More than a couple hundred miles far north west of Cronemoor; past the Cuzca Jungle, the Skyfall Desert, and many small forests in between , stood two immensely gorgeous brother cities. Rather, cousin cities.
Barad Undo and Barad Tica were known across Brine for their tough men and military ties to the Cursed War. A war that lasted fifty years, and a curse that still, two hundred years later plagued its lands.
Guards walked the streets among shoppers, for Barad Undo wasn't just a military city. In the middle of the city, the townspeople as well as those traveling, would set up their shops for the day. From the basic necessities of fruits, vegetables, and dried meats - to the crafting skills of the cities smiths and jewelry making. The eastern side of town heavily guarded four warehouses filled with goods from all over the land. The south entrance, was considered the town's main street since it was the main entrance for the city. It housed inns and taverns of all types from upper class dining to the military's own and everything in between. The city's training field and barracks ran along the west gate, along with three connected buildings for sleeping quarters based on rank. Next to the sleeping quarters, a larger building stood where the ruler of the city slept (the captains personal headquarters.) Towers stood on the outside of the cities entrance, a cobblestone wall wrapped around it. The city was well built and protected, though some of it's walls in parts had begun to crumble from the cracks, a result from the war two hundred years ago.
One of the largest buildings, other than the military training barracks, was the city's temple. Built with limestone, located far north of the Market Square, a distinct symbol painted above the front doors - balanced scales resting on a warhammer. It was relevant to the massive statue in the middle of town; the city's deity, Tyr. Connected to the temple a library and small study where the city's priest teaches the military men in training their religious history. In the north east of the city, near one of the warehouses, a bank holds most of the population's money.
An appealing, well built man of reasonable height (for a human male anyway) stood, admiring an exceptionally drawn map of the world. He slowly traced his finger from town to city, forest to mountain; mouthing words as he ran over the land. He was dressed in heavy armor with a blue and orange cloak. Another man, young enough to be his son, sat at a mahogany desk behind him writing away. Just as beautiful, with the same build and features, his long black hair that he usually wore in a braid and soft grey eyes. Another symbol of the city's allegiance to their Deity hung on the wall across from the desk. Much larger than the one outside of the temple entrance, and more realistic. The scales and warhammer are made of expensive metal, and gems engraved into the weapon. The craftsmanship of the weapon itself was clearly not made by their kind. Other weapons lined the four walls around the room, most of them obviously used in battles over the years. Handed down over time to the next in line to rule. It was the current rulers idea to hang them, reminders of his ancestors, and his duty. The most striking, and worn of all these weapons - a greataxe. One that could compete in beauty with the warhammer far across from it. Smaller weapons hung in a circle around the greataxe, secondary weapons the wielder of this greataxe would use. Plenty of drawings of the man standing were placed randomly along the walls. A few of him in armor and weaponry, but mostly self-portraits that captured his square face, cropped black hair, and narrow amber eyes. Beautiful he was - but someone who was surely full of himself. A couch and a few chairs in purple fabric were positioned about the room. Three closed doors led off to other rooms in the building. The biggest door; two doors built together in an arch shape under the Deity symbol, led to the Main Hall. A much smaller door than the one serving as the main entrance; on the opposite end of the room, led to a much larger room (one that took up most of the buildings space.) The third was harder to see to an untrained eye, or to anyone who never visited the personal headquarters of Undo's ruler - as it was further back from the wall. A small dark hallway to and from the temple.
Two men in their mid-twenties dressed in plate armor followed by three much younger men in leather armor with bows on their backs walked in through the double doors.
"Captain Isaac," they all said with a slight bow. The man standing nodded in their general direction for a second, while he continued to map the drawing on the wall with his finger. The taller of the two men, reached into one of his side pouches and pulled out a leafy green herb and began chewing on it. The second man, short and thin, looked at him with disgust; but decided it better to continue on.
"Wulfa escaped," the short and thin man said abruptly. The five of them waited to see the reaction of their Captain. Shocked to see all he did was continue to place his finger on landmarks on the world map he drew himself. Not many knew of Captain Isaac's impressive talent to draw. Only the young man behind the desk wasn't dismayed to see no disturbance to his Captain. Tristan Hamoh wasn't just the city's priest, he was the Captain's personal clergy.
"It was bound to happen eventually," Captain Isaac began, as he stepped away from the map and leaned against his desk. He finally averted his attention away from the map to his first and second hand men and his three high ranking archers.
