...

There was no one, the sight of waste littered around didn't change, it was still the same unchanged ever since he was blinded by the light earlier.

"Hmm, is there a ghost here?" Machina commented ghosts do exist in this world, they were from the undead race which lived in the South Continent and they do appear in this place sometimes.

To defeat it, they have to call a mage to exterminate it, but Grandma May took care of those ghosts so it didn't really bother them.

{Don't put me in the same level as those lowly undead creatures}

The voice resounded once again, Machina turned his head left to right, up to down, then he still saw nothing, the only thing in front of him was a purple crystal ball with some kind of engravings on it.

Machina narrowed his eyes and stared at the crystal ball, "Are you the one talking?"


"That's impossible, what am I thinking about haha" Machina cut off the voice as he laughed loudly, "Ex, who is the one speaking tell me?"

[The Crystal ball]

"Mother f-" Machina immediately jumped away with his exaggerated surprise, which ended with him rolling a few times.

{You are a strange guy Master}

"Okay, time to calm down, a talking crystal ball, that's rare, are you an artifact that the mages proclaimed to be?" Machina stood up and asked.

{No, I am not an artifact}

"You are not an artifact? I can't sell you then, what a shame" Machina sighed.

{So you were planning to sell me!?}

"Now, now let's forget about small things, tell me what you are" Machina waved his hand as if nothing he had said happened.

The purple crystal ball was silent for a few minutes, it was really confused by how chaotic the personality of the new master was, it can't understand what is going with his brain.

{...I am a being created by an unnamed God, his best creation, I am what you call A World Core, I am known as the first one}

"Oooh, that name sounds badass, maybe you can really fetch for a high price" Machina gave a nodding look.

{You are going to sell me!?}

"Naa, I'm just kidding, I have too many uses for you, anyway, my name is Deus Machina, can you tell me what you can do?" Machina didn't want to mess around anymore and picked up the purple crystal ball and spoke seriously.

{So this is the real you}

The Crystal Ball could not help but take a second look at Machina, it could feel a different aura coming from him, it was as if, it was looking at its past master, a being who is meant to dominate everything.

{I will explain it to you then}

The crystal ball then started speaking, there were originally 7 of them, each has a world-shaking power, they were differentiated by their color. the purple color has the power to link with a different dimensions, as for the others, it didn't know but one thing it was sure of, once all of the Seven World Cores were gathered.

An ancient powerful dragon will pop out and grant him any wish he wante- *ahem, its the wrong script, once the 7 world cores were gathered, well, that is if someone was able to gather all 7 wold cores because no one was able to gather all of the 7, even its past master only got two.

But the guy already became the overlord of this world. so one cannot just imagine how powerful that is if someone collected all of the 7 world cores.

"Well, that is great, let's go back for now and talk about my plans later" Machina bent his knees and looked at the black box for the last time, "I will come back for this" then jumped away gliding in the air around the Losorisk Mountain.

"It's weird to call you the first, so I will call you Link since you can link with different dimensions" Machina, said as they flew in the skies.

{Link... I like it}


-The Next Day-

After talking with Link the whole day yesterday and understanding what it could do, Machina stood outside looking at the mothership, "You can use Mothership as your main body?" Machina looked at Link in his hand.

{Yes, I just need a body then we could start operating}

"Okay, what do I do?" Machina asked.

{Take me to the main core of the ship}

"Okay" Machina nodded and entered inside the ship, every spaceship has its core, it's not the engine or anything, but a special material called Star Core, which is made of a dead star core.

Machina was the top student of Red Academy so he was able to get one for free and didn't need to spend a lot of money though the one given to him was of low quality it was enough since a Star Core could cost up to 100 million with only the lowest quality.

{This is a good ship}

Link could not help but praise as it looked around the ship, it was very clean and there were no wires that could be seen, everything is neat and tidy.

Machina walked inside his spaceship and made some turns and finally arrived in a room called Core room where the core of the sip was located, entering inside, what greeted Link was a pure black room which is void of light.

Only the core of the ship which is glowing in the middle could be seen.

"Scan" Machina spoke and immediately a green light flashed towards his body and scanned him from head to toe.

[Scan finished, welcome Lord]

A system voice resounded in the room and the floor of the room started lighting up, a line like a snake could be seen, Machina nodded and stepped on top of the snake-like lights and finally reached the core in a few seconds.

"Well, I'm gonna put you now," Machina said as he removed the star core, and put Link.