She's All His

(NB: Mature Episode Ahead, Skip if Uncomfortable)

He played with his tongue on my top of my Pussy with my panty still on but his fingers already working their way in more like undressing me sin and as i predicted he pulled my panty off my thighs down to my legs which made me raise my legs to help him remove my panty

After he has successfully tossed my panty away he started kissing me again from the toes to my thighs which ended on my Pussy, he placed several kisses on top of my Pussy, this was knew to me like I heard of sex but never thought people had to eat the Pussy with their mouth yoh this was crazy but pleasurable indeed

Next time I felt his tongue teasing my clit, it felt so Fucken good that i loudly moaned 'ah-yes baby, this feels so nice' i said and he started thrusting his tongue teasingly on my clit after my words which was more pleasurable the feeling was unexplainable I moaned to the pleasure as i felt his finger which I was sure was the middle one inside my pussy, i was a virgin so he did it slowly ofcourse

After he had successfully slid in his finger he didn't move I wondered what he was waiting for which I figured that he gave me time for me to adjust to his finger size, i wonder who told him I was a virgin though but will surely ask him tomorrow

A couple seconds later i felt his finger start thrusting in me I was abit nervous though as Wh at if I urinate now on his finger, i know it was stupid but hey my first time so don't harshly judge me

Both his finger and tongue started moving slowly which was like torture to me, i wanted him to be alittle faster you know, but was feeling so good after all couldn't help but moan 'yes' I moaned and I heard him ask 'you feel good wifey?' He said those words on top of my clit which gave me more pleasure, just hearing his voice from my pussy was pleasurable enough, but I didn't have time for words just nodded and he continued after seeing my agreement

His thrusts pace increased both with finger and tongue, the pleasure started to over build in me so I kind of set up and moved to his pace like I swing my buts whenever he moved which seemed to have turned him on too 'you like how you feel wifey?' 'Yes' 'don't lie to me babe, is it just the wine or you mean it' he worriedly asked which made me realise he was regretting it

He felt like he was wronging me as I was under the influence of alcohol but hey I wanted him to know I was perfectly happy with it plus he was my husband now I may not love him but will sure not deny his rights as my husband so I had to assure him but not when I'm drunk he'll just think it's alchol saying it Al though I do mean it

A couple minutes later, his pace decreased I thought he might be tired but no I felt the walls inside me tighten I could feel that because his finger wasn't passing through anymore I felt really weird but pleasurable as before then he pulled his finger out just after I closed my eyes to feel the feeling more like i wanted to live it, I've never felt this way before so wanted it to last but horribly didn't as Chen disturbed by pulling out

'What did you do, i was abaut to have my moment' I scolded 'oh you mean cum?' He teased 'wait, that's what you call come? I heard my sisters talk abaut it but wasn't interested I couldn't understand it anyways' 'Yes wifey, you were abaut to climax meaning know when you drink too much water and get to that extend that your stomach can't take in anymore' he sweetly explained, just rubbing my Pussy entrance and clit which he touched some times

'Yes, so why did you stop me from Cumming huh?' 'Because i want your first cum to be caused by my dick not my finger or tongue wifey' he seductively said and I nodded shyly then he commanded as he rolled over to the other side of the bed, lay flat and commanded 'come on top of me now' I obeyed and climb on his top

His trouser and pants were already off but his shirt still on, he helped me remove my dress i was supposed to help him remove his clothes too atleast that's what I remember from movies, he might have removed them when I wasn't looking

'Can I?' I asked slightly touching his dick 'Ofcourse wifey, it's all yours and although you don't love me, I've already fallen wifey' he confessed and I smiled, i couldn't say i loved him cause honestly I didn't but I won't say i don't like him as that will be a lie as i do like him

I kept rubbing his dick on top of my Pussy which made him groan 'ooh! Ooh yes baby' he said in pleasure and I smiled happy with what i was doing, i honestly didn't what i was doing but as it is said "you'll always know what to do at the right time" then he spoke 'babe you're killing m, will you just put it in already' he impatiently said and I obeyed as i slid his dick inside my Pussy

Nether of us moved for like a minute guess he was giving me time to adjust to his size then he asked with concenity 'we can stop if you're not ready wifey' 'ready? How old am I twelve, let's just do it..don't you think it's fair I learn' I asked 'no I just thought that, you'll want' 'stop Chen, just Fuck me okay' I said and he smiled, kissed my hands which were on his chest and started slowly thrusting and I moaned again but this time in pain 'ahh!' Then he stopped thrusting but didn't pill out

'We can stop if you'd like' he said and I rebuked 'no we won't unless you don't want too' 'no no no.. how can you say that ofcourse I'm craving for you I mean I've been since the day we first met' he explained 'then' 'it's just that I've never broken someone's virginity once, i just don't want to hurt you wifey' he said and I almost cried, this guy is so sweet, like he's so considerable but I shook my head and he bent down to my lips then crushed his on mine and kissed me so deeply as he started thrusting, i felt alittle pain and started moaning to the pleasure but wasn't heard as his mouth was still on top of mine then he spoke 'you're all mine wifey' and I nodded

His thrusts pace increased as he moved his mouth from mine, he kept thrusting and me moaning then i felt my walls tightening again the pleasure was too much so my moans increased too 'ah' Then I heard him groan too 'oh, oh' he groaned

I didn't concentrate on him as i started shivering to the pleasure I guess, then after a few seconds I squirt and my shivering stopped but his groans didn't it just increased with each thrust, just abaut a minute later i felt his body start to shiver as he groaned 'oh!' He groaned then boom I felt his fluid inside my pussy he dam came inside me and his cum was pretty warm which I liked the feel of it

it took him abaut a minute before his shivering stopped which I assumed his cum also stopped but still didn't pull out his dick, he brought his hands to my face caressed it before he spoke 'I'm sorry I came inside you, it's hard to pull out at that moment and we didn't use protection' he spoke with regret evidence in his voice 'you What?' I angrily asked