Mom's Reputation

Lost in my thoughts with a pen between my fingers, yes I was thinking abaut him again "Wang" the love of my life, don't get me wrong he was not my boyfriend and never will be as i was just a nerd, no guy will want to date a nerd I'm so unfortunate

Judging by looks, Wang was a pretty boy that every girl wants, he's caring and handsome so why would he date me a lame nerd who wore old fashioned panties which even older ladies refused, but as one said "it is difficult to control our thoughts when the heart desire them" this quot was true as i couldn't stop thinking abaut Wang

We met at a bussiness party five years back when my dad took me along as he was required to bring his family along, with my step mom on her endless vacations and my step siblings enjoying their teen age life, he was left with no choice but to take me and my little half sister along

My little half sister Dolma was just fourteen years in her eighth grade, she just transferred to high school this year, she and I get along pretty well unlike my other two step or let me say half sisters

Fortunately Wang and his family also attended it which made us meet, we became secret friends due to my mom's restrictions, he Always visited me at night to bring me nice food lime chocolates and on VALLENTIE'S he'll bring me flowers and more snacks and even stay longer with me since everyone was gone out to celebrate VALLENTIES with me being grounded

Sadly four years back he was sent to America at a great college, which separated us although we still kept intouch, i heard he was back in town and was managing the Huang's Clothing Company, they proposed a bussiness deal were by we'll be partners and share fourty percent each and the twenty remaining for the company

My company was a jewelry brand which will dramatically increase if we were to be joined with the clothing one, I'm not even second thinking abaut their proposal as i already plan to accept it when we meet this friday, i wonder if he got beard, rude or maybe more sweeter then before

I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I saw the clock on the wall, It was already five o'clock, I'm supposed to be home by this time, my Mom is going to be so mad at me

I can't forget those beatings I always get for even being a second late, she'll take away my phone, television and laptop just for that, I can't afford to have that as I was now a CEO and those things are a great asset to me

I didn't go out so being grounded wasn't necessary as I was forever grounded at a age of nine the day I broke one of my mother's lovely vase

I was ordered to dust it but since I was still a child not strong enough I mistakenly dropped it which made it break into pieces, my punishment was to never go out, by twelve I should be already home

The time was increased when I went to college as we usually knocked off by four so was expected home by five, I never complained although my step siblings came home anytime they pleased

They can go out on dates, have fun for as long as they pleased but not me, guess the vase meant so much to her

I graduated last year and was instantly forced to become my family's jewelry company, all my siblings refused as they didn't want a disturbance in their life, all they wanted is to enjoy life without having to work

My Mom agreed to them and gave the burden to me, I don't mind though as working is the only thing that keeps me busy as of my boring life

I hastily parked my stuffs in the handbag, I didn't Finnish all the work so parked them for me to Finnish at night, I want to get home early so I help with the house chores

After parking my stuffs I snapped at Cindy my personal assistant 'please lock the door for me, I'm in a hurry and see you tomorrow' 'alright miss Sichuan, please take care' she responded

Cindy is was the only friend I had back in highschool, we separated after highschool Graduate as she went to a public college whereas I was taken to a private college, my step Mom said it will be embarrassing for me to go to public as she held a great title in the country which she didn't want to ruin

I attended highschool at a private school to protect her image, Cindy got a highschool scholarship since her parents didn't have enough money to take her there willingly so that's how I've met her

Regardless of our friendship she always took book first, thus addressing me as 'miss'

I rushed out of the door, to get to the car which was already waiting for me, my Mom strictly ordered our family chauffeur to personally drive me to and from work, I took the private alevator

As soon as I reached down I was nearly running for the exit which was easier since I was wearing My gabbana strapped shoes, I had high heels that my little half sister Dolma who was just fourteen secretly bought me but didn't know how to walk with them, so sticked to my simple gabbana's

Our saden car was already waiting for me outside which I spotted through the window, i increased my pace and my workers weirdly starred at me I didn't mind and forgot abaut mom's reputation as the beating was much painful then her reputation I guess

