Chapter 89 - A Stalker At The Boarder

While the other huntsmen were doing their jobs and cleaning the kingdom of criminals and filth, far away, at the border to the kingdom of Ventrin, Stalker was on its own mission, given to it by its creator and master. While it, like the others, was just as proficient in hunting, it had abilities and skills that made it very useful for reconnaissance missions, and though some would argue that Rex was just as good, his camouflage relied on his surroundings, and his size was a problem.

Stalker was just small enough that it could enter buildings and its cloaking was far more reliable than Rex's camouflage, but even besides all that, was Stalker's ability to record information then play it back at a later date. This made it extremely useful for gathering information and was another reason it had been given this mission. It also helped that it wasn't sadistic like Rex and wouldn't constantly be thinking of killing.

Its main ability was in its very name. it was a stalker, and so it would stalk.

Its main target was the border fort located just over the boundary that separated Larra from Ventrin. It was to gather any information it could find and do a quick survey of the area and the number of soldiers within and surrounding the fort. Once done, it would move to the 3 other forts close by and repeat its task.

It would have to be very careful and move delicately. Its creator had told it that if it was between getting spotted with information or not getting spotted with none, that it should choose the second option. It was imperative that it not get spotted.

Stalker activated its cloaking and moved out from behind the rocks it'd been hiding in. It moved silently across the field, scanning the ground for the best places to jump and move to, to make the least amount of noise, and get there in the quickest way possible. Due to its advanced technology, it was able to switch its attention rapidly and keep it on multiple things at the same time.

In little time, it had made it to the fort. It was a large plain-looking fort, that had clearly been made for practicality rather than to show off. It was made of a black stone-like substance, that seemed to be some form of concrete, though Stalker could detect foreign energy suffusing the stone. It was most likely what this world called mana or kor. At the current time, he couldn't differentiate between the two, but as it grew stronger and more advanced, thanks to its creator, it would be able to do so.

There were guards atop the battlements and patrolling the area around the fort, and for the most part, they seemed less vigilant than it had expected, though from the information its creator had given it, Ventrin was not worried about Larra in the slightest, and the attitude of the king and nobles of Ventrin had rubbed off on its people.

This was good in Stalker's case. It judged the distance from the bottom to the top, and when the guards above the battlements were further enough away, it began scalling the wall, using its claws, and only digging deep enough to get reliable purchase on the stone. Its claws were thin and the stone was not smooth or clear, so unless someone inspected it all closely, they wouldn't notice anything strange or out of the ordinary. In no time, it made it to the top and quickly made its way down into the main section of the fort.

It took in the area around itself, mapping out a mental picture to the best of its abilities. Once done, it chose the closet building and made its way in, through one of the doors. It heard and sensed no movement nearby so it slipped in undetected. It took it under ten minutes to search the building, but what it found was of little use. The building was some sort of store house, for food and supplies, and while guarded. the guard's conversation had not revealed anything useful.

In a similar way, it searched through the other buildings, but it wasn't until the largest, center budling of the fort, that it found what it was looking for.

It paused in a dark corner as it heard voices speaking in a nearby room.

"I've already explained twice. that fool Biroth failed. I have news from reliable sources that this new king defeated his army, and has already cemented his place as king."

Another deeper voice spoke. "How is that possible? With the equipment we supplied him and the number he possessed, he shouldn't have been defeated so easily."

"There's word going around that this new king possesses some strong magic. I can't be certain as I'm hearing different things from my source, but I know for a fact that the king has a large giant at his beck and call, and other odd creatures."

"A giant? Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, and it wasn't the small kind either. I've heard word that it was over seventy meters tall, and carried a weapon, not to mention that it was wearing clothes and not scraps of cloth or hide."

"You think he's from one of the greater kingdoms?"

"Perhaps, wherever he is from, we can't be hasty. He may have allies or even be a noble."

"The king isn't going to be pleased with this. He only needs Emirin and Larra then the emperor will grant him a higher title."

"As I've said, there is nothing to do now. The best we can do is gather more information and wait for the right time."

"Your words are wise, but I fear my cousin won't listen. You know how he is, a great fighter, but a politician and wise man? not so much."

"Your right, let's just pray he isn't too rash, and that this new king isn't as powerful as he seems."

Stalker continued listening for a few more minutes but when the conversation diverged into topics about drinking and women, he moved out of the building. What it had heard would be most interesting to its creator and that alone made this mission a success, but Stalker wasn't done yet.

It made his way out for the fort, and towards the next.