Who's She?

I noticed Chen's gaze when I looked up on him I couldn't control tears from falling out of my eyes I tried blinking them away but failed as they were already on my cheeks, i never thought he was capable of lying he looked so true and real

'Do you know her?' I finnaly managed to ask after a few trials of battling wether I ask him or not, i showed him the screen which contained the girls image and his eyes widened 'Lin I can expl..' 'I didn't ask you to explain, i asked if you know her or not just answer my questions don't give out fake excuses' I cut in, i didn't want to hear his excuses just wanted the truth out of him, and he nodded while talking 'yes..I do know her' 'great! Are you blood related to her?' I asked another question still showing the screen to his face so he could see the person he was clarifying abaut 'Lin..what are you? this is...' 'are you related to her by blood?' I angrily cut in as he stattured 'yes!!' He guilty confirmed 'is she your daughter?' 'Yes but she's..' 'Fuck you!' I said cutting him short then ran out of the kitchen, i ran straight to our bedroom aiming for the bathroom as it was in the bedroom, he followed me but couldn't catch up on me as I was faster then him, i ran in the bathroom as soon as I reached the door and locked it, i heard him knock on it and demanded me to open, he was really stupid to think that I'll open the door for him after what he has done

I felt really betrayed him lying to me abaut his child was too much to handle what did he th ink that I'll never find out, i mean I've been with him for a whole dam month why didn't he tell me abaut it 'Lin, you didn't give me a chance to explain..please just listen to me' I heard him say from te outside but I didn't much care, i heard another notification on my phone, i opened it and it was from Yang again here is how it read "I'm sorry for being the one to break this to you, i mean I'm not sorry I'm glad you found out, I'm your sister after all It's my duty I help you stay out of danger" my heart felt alittle warm to this text but was crushed as i read the next text "but you're not welcome in my house lol" I didn't respond i didn't really know of what to say, i fell to the floor crying my eyes out as i was totally confused, now I knew family was just family, Chen was knocking non stop on the door though 'listen Lin, you know we can talk abaut this...i' 'please just shut up Chen,, i don't want to talk to you..please leave me alone' I said hoping he'll understand but instead I heard him position himself on the door, it's like he was sitting

'No I won't leave, I'll just sit here and wait for you..and if you don't want to talk to me then we'll just call your psychologist, she might help' yes I've been seeing a psychologist for this past month, it all started when I fell unconscious one rainy day and when Chen took me to the doctor they confirmed that i was emotionally abused and after I explained my case with the doctor I was referred to start seeing a psychologist who have helped me alot, the psychologist told me that my step mom could be sued for emotional damage if taken to court but I refused she was my mom and whatever she have done, i already forgave her

'Miss Lin how are you feeling?' I heard miss sheng's voice from outside which came from a call, sheng was my psychologist, i didn't respond then i heard her speak again 'don't forget oxygen is needed for every stressful situation miss Lin, so please breathe in and out then get back to me as soon as you're done taking in more oxygen' she instructed and I obeyed, i breathed in and out and surprisingly felt more calm and relaxed already 'hello miss sheng' I politely greeted as soon as I felt better 'hello miss Lin, can you please tell me what happened your husband is worried so he called me' 'he hid something from me miss sheng, he has been fooling all this while' 'well he might have hid it for a reason miss Lin, did he explain why?' She asked and I fell silent, i didn't give him a chance to explain although he was begging me to give him a chance to explain 'okay I get it you were angry by then, well it's not too late miss Lin, just give him a chance to explain himself before concluding okay miss Lin' 'ofcourse, thank you miss sheng' 'don't thank me miss Lin this is my job, but I suggest you see me even after you sort out this misunderstanding okay' 'alright miss sheng' I responded wiping my tears' 'have a great day miss Lin' 'likewise' I responded and heard her tell Chen to take me to her as soon as I feel better

After washing my face, i opened the door and he rushed inside it, examining my face 'Lin are you okay? I'm so sorry for being the one to cause your pain, hit me do whatever but please just don't push me away from you' he said taking me in his arms, i felt more at ease being in his arms that i couldn't help but start crying

Abaut two minutes later, i was seated on the bed with Chen by my side, he kept asking me if I was okay although I told him I was fine 'are you Okay? Do you need something maybe water?' 'No I'm good thank you' I responded 'Alright can we tark then please' 'no I want to rest now we can talk tomorrow when I'm more relaxed but just tell me the truth, is the young girl your daughter?' I asked calmly 'Yes, she is but she's My..' 'it's okay I want to meet her by the way' 'you what?' 'That's right I want to meet her' I said and he looked shocked, it's like he couldn't believe me he just nodded, i moved sideway to sleep comfortably on the bed, he helped me cover myself before walking out 'I'm gonna get some fresh air this all is too much to handle, i don't understand a thing of how it got..' 'how my sister found out? Well that's not important as of now..I mean how long were you planning to keep your daughter from me?' 'I wasn't keeping her from you, i just wanted to do it the right time' he explained 'oky, I'm sleepy now..don't take long I'm scared' 'Alright I won't, i also need cuddles, I'll just make one bussiness call then I'm back' 'bussiness call? I mean you work for me what bussiness call are you talking abaut?' I was confused with the bussiness call 'well after tonight I suggest you take a day off, I'm calling your assistance to let her know' 'oh yeah alright, bring me water on your way back' 'Alright I will, will be right back' he gave me a kiss on my cheek before heading out and I drifted off to sleep as soon as he left