As soon as I reached the car I went in the backseat since the door was already opened by my chauffeur, he closed the door and got in the drivers seat, he spoke before starting the engine 'do you want to stop by somewhere before heading home miss' 'no drive straight home' I responded

I was already late and adding a minute more will add to my punishment 'okay, what music do want to hear miss?' The chauffeur asked another question again 'no music, just drive straight home and please speed up alittle bit' I responded

He started driving a little slower as he was turning exiting the parking lot I guess 'how was your..' he almost asked another question which I cut short 'and please not more questions, I'm already tired' he then nodded and started speeding up

Abaut twenty minutes later i was already home, the house was Fourty five minutes from the company but arrived earlier due to the speeding

I thanked the chauffeur went straight in the house, i was really scared of what my mom would say today as i haven't been late for the last ten years now

I slowly opened the kitchen door hoping my mom wasn't any way near the kitchen, i slid in and was welcomed by a love warm hug by Lucy our maid, I've grown so attached to her since we've spend a million minutes together in the kitchen

She has become more like a mother to me since my mom has passed away long back when I was just four years, but as far as I remember my mom loved me so so much that I'll give anything for her to come back to life but she was gone no hope

Lucy pulled away as soon as she heard someone clearing their throat, it was my step mother she never liked such bonds between me and Lucy

She eyed us with evil sparks and I started shivering as i Appologised 'I'm really sorry for coming late mom, i was loaded with work and didn't even Finnish some work which I brought home and I'll do during the night, i promise it will never happen again'

She didn't respond guess she was truly angry with me 'maid I mean Lucy, pass me a glass of water there' she said directly to Lucy, but I took the opportunity and rushe to the fridge with the purpose of getting a glass of water but she stopped me

'Lucy not Lin, now do your job Lucy it's what I'm paying you for' she said, Lucy took her order as she went straight to the fridge took out a bottle of water and poured some in a glass, she then handed it to my mom who took it instantly and drank in

I was abaut to heard for the kitchen exit door before I saw my mom's raised hands which said stop, i obeyed and stopped in my track's, what was I thinking she had to punish me for being late infact I was always punished for every little mistake, i just hope she consider the fact that i am twenty three and was working now, no need to be treated like a child

'We need to talk Lin' she said turning to face me as she placed the empty glass down, i nodded and gave her my all attention praying for my punishment not to be tougher today 'I'm not going to punish you Lin, you're twenty three now and considering the fact that you're the one growing the family bussiness I prefer you get your own space now' she stated

I purposely pinched my upper right arm since my hands were tugged there already, i wanted to make sure i wasn't dreaming but it turned out I wasn't, it didn't go unnoticed by mom as she rolled her eyes and confirmed 'you're not dreaming Lin'

'Okay listen, you're expected home by nine everyday since you've got plenty work now' I couldn't believe my ears so asked again 'you mean nine in the evening?' I asked 'Yes' 'OMG thanks mom' I excitedly said

'And no more house chores, you're a CEO now it will be embarrassing if you're caught doing laundry so stay extra careful with that and the maids will be doing your laundry and take care of your room' she warned and I nodded 'but I dont mind doing my own laundry' 'are you challenging my rules now? Or you want to embarrass me on the media' she scolded 'alright I'm sorry mom' I quickly Appologised

'One more thing, I'll choose you a husband myself so no boyfriend's' 'alright, is that all can I go now' I asked 'yes' she instantly responded and I turned to leave but was stopped by another voice 'no Lin stay back'

Ofcourse I knew who the owner of the beautiful voice was, meet Zhang my elder half sister, she is a year older then me but a result of my dad cheating on my late mom, he married mom but still had his lover whom he impregnated and as a result Zhang that was before I was born I still loved her as my elder sister and didn't hold any grudges against her, although she didn't show to feel the same for me