He stared at Gage and his tree-like height. His eyes glanced over his missing finger for a moment; for a Captain it still grossed him out. He had picked Gage to be in the highest ranks, not just for his agility and gracefulness with a bow; hell most of his archers had that. No, Gage also had resilience. He didn't let his disability slow him down. With the missing limb being on the same hand he held his bow with, most other people his age would have given up. When Gage did tell people how he lost it (because most times he avoided those conversations) he always said it was due to a bowing accident that happened when he was younger. His stories never added up though. Gage was also an essential asset to Barad Undo's military; fluent in several languages - Elven, Dwarf, Draconic, Fay, and a few others - he was one of few of great help in that field.
"Neither of our city's have the best prison cells. Barad Tica was just the better out of the two of us to hold him," he continued.
"How did he escape?" Captain Isaac said, more as a statement than a question. He already had a feeling who it was, but needed confirmation.
"Tane," Cyrus Coldbane said slowly between chews of the herb.
"Not surprising." Captain Isaac, unlike Caleb, wasn't the least bit disgusted by Cyrus' chewing habits. Either used to it for so long or merely didn't bother him - no one ever cared to ask.
"It seems we have a real problem," Captain Isaac said, as he turned to Tristan who had a slight worry in his eyes.
"Plans?" Tristan asked as he grabbed a blank piece of parchment and picked up his quill. Captain Isaac turned back to his men.
"Is my cousin aware of what has happened?"
"No, Sir. He is still in the Vale of Omens with his mentor trying to get help from the A'eternians," Caleb answered. There was quite a long pause from Captain Isaac. His men waited patiently, trying as it was. They were used to their Captain taking his time. Some people wondered if Captain Isaac was perhaps slow, or even dim-witted by the way he took his time coming up with plans and responses, even places he was supposed to be at certain times. Those who really knew him though, like Tristan, knew he just needed the extra time to carefully plan. Deep down, Captain Isaac was quite perceptive and insightful.
"Do you men know who Wulfa is?" Captain Isaac finally broke the silence. Caleb stared off into the distance, his red tangled hair getting in his eyes. Mason, one of the rangers was squinting, obviously distracted by something else. A second ranger, Carter twirled his long brown hair around his finger. Gage was about to answer in his soft voice when Tristan burst into a sudden rage.
"What in Torm's name am I teaching you guys for?" Tristan shouted. Captain Isaac stepped aside to let his men into view of his personal clergy. Tristan was not the only one to get hot-headed so quickly.
"I will not let some kid screech at me." Caleb was no longer staring off into the distance. Tristan's soft gray eyes widened. There was almost a black tinge to them. Captain Isaac just folded his arms across his chest. Arguments were normal amongst his men, and one thing they were all taught was to work it out in some way. He knew when to step in anyways.
"Kid!" Tristan sneered, standing up so quick he almost knocked the chair back.
"You're only a few years older than me, mind you. Maybe if you weren't being so absent-minded, you'd remember who you are! First hand man to Captain Isaac Undo." Hearing his own words, just as quickly as he became heated, Tristan regained his senses and sat back down. Captain Isaac nodded and leaned against the desk once again.
"I am not absent minded," Caleb scowled. His tone had lightened the moment Tristan sat back down. Seeing no need to be defensive, he said in his normal voice,
"I got other things going on."
"Ugly goblin," Cyrus started in on him. Caleb felt that for a second. He knew he wasn't attractive like his Captain, or even Cyrus for that matter. His hair was usually a mess, and hard to keep under control - he had his own personal birds nest. Women his age looked at him like a father, or even an older brother. The only ones who ever really hit on him were twice and even three times his age.
What could be more important than the current situation? Captain Isaac wondered to himself.
"Wulfa is believed to be the descendant of Smaka," Cyrus finished as he spat the remaining bits of chewed up herb into another pouch and grabbed a new herb to chew on. Tristan's smile sparkled, finally someone's paid attention.
"Supposedly," Gage started, his soft-toned voice barely alerting the others. They slightly jumped, hardly anyone ever heard Gage speak. Gage continued on, paying no attention to their jump.
"During that war two hundred years ago, Smaka bed one of the High Elves when he was at Minas Ellalas."
Minas Ellalas was once a luxurious keep. It's population mixed with almost every possible race imaginable; Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Half-Elves, Humans, and even Fey. Before Smaka died, he released a curse upon the city and its surrounding land. Over the years the city had slowly diminished, and thirty years ago the swamps had begun to cover its city.
