Chapter six

"You asked to see me father," Davion said entering the king's chambers.

"I asked the heavens for a son and they gave me a fish," the king said. The prince rolled his eyes at his statement.

"The fish is taking his leave," he told sarcastically and walked away. "Ouch," he screeched in pain when the king hit him on the head with a shoe.

"You little brat," the king yelled out. "Listen to me, you are going to attend the party tonight and you are going to make me rich," the king state in a matter-of-fact manner.


"There are a lot of noblewomen at the party, you have to select one to be your future bride. Just make sure to pick one with a good background," the king explained.

Davion felt dizzy listening to his father. This was the last thing on his mind, he was too young to be thinking about marriage. Getting a life partner would mean cutting his bath hours short as he would have to spend time with them or let them take their bath.

It meant having less time for himself and that was not a good idea for him. He hated that idea, especially when the person gets personal and starts changing his life from his hair to his closet.

"No, I am not interested in stupid noblewomen," he declared strongly.

"Well, that ain't gonna work," the king stated furiously at his son.

"Don't care."

"Since that's how you think then how about a nobleman. You don't like women then try to find yourself a man, to be honest, I don't care who you bed or marry. As long as I get money, lands, and wealth out of it," the king uttered.

The prince's jaw dropped when he heard the words coming from his father's lips. It disgusted him how that man thought. As long he got money and wealth it was okay for him to ask his son to choose a man for a life partner.

"What is it going to be?" the king questioned.

Davion was drained for the day, he couldn't take any more of his father, butler, or the annoying prince of Xeris. For some reason, it was annoying the crown prince of Aphidia day and no one bothered to tell him about it.

"You are crazy," he said and strode out of the room. The King threw another shoe at him but unlike the first time, the shoe stopped before it could hit him. He turned around and glared at the king, his cute innocent eyes were gone replaced by dangerous piercing eyes that could kill a person.

"I will assume that this conversation never happened," he said his aura dominating the room. It was so strong that the kind had to take the help of the bed pole to keep himself on his feet. The prince let the shoe drop to the floor before making his way out of the room.

The doors closed by themselves after he left. He evened his breath to prevent himself from losing his cool.

Once his breathing was back to normal his normal appearance returned. He walked majestically towards the royal garden to go for a walk. He felt suffocated staying in the palace with all the stressful things going on. Not to mention the party he was being forced to attend when the last thing he wanted was to be around people who cared only to eat him with their eyes.

No matter how much they stared at him they never got tired of it. It was irritating, above all that he had to try and pick a life partner at the party. He sighed.

"They say that sighing is a bad omen you know," he heard and jumped at being startled. He looked back to meet a beautiful lady standing behind him. He was never one to compliment women but her beauty came close to his but by a long distance.

Beautiful green eyes, long blonde hair that reached her shoulders, and a great figure. She wasn't too tall but not short either, her figure was refined. Her thin lips were stretched into a smile.

"Never heard that before," he said contributing to the conversation she attempted to start.

"Now you have," she said to him. Taking a step forward she was an arm's length from him.

"I guess I do."

"I'm Sashina," the girl said holding out her hand.

"Davion," he said taking her hand.

Together they walked the garden talking about anything and everything. He found that he was bored or tired while speaking to her which was new. He could never even hold a conversation with the women in his family as they would always stare at his face and get lost in his eyes.

It annoyed him how they rarely tried to hide it, that is the reason he prefers being in his room or alone most of the time. Both and women staring at him was fun at the beginning but sometimes it made him uncomfortable.

But with her it was different, she didn't make him feel uncomfortable, she stole glances at his face every once in a while but she was okay.

"It is indeed a pleasure to have met you Sashina," he said honestly.

"Likewise. I never thought I would ever meet such a beautiful man with very unique interests," she said to him.

"I would offend you called me beautiful even though I am a man if it weren't for the sweet way in which you said it," he stated. "Thank you for the compliment," he added to her.

"Should we go back? The party will start soon," Sashina said nervously. She wished he would refuse her so that they could spend some time together.

"How can the party start without you?" the prince asked her and she blushed. "But if you wish it then I shall accompany you inside," he offered to put his hand out for her to take.

She hooked her hand in his and let him lead her back into the palace. Her heart was racing in her chest at being so close to the prince.

"Could this be love at first sight," she thought.