Chapter four

Jason's p.o.v

"We are here," I heard opened my eyes. I looked out the window to see the great palace of Aphidia before my eyes just like the author had described it. It was more wonderful in person and I can't believe that I am here.

Inside my favorite novel seeing everything from the villain's point of view. I stepped out of the chariot and stood proud before the palace. The men and women of the court came running to the entrance of the palace, they made two lines on each side of the walkway.

Right after what I assume to be the royal family of Aphidia made an entry in between the two lines. The King stood at the center with his wife by his side a few gorgeous men beside him.

"Remember, you aren't just here to stay with but to make the relationship between the two kingdoms stronger," the butler whispered to me. "You are also to form alliances and find a bride, make no mistake alliances change and friends can easily become enemies," he added.

"I see," I said well aware of life in a palace. All from the knowledge of romance novels that I have read including my favorite one. I just pray to the stars the author is merciful on the outside. She better not complicate life for me or change the plot.

I took a step forward and led my entourage to meet the king of Aphidia, right after I should go and lock the prince in his room. It is this evening before the party held to welcome in the kingdom that he and Sashina met.

With him out of the way, I will have all the time in the world to woo my sweet Sashina and make her fall head over heels for me.

"Greetings to the king of Aphidia," I greeted my right leg halfway to the ground and my left hand in the air across my chest. It was the way to greet the royal family in the novel. Weird but every kingdom has its customs.

"Welcome to Aphidia," he said to me. His welcome sounded cold but his voice is nothing compared to my butler. The man was more heartless than the devil that I know. "Come," the king said.

We headed inside the castle, reading about this place, and being here in person is a completely different story. The world is so beautiful when I am witnessing it for myself, the best feeling in the world.

All readers should be as fortunate as I am to get such a once-in-a-lifetime chance of walking inside their favorite novel and feel what the characters feel in person. Except if they have to deal with a man like Zanir then they should stay in the real world.

"Saf will lead you to your room. Take some rest, you've had a long journey," the king says.

The man called Saf took my luggage and led me to my sleeping chambers. I had seen so many people but I doubt that either of them was the prince. According to the author, the prince is supposed to be some beauty that both men and women can't resist.

It is said that his charms leave men and women dazed and awestruck. I didn't feel awestruck by either of the men by the king's side so they must not be him.

"Listen," I said grabbing Saf's attention. "I have a gift for the crown prince, can you point me in the direction of his room?" I asked him innocently.

"Go right from here and then turn left. The door by the end of the corridor is his," Saf explained. I followed the direction and left him to go and find the prince.

"Just a few more hours and my dreams will be mine," I whispered.

My steps were rushed, I had to get to him before he leaves his room to go for a walk in the garden. He must not get to the garden at all cost today.

"Ouch," I heard and closed my eyes at the impact. I clutched my head that had collided with someone and rubbed on it not to swell.

Opening my eyes, I glanced at the body I bumped into and froze. My gaze remained on her face unable to look away from her, she was a beauty. Her long black hair laid perfectly on her body despite the fall. 'She.."

"Are you alright?" the pretty lady asked me.

"" I mumbled not able to utter a single actual word.

"So, I have my hair down. Noted," she said.

"What?" I asked her wondering what she was going on about.

"That look on your face is what happens when I have my hair down. I'm used to it," she said getting up. I followed after and stood up too. She is so beautiful, not sure she was in the novel when I read it. It didn't mention a gorgeous out-of-this-world woman in the palace. Had she been part of the original plot then the prince would have fallen for her instead.

"Are you done staring at me or will you keep at it?" she asked getting me out of my thoughts.

"I'm looking for the crown prince's room," I said looking away from her to speak actual words.

"Why?" she asked in a sweet seductive voice while playing with her hair. I licked my dry lips and gulped at her action.

"I need to lock him in his room," I found myself saying to her.

"Why do you need to lock the prince in his room?" she asked leaning her hand on my shoulder, my skin felt like it was placed inside an oven when she touched me, my breath hitched and my throat dried.

"Is it getting hot in here?" I questioned loosening my shirt.

"No, but I'm hot if that helps," she said with a charming smile on her face. "Why do you need to lock the prince in his room?"

"Because I need to stop him from taking the love of my life," I replied and walked ahead. She was making me feel things that I have never felt before and I can't let myself be distracted from my goal.

I reach the prince's room and sneak inside, the water is moving around in the bathroom so he must be taking a bath.

"Who are you and why are you signing your death warrant by doing this," the lady asked me while I blocked the prince's door.

"Nedryn Darkvale, the prince of Xeris," I announced to her with pride. Who isn't impressed by a person with a Prince attached to it?

"Oh," was all she said to my announcement. "What did you mean by what you said. When did the prince of Aphidia say that he intends to steal your woman?"

"He didn't, I just know he will," I say and he looks at me like I I'm crazy. "It's true, I know how the story goes and how it ends. I know what the prince is going to do even before he does," I said with a little bit of gloating.

"You are a seer?"

"No, you could say in a way that I have lived this life once so I know and with this knowledge, I will finally be the one with a happy ending."

"So, you are telling me that you've lived this life once," she stated and I nodded because I quite don't trust my voice in front of her. "In short, you liked her tried to impress her, and failed to lose to the prince and you've got a second chance and you're following the same footsteps as the first time."

"Only this time I know what to do to get her," I say confidently.

"Insanity is the act of doing the same thing over and over again each time expecting a different answer. Going after the same girl again after losing is insane," she said. "And even if you get the girl, you'd still be a loser since you needed to cheat to have her," she added.

"Hey," I yelled out loud. I know my plan is crazy but she doesn't have the right to judge me. She is nothing but a gorgeous flirt who can't land herself a man. "I. won't. let. you. speak. me. like that," I spoke angrily emphasizing each word from my lips.

"Or what?" she asked daringly. The look in her eyes challenging me.

"Or this," I said right before I landed a kiss on her lips. I couldn't resist, she is way too gorgeous not to mention her sweetly seductive voice that she uses all the time. Even when she talked down to me, it all felt like honey and flowers showing down from heaven.

The kiss was short but sweet, I moved back in time. I can't believe that I have cheated on Sashina with this sexy seductress.

"You think I am a seductress," the she-devil asked me making me realize that I spoke my thoughts out loud.

"I need to go," I say to her and make my move. I felt a hand on my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"You touched me, a noble. You have to take responsibility for your actions," she said her cute seductive side vanishing.

"My heart already belongs to another," I say to her politely and she tightens her grip.

"You will pay for this," she said her voice turning colder than the butler's. I didn't know whether to shiver or faint as I watched her elegantly make her exit.