The look on Tristan's face was beyond priceless. Captain Isaac nodded with a grin on his face. That's why I picked him. He thought to himself. He had never been more proud of Gage than in that moment.
"Didn't he already have two sons? What use would he need of another child?" Carter asked.
Oh Lords. Captain Isaac thought to himself, unfolding his arms giving up altogether. Tristan pounded the desk with his fist.
"Smaka had twin boys. Ten years into the war he seduced some innocent young woman to bear him a child. Zabazzu and Namzu were born nine months later. He raised them throughout the war to help him," Cyrus explained.
"The third child was believed to be a daughter, and wasn't born until near the end of the war. Not much is known for certain as it was said that the High Elf Smaka coerced took off for fear of being killed by either side," Gage spoke leaving Tristan astonished yet again at how much this teenage boy knew.
"How do you know all this?" Tristan asked.
"Besides the lessons you teach us? I read a lot on the side."
"It is all speculation of course," Captain Isaac said, his back to them again as he eyed the map.
"Still, we can't take any chances. There's too many coincidences that point to him," Tristan said.
"Like?" Caleb asked. There was a worry about his tone now. His mind now focused on only what was in front of him.
"The High Elves of A'eterna have predicted the prophecy of a descendant of Smaka coming of age a month ago. Isn't it a bit ironic that exactly a month ago, cultist groups are popping up everywhere?"
"That hardly counts for anything," Carter scoffed. "Dark Arts have been everywhere since the fall of Smaka."
"Not like this." Tristan eyed him.
"Fine," he continued on.
"Need more? What about the sudden change in monster behavior?"
"Oh, Please," Caleb laughed. "That could be just some foolish dark magician getting in over his head. Before he knows it, the monsters will turn on him."
Tristan sighed.
"What about the fact, thirty years ago the cursed swamps around Minas Ellalas started to spread," Captain Isaac said as he turned around.
"What about it?" Mason asked with curiosity.
"Apparently thirty years ago, near that date, Wulfa was born," Tristan answered.
"But, no one's certain?" Caleb asked.
"No," Captain Isaac said.
"No one, except the High Elves of A'eterna or the Wood Elves of the Vales, and they won't give us any more information. I will not take any chances with this."
"He should be back by now." Captain Isaac began pacing back and forth.
"Sorry, we're late." A feeble scrawny man with golden eyes and brown hair opened the door and walked gracefully through the passage from the temple. He wore the same blue and orange markings lined on his cloak.
"Where's my cousin?" Captain Isaac asked.
"Arguing with the guards per usual." He walked into the room, setting his war pick and crossbow into the weapons rack by the door. A scar marked his face, running from the middle of his left cheek all the way to the middle of his forehead, just barely missing his eye.
"Was the trip any success?" Tristan asked.
Michah Locke shook his head.
"The A'eterna want nothing to do with our affairs. They said we should handle Wulfa ourselves."
"So they won't hold him?" Captain Isaac eyed him.
He shook his head a second time.
"I take it our prison didn't hold him?"
"No," Captain Isaac sighed.
"I wasn't surprised though."
"How'd he get out then?"
"That, I'd like to wait for my cousin. Should he ever learn manners."
"Been trying to teach him. Slow learner he is," Michah said.
"Too young to be Captain," Tristan pointed out.
"Better him than Tane," Captain Isaac gave him a look.
"Damn morons! Tell me to go through the other way when this way is quicker." A man as young as Tristan burst through the same temple passage door. He had the same black hair and brown eyes as his cousin, but was much stockier and wider; with more muscles in the arms.
"We have a problem, Owen," Captain Isaac said.
His cousin looked at him adjusting the one of many jeweled bracelets on his wrist.
"Your brother helped Wulfa escape."
"Freakin' Hell," he said, kicking the leg of one of the chairs closest to him.
"Filthy tree lovers wouldn't help us either. Said not -"
"We know. Michah already told us," Captain Isaac cut him off.
Owen sat down in the purple chair he had kicked.
"Do we have any plans?" he asked.
"Well, now that you're finally here, we can get to them," Tristan said, as he picked up his quill.
"I think we should try the Wood Elves of the Vale again. I will take Tristan and Gage with some lower ranks to Lloesy Vale. Owen I want you and Michah to take Carter here. Stop back at Tica, take some of your men and head to Pontm Vale. Carter when you get there, I want you to explain the situation in as much detail as possible in their tongue," Captain Isaac said.
