Dad's Call

'Belle! Are you okay? I heard you're not home..please tell me you're fine my daughter I can't concentrate..did something happen?' He asked so many questions at the same time and I ran out of words, I've never heard him show concenity to me before

At this point my hands were trembling I couldn't believe my ears, i was certain that i was in my dreams now so I asked Chen to pinch me 'please pinch me' 'You're not dreaming cupcake, it's reality' Chen confirmed right before my dad spoke 'listen, i promise to explain everything to you as soon as I come there, but listen to me for now, i heard from stefney that you got married whatever the reason is if you're happy with happy then please stay with him, use the company money to buy an apartment just don't go back to that house, I'll secretly come to Korea by next week and I'll explain everything to you and don't worry abaut Dolma, I'm sending her to a boarding school in France this Monday she was already admitted, i his it from her as i didn't want you to be alone but since you're married now, I'm sure you'll be okay' he said

It still sounded unreal so I didn't respond 'and listen whatever you do don't go back to that house just go get your clothes and live with your husband, my Agnes will be very happy to hear this great news' he continued and the last words caught my attention did he just mention mom's name?? But mom was dead she died abaut twenty years ago when she was dead, i myself was present at her funeral and was around during her last days on earth so what was dad tarking abaut?

Yes my mom's name was Agnes, she's from France that's why she have that name instead of a Chinese name, she's originally from France

'Dad did you mention mom's name? It sounds like mom is still alive' I curiously asked but he didn't respond i was restless so asked again 'is my mother still alive Mr Sichuan?' I asked ' No no no..I mean yes I mentioned your mom's name but I meant that she was very happy for you there in heaven sweetheart' he said

My brain was really confused now, I'm sure I wasn't dreaming but hey how come my dad was so kind to me, he never ever called me, all the messages I got from my step mom's, much worse call me sweetheart, he only called me that when I was two to three years, this all was confusing me

'I know you're confused now but I'll come tell you the truth when I come, alright goodbye and whatever you do don't tell anyone that you spoke to me' he said then hanged up

I blankly stared at my phone screen I clearly didn't she energy or understand of what just happened? Chen gently placed me on the counter table then in no time I felt the glass on my mouth I sucked on whatever it was which I layer realised was water and after quenching my thirst or maybe shock, i started talking

'Dad called me after the past twenty years he did call me, he also said i need to go get my clothes and he'll come tell me everything this coming week' I mumbled and he nodded then stood me up 'What?' I asked 'let's go take a bath then, we'll go get your clothes, if your dad is saying that, then they must be a reason' 'but he never...' I tried complaining but he cut me short by shushing me 'follow me' he said as he took my hand walking while leading the way, I nodded then followed him quietly as i started calculating my thoughts

Abaut five minutes later i was already in the bath tub with Chen, he was softly rubbing a sponge on my back bathing me, i wasn't concentrating, i kept thinking abaut what just happened earlier, i still couldn't believe that Mr Sichuan called me earlier, the man who considered me dead the man who always hanged up calls whenever I called him, he even blocked my number that i tried calling him with my friends cards and it went through but he instantly blocked it as soon as he realised it was me, I've really forgotten abaut him but today he phoned me and even called me the nicknam "Belle" the name they called me when I was young, yes both my mom and dad called me belle and today he remembered it, something was really wrong here, i snapped out of my thoughts after hearing my husband's voice 'turn around wifey' I turned facing him

He took my right hand, then started rubbing the sponge around my fingers, as with his eyes staring straight in mine 'what are you thinking abaut cupcake?' He asked 'abaut dad' I absent mindely answered, he squeezed my palms softly 'auch' I playfully screamed 'I told you I'm here for you, now tell me why do you dought your dad, just tell me alittle abaut your past life' he asked 'what do you mean past life?' I jokingly asked 'Because you started a New life with me last night! After we consummated our marriage, from now on all your problems are equally mine too just like your enemies are mine as well' he assured which sounded so sweet that i almost lost tears, yes I was an emotional fool, i cried for being treated bad and now even cry for being treated nice stupid me

'Its okay if you don't want to tark abaut it, you can tell me anytime just know that I'm here for you' he sadly said and his voice sounded like he was dissapointed

Chen has been so nice to me plus he's my husband too, it was fair I tell him half of it atleast 'my mom died ju st when I was four years, dad got remarried and my step mom never liked me, the teenage life you had was snatched from me, i never got to go out or have a boyfriend due to the vase I broke which was my step mom's favorite, my step siblings had and still have a complete freedom life, and dad was even worse' I stopped then continued after I felt him rub my hand 'dad never really cared, he never showed up at any of my schools event, he never even showed up on my graduation day' I paused again breathing in then i heard him say 'I'm so sorry wifey' again his words encouraged me to continue 'it's okay, please I don't want to talk abaut it anymore' 'it's okay! And what abaut your mom? It sounded like she was still alive' he commented 'No, she suffered heartburn, and sadly died he just made a mistake' I confirmed 'I'm so proud of you, like you're really strong wifey' he said and I nodded

An hour later we were infront of my house, since I had a party dress with me and hills only back to the apartment, i wore his shorts and hoodie with his sandals which I didn't fit in properly they were both branded Nike, yes Chen was my employee but seemed to be very very rich like an actual CEO but he Already explained that he had nothing to do with his hard worked money as both his parents and siblings were earning their own so he used his money to spoil himself as he was single which was reasonable to me, he was a social media influencer and was a Nike ambassador

I knocked on the door which was instantly opened, i left Chen in the car as i was just going to grab my suitcase, i texted dolma earlier to park my suitcase and she seemed so happy with it, she said her dream came true and she will leave for boarding school with no worry now

Lucy opens the door, i almost threw myself in her arms but then saw my step mom standing behind her and looking straight at me

'Lin, my daughter I don't know what i could have told Agnes if you haven't come back, oh my gosh where have you been and how are you' she spoke coming close to me ' you said my mom's name' I mumbled but was loud enough for her to hear 'No, i meant your dad, anyways I have news for you! You'll get married this coming weekend I already chose your husband, go take a shower they'll be here soon' she said 'No, i mean I'm here to collect my suitcase, i got married already mom and I'm going to live with him from today on' I said hoping she'll understand she raised me after all

'You're What? Alright listen, i heard from Wang's mother that a man defended you claiming to be your husband but don't worry, we'll get you married and he'll have no right' 'no mom, i mean look at my finger' I showed her my finger which contained of my wedding ring 'I'm married now, I'm going to live with my husband from today on I just came to collect my suitcase' 'no you're not, you'll only marry the man I chose for you, since when did you start going against my rules! Now go upstairs and freshen up, they'll be here soon' she comanded I almost agreed as i took one step forward then i heard an angry voice from behind 'no she'll not, Lin is my wife now and will be living with me from today onwards' it ofcourse came from my husband Chen