Chapter 25 Reason

The next day and the following days of my work immersion or the Business Enterprise Simulation became extraordinary. I felt excited yet I'm nervous because I don't have experience in this kind of field.

We are just bombarded with theory in the textbooks or what Auntie Julie want me to read and most of all, I can't seem to understand some of it. I can barely understand because I can't remember if we discussed it or not so I had to search and read about the concepts. I, also asked our instructor if what am I going to do. Like me, my fellow interns were crawling in the wildest forest.

"Is this the career I want to take part in?" Marga heaves a sigh countless times while frowning as she types on the keyboard. She, even moved close to the monitor to scan the numbers we need to enter.

"All I thought, working as an accountant was your dream? So, you will be going to reach it no matter what?" Halley shot back. I suddenly remembered Amber who always told me that she want to get rich. I miss her already and her crazy thoughts.

We chit-chat while doing our task. The employee assigned to look for us was not strict like others as long as, we will be able to finish the task given to us.

"Oh my gosh, Halley! Thanks for reminding that magic statement." Marga's mood change into a light aura and a smile appeared on her lips as if telling herself that whatever it takes, she will chase her dreams.

"As you say so." Halley paused. "What kind of profession do you want to take after graduation? As for me, I want to take a legal management course as my pre-law," she said as he took a glance at me then shifted her eyes on the monitor of the computer.

I don't know what to react. I was stunned by her question.

What do I want?

What are the things I want? I do have one but do I have the right to pursue it?

"Well, that's how life works?" Halley added.

Our conversation stops when Mrs Jung came towards our desk to instruct our next task and she went back to her desk.

We are indulging in what we are doing. Silence filled within us but it automatically changes when Halley broke the silence.

"Wait, what am I going to do with this savings account?" she asked me. I went near to her monitor and look what she was saying.

I instructed her what to do. "Check his savings account and search for the mistakes in every transaction if there was a double entry, wring computation or something missing in his account. If you found any of those, let Mrs Jung know it."

"Be careful of what kind of account they have," Sheldon added, too. I can see that Halley blushed a little bit and I giggled silently wondering what might happen in the future.

I went back to what I am doing.

Some part was easy to understand since we tackled them in one of our subjects.

Times ticked so fast and it's already afternoon. We are still in front of our computer doing the task that Mrs Jung gave to us. The good thing is there are staff who was guiding us if we are doing right.

I was about to wrap up all the files I gathered when suddenly Mrs Jung called me to her desk.

"Yes, Mrs Jung, you called me?" I asked politely.

"Kindly handed this file to the secretary of Mrs Chua. I would have gone but I still have a lot of papers to finish. don't worry. I called that someone else would take it," she said and handed me the papers. "You probably know where is madam's secretary's office is."

"Yeah," I said as I excused myself.

I was walking in the hallway I know to Mrs Chua's secretary's office. The hallway to the second end of all offices is getting familiar and I am thankful that we had a tour of the entire building on our first day.

But why do I feel like this isn't my first step here in the building? Why do I feel like I've been here before?

A vague memory flashed in my mind and I can't seem to understand if it is true or not. Because it seems like this scene appeared in my dream. The only difference is that I have someone with me.

Gradually my head ached and I felt sick too but I struggled because I couldn't help but give my paper to Mrs Chua's secretary. I walked down the hallway again even though I was struggling.

Someone held my shoulders and a familiar scent hit my nose.

"Are you okay?" Asher asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah," I sparingly answered him.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and we both walked into the hallway. Like me, he was also instructed to hand over the papers given a staff to Mrs Chua's secretary.

Asher and I talked to while walking. I watched how he spoke and only now did I realize that I was gradually getting used to his presence even though he suddenly appeared unexpectedly. Something that had a good effect caused my headache. But I still can't deny that hasn't changed how I feel.

"Hey, are you sure that you are okay?" he asked and I snapped back from reality that he was asking something from me.

"Hah?" It was as if I had escaped blood. "No!" I lied.

He chuckled. "Oh!" he gave me a teasing smile. I was about to protest when I came to realize that we are in front of Mrs Chua's secretary office.

Asher knocked on the door before he opened it.

An office enough for one welcomed us. I roamed around and the atmosphere was very chill and there was a door on the left side corner. Probably, the main office of Mrs Chua. There was a desk and a swivel chair where the secretary was seated.

I unawares felt an unknown feeling just like the feelings I felt earlier because my brain says I've been here before.

"Hello madam!" Asher greeted.

A petite, suntanned skin, long black straight hair that is suitable with her expressive eyes and slightly round face let us sit in a two-seated chair.

"We were ordered to give it to you," Asher handed the paper and I did it as well.

She told us a lot more and I tried to understand everything though I felt like I was not feeling well Good luck to me how can I tell later everything he said to Mrs Jung.

We were about to leave when she called me by name. I turned around in surprise.

"Nice meeting you, madam!" she said bowing her head as if I was having a great authority in the company or I was superior to her. I frowned full of confusion.

Time had passed so fast and the scenario earlier still playing in my head. My mind was full of questions and I don't know where to start. I don't when or whom could I ask about myself. I'm about to question myself and all the vague memories and dreams keep on appearing in my head that seems so impossible. Al over and over again, I am asking my worth.

It was late at night, and my eyelids had begun to droop, and I was deliberately replaying events in my mind that I couldn't grasp or recall.

My head can't determine if it's true or not, but my heart says it's part of the past that I'm trying to forget.

It was late at night, and my eyelids had begun to droop, and I was deliberately replaying events in my mind that I couldn't grasp or recall.

My head can't determine if it's true or not, but my heart says it's part of the past that I'm trying to forget.

I was out of breath and my heart was racing. When I rubbed my brow, a sweat smear appeared, as did my moist back.

When I noticed the lampshade beside my bed was on, the hope in my heart returned. My heart was soothed by the tiny ray of brightness.

After a few minutes, I got up from lying down and took my phone next to the lampshade before approaching the light switch then went back to turn off the lampshade light. I decided to go to the kitchen with my phone's flashlight so I could see where I was going.

Everything is quiet because everyone is asleep.

But a ray of light coming from the study room caught my attention. I was wondering why it was turned on so I approached first before going to the kitchen. Then I saw two different shadows.

I stepped my feet to draw near to see who's inside the room without creating noise as I turn off the flashlight of my phone.

"My God, Julie! You're exaggerating Julie. It's been, oh! how many years had passed? When will I remind you that the child is innocent? She is not at fault. Do not look for excuses to emphasize that everything is the child's fault. Don't you understand that?" I heard Dad let out. His voice was enough not to create a commotion, calm yet insisting his point.

"Years? Yes, it was. How can I forget my child? How can I forget my child if every day I miss her? I hide all the pictures that remind her or the things she had but it still comes back to me that she was gone?" I heard Auntie Julie's cracked voice showing her vulnerable side.

Child? Who is she?

Then a vague picture flashed in my head.

"You are not the only one who has lost. You know that. So please stop. Stop blaming Andrea for the things from the past," Dad said almost begging Auntie. My hands began to tremble at what I heard. My mouth was dry and all I could hear was my silent sob as my tears fell from the floor.

"No, it is her fault. Because of Andrea and her hard-headedness, my child lost. I lost Ciara," Auntie Julie argued.

With that, more questions bombarded my head letting me break down.