"And if they turn us away as well?" Gage asked.
"You mean when," Owen muttered under his breath.
His cousin shot him a nasty look.
"More than likely they will, but we are still bringing it to their attention. If, and when things start to get out of hand about the world, they'll know why. We do have a second option. One that is likely to respond in some way. Tristan, I will need you to write a letter, with my seal of approval."
Tristan, happy at last; scribing was one of his favorite things to do, dipped his quill in the ink, almost knocking it over due to his excitement.
"Whom should I make it out too?"
"To the Commander of The Wand and Bell," he said as Tristan scribbled. Captain Isaac smiled as he looked above Tristan's head at the weapon display. He caught his cousin, Owen staring at him, smiling with him.
"Our four times great grandfather kept a journal during his experience of the fifty year war. He mentioned one of the greatest alliances our family ever had. They were the most mixed group of races he ever met, but just as loyal as anything. If ever we needed anything, all we had to do was ask. Their Commander at the time was a High Elf, so I am not quite sure who it is these days. There's no way they'd say no to a problem like this." Tristan finished scribing and stamped the Barad Military seal of approval.
"Caleb," the Captain began as he signed his name below the seal.
"I want you, Cyrus and Mason to take your horses and head east to a town called Cronemoor. That is where you can find them. It'll take you a few weeks. Hand this letter to their Commander only." Tristan folded the parchment and placed a wax seal to keep it in place. He handed it to Captain Isaac, who then gave it to his first hand man with a small map to the east.
The three boys left through the double doors. Caleb, not too excited about having to spend more than a few days with Cyrus. Cyrus spat his chewed up leaf on the ground as he tried to keep his distance from Caleb. Mason was the last to leave the room, with a tiny spring to his step. Having never been outside the two cities boundaries, he was fascinated by the distant lands that lay beyond them. A smile spread across his face.
Commander Biri slowly walked around the only table of The Red Chalice Inn. Her eyes scanned over the letter from Captain Isaac Undo of the Barad Military as she ran her fingers over the necklace of her mother's. Two men and a woman sat around the table watching her, waiting. Her father stood behind the inn's bar, two fingers gently stroking a cup of tea.
Commander Biri finished reading, handed it over to her father to read, and sat down at the table with the other three. Nonek, a man in his forties, grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. He crunched into it, squirting juice onto the table. His uneven, black beard dribbled with pieces as he ate hungrily.
"Disgusting," a man half his age commented.
"Oh, hush. Mister Perfect," Nonek taunted, biting off another piece and spitting it at Luth.
"Not here!" Commander Biri slammed her hands down on the table in front of them.
"We have enough problems it seems, without you two bickering."
The other woman, Naivanna inched her chair closer to Nonek and crossed her legs. She tossed her long black hair from behind her ear.
"Seems, my love?" Luth asked.
Commander Biri cocked an eyebrow at him, her father looked up from the letter and followed suit. She pulled her hands back to her and began to tell them what was in the letter.
A long discussion began about whether or not there was truth to Captain Isaac's findings. Arguments broke out; mostly between Luth and Nonek, and Commander Biri reminding Luth he need not be concerned about her as they were no longer lovers. In the end it was decided that they would help the Barad Military, if only to look into the situation.
"Are you sure you don't need extra men to aid you back?" Commander Biri had given the three young men provisions for the long ride back along with a response to their Captain's letter.
"No, My Lady. We should be fine. We ride fast," Caleb answered climbing upon his riding horse. Commander Biri, adjusting the straps of her own horse, a white warhorse.
"Thank you, again Commander," Cyrus said steering his horse towards the west gate of Cronemoor. They all nodded to her one last time as they left the town, contentment in their faces.
"I hope I made the right choice," she said when she heard her father join next to her.
"You did," he said as he stepped closer to her and began placing armor on his own horse.
"It was not an easy time for us, during those years against the dark family." She looked at him, pain clearly in his face from the memories. Her horse nuzzled her fingers to comfort her, she returned the favor with a stroke on his mane.
"And even if there is no truth to that letter, we owe our allegiance with them in some way. Our people and their people have worked together since the war."
She settled herself on her horse.
"Come on, father. We're going to need to recruit a few more people."
"Where are we headed, my child?" Bathe asked, as he steadied his grey horse to climb upon.
"The Bundushath Spires. I know an old friend that lives there, and I think she would be of great use for what I have in mind."
They left the city of Cronemoor behind them faster than the three young men had.