Chapter 5

The library did not look like it was from the Greed Ring. The double doors didn't have drunkards who would waltz in and out. There were no neon colours flashing constantly into people's retinas. It didn't have the air of irresponsibility or avarice.

The walls were tall with aged brick, which was covered in a solid green roof made of oxidized copper. A distinct dome was centered in the middle of the entire building, with the front doors leading directly towards it. The doors themselves were made of dark wood and had shiny silver handles.

There was a sign which read 'Greed Ring Public Library' written in front of the building.

Jacqueline noted that the stone stairs were clean without stains or mishaps of drinks or vomit. However, it had the problem of being dramatically long. Which was to her detriment as she was still half-asleep after waking up early.

Some part of her considered giving up on doing an interview if every morning meant using all her energy to get to the front door. Her feet finally landed on the top of the steps with a heavy thump.

After taking a second to breathe, she walked up to grab the door handles and struggled to pull the door open as the massive size made it far too heavy to swing open without genuine effort.

White sneakers strode on top of smooth marble tile, the sounds reverberated onto the grand ceiling and cream-coloured walls. Bookshelves stood with imposing heights, if one should fall on someone, they would be crushed like soft fruit in an industrial sized hydraulic press.

The ceiling was curved into the shape of a dome with cut-outs for glass windows, which let in the light from the slow rising sun. The sky was painted in orange and wisps of white clouds floated across the backdrop.

There were fake plants and framed pictures or paintings of various gems and expensive minerals decorating sections of bare wall.

The library didn't have the smell of cigarettes and overpowering cologne, but of aged paper and wood and clean air. There were a few wooden desks with gentle lamplight and cushioned seats.

Jacqueline took in the intricacies of all the details in this library, comparing it to the tiny one in her middle school.

Her old library had more computers than physical books and the shelves were made of metal instead of wood. It had a low carpet and a little receptionist desk with a decent size monitor, where she would work part time for the student's equivalent of minimum wage.

Students would normally ask for the e-book links for their research essays, instead of using the actual books.

This public library had a receptionist desk which matched the layout and sizing as everything else in the building. It was large and ancient and fully illuminated by the light of dawn.

There seemed to be no one at the desk.

However, as Jacqueline approached closer, the sound of flipped pages and the writing of a metal pen gently played out. Only when she was directly in front of the table, did she notice the head of someone writing in a large book. There was also another one of those box computers situated in a low corner of the desk.

Jacqueline scrunched her eyebrows in confusion at the person sitting in the office chair.

It was a child.

She had black hair and wore a formal outfit with a white shirt and vest, along with a library ID hung around her neck.

It read Li Huang, Head Librarian.

She also had jade bracelets on both wrists and wore a jade necklace with a phoenix on it.

The little girl finally noticed a shadow peering over her and looked at her with beady eyes.

"Who might you be?"

"I'm here for the interview for the library assistant position?"

During her brief introduction, Jacqueline tried not to seem impolite as these few days have taught her not to judge souls by their appearance.

People's appearances are frozen from death. Like her old co-worker who was over 60, with the face of a 30-year-old.

Some souls couldn't remember how long they've been dead, unable to tell their ages or birthdays. Others failed to adapt to the new lifestyle and have long forgotten their own names, after losing the people who once knew them.

This was the first time Jacqueline had seen a child's soul in the Greed Ring.

Though she supposes it wasn't too far-fetched. She herself seemed to look only a couple years older than the person sitting at the desk, who was looking at her with a disinterested face.

"I would normally ask for paperwork, but you wouldn't have any."

The little girl eyed the white shirt which had the [Neutral] inscription peaking at the top of the collar.

"We will move to a different room."

She closed the large book she was writing in and took out a clipboard with lined paper on it. Without sparing a glance, she walked over to a wooden door to the far right of the receptionist desk.

Jacqueline followed her in silence.

Inside was a much smaller room compared to the grand space outside the door. There was a white plastic table with two metal folding chairs facing each other.

After Jacqueline took a seat, Li Huang closed the door and started to write on her clipboard.

"So, Jacqueline, do you have any job experience?"

"I was a part of the library committee at school. I mainly helped students find the right e-books or articles they needed and managed the counter.

In meticulous handwriting, the interviewer had quietly made her notes.

"Why do you want this job?"

"It was open."

The librarian raised an eyebrow.

"This job seemed to be one of the better options on the job board. And I would like to eat and have a place to sleep tonight."

"Why do you think we should hire you?"

"I'm a fast learner. I pick up things quickly, even if it's unfamiliar to me, so I shouldn't be too annoying to train."


Li Huang cracked a smile for the first time with a toothy grin. She had the face of a gleeful child, ready to cause mischief.

"I like you, kid. You're hired"

Jacqueline exhaled in relief.

She was slightly worried that this job might be a challenge to get, but it seems that cheap disposable labour was wanted everywhere in the Underworld. Though this place was more formal than her previous jobs.

"We can start today, Jack. You alright with Jack? What about Jackie?"

The little girl lost all formality, speaking in a more familiar way like the other residents in the Ring; as an old man, who smoked cheap nicotine.

"Um... Jackie is fine"

Though only friends and family tend to call her by nickname, this was the first time a stranger had asked on their initial meeting.

Following that she immediately started working.

Pushing carts of books, placing said books into the line of shelves and trying not to fall off the ladder. This was far more manual labour than her previous job at her school library, as barely anyone touched an actual book, including herself.

Her flimsy arms were numb, and her legs were sore.

Despite the magnificent collection of literature and stunning architecture, only one person had shown up during the 10 hours she had been working for the day. Moreover, it wasn't someone looking for a book.

After eating a sandwich from the nearest convenience store and Jacqueline almost giving up going back up the stairs, a delivery person had arrived. They had given her boss a parcel, which made her giddy from excitement.

Suddenly, she went from the attitude of an old man back to a child. Jacqueline wondered how one person could show so many faces in one day.

Li Huang had quickly moved the stuff off her table to make room for the parcel. Then she had taken out a white handled switchblade from her pants pocket and sliced it open.

It seems that the boss prefers knives over guns. Either that or she had a gun hidden on her person where Jacqueline couldn't see.

Li Huang took out a box of plastic gloves and put them on. She took out something completely encased in bubble wrap out of the box.

Carefully, she unwrapped the heavy object to reveal a big uncut emerald. It had a rough surface and sharp edges. With a magnifier, Li Huang laughed like a madman while inspecting the green gemstone.

While Jacqueline had quietly observed her boss, she suddenly stopped laughing.

"If you touch this, I will gouge out your eyes"

She pointed her blade at Jacqueline without looking up.

"I didn't plan to"

Though she did think about it.

"Greed can give people funny thoughts on stealing. The last guy had funny thoughts and now they don't dare to come near this library anymore."

Jacqueline made a mental note not to touch the boss' parcels. She would rather get fired again than to experience what her former predecessor went through.

Watching her preoccupied employer, Jacqueline wondered why she spawned here. She didn't think of herself as particularly obsessed with money or expensive rocks. Perhaps her obsession lied elsewhere.