'Why do you need her here? She's from the office and chores are not done by her anymore' mom surprisingly asked 'what the nerd isn't doing chores anymore? Anyways that's the least of my worries mom.. I need her help' Zhang said 'help??' Both me and mom questioned at the same time

'Yes! You know that I'm pregnant mom' she said 'Yes and I asked you to convince your boyfriend so you two get married, I'll take care of everything' mom said 'i know but mom, that bastard got a girlfriend and denied my child' the girl confessed

Mom just looked shocked and angry at the same time, i on the other end felt sorry for her 'what can Lin do?' Mom asked 'i heard the Huang company wants to be bussiness partners with our company, since Lin is the CEO, she'll propose a marriage proposal to Huang's son Wang, for the deal to be secured and atleast my child will have a father' she stated

Mom stared down at the floor and I was lost in my thoughts, I've secretly loved Wang and him marrying my sister will be a nightmare, especially considering that I'll be the one to bring them close, i won't agree to this, not even in a joke

'Mom! say something' Zhang said 'listen we can propose someone else but not Wang' I declared 'Why not him, well I want him..he's caring, successfully and handsome too, mom if I don't marry Wang within this week then I'll end my life' she claimed

'No you'll not do such thing' mom said 'try me' she responded 'what do you want from my family Lin? Do you want to break us apart? Wasn't I raising you not good enough' mom scolded turning to me and I kept shaking my head 'you'll get your sister married to Wang and if not then, me and my daughters will leave your father's house, or we'll just divide this house into two, so what do you say?' She offered

Wang was my crush but not family for me family is more important than love so I knew the right thing to do 'I'll propose the deal by Friday to the Huang company, there's no need for you leave or divide the family' I said

'No no no, not Friday propose it tommorow, schedule a meeting with my in-laws ASAP' Zhang said and I just nodded

She looked at me up side down, head to toe and she spoke with a disgusted look 'ew! Mom you pretend to worry abaut your reputation and turn a blind eye on this your company CEO? I mean the outfit is better but the shoes..not appropriate for an office lady much worse a CEO' Zhang commented

Mom turned, eyed me head to toe and screamed 'jeez! Is this how you have been going to the office for these past week?' She asked and I nodded, mom just returned today from her vacation so she haven't seen my outfit I guess "y-yes' I shyly admitted 'ew she's not meeting my in-laws like that..okay prospond your meeting for the day after tomorrow as we'll have to fix this your look first' Zhang said

'What's wrong with my look? I love it this way' I complained 'hey we are talking abaut your sisters in-laws better get serious and do what she tells you, they might think my daughter looks that way too' mom scolded and I nodded agreeing 'I'll go to my room now' I said then turned to leave, as i didn't recieve any response was already used of it though

Abaut three hours later, i heard a knock on my window, i quickly wiped away my tears

Yes I was crying because of Wang, he might think I hate him giving him a women whom he dispired, yes he and my elder sister Zhang never really got along he might have changed though and the worse part was making him take care of another man's child, what if he loved someone else

I rushed to the window, i was shocked to see the person there 'Wang??' I said questionably, i opened it and he jumped in just like he use to, my room was on a downfloor so entering wasn't much of the problem

Wang pulled me in a hug, he stayed like that for like four minutes then he finnaly pulled away 'what-what are you doing here?' I stuttered 'seriously four eyes, ain't you happy to see me?' He asked clearly annoyed 'no i don't mean it that way..I'm just confused, i thought you're grown up so the door is a greater option you know' 'oh really four eyes, with your snow white step mother, sure next time' he joked

Yes I was always in spectors, i mean it was normal since I grew up in the house and going out was only to school, so my eye vision blurred when I'm in a too bright area like outside so always wore glasses which resulted in him nick naming me "four eyes"

'Alright I'm sorry so what brings you here?' I asked another dump question, he just silently stared at me as if wanting to say something and something holding him back 'I missed you, four years without seeing you is like he'll and you know that Lin' he asked staring straight in my eyes