Broken crown prince

Jason's p.o.v

I stood still waiting for the crown prince to react to his hair being cut by me. I watched him stare at his image in the mirror not saying anything.

I didn't dare move from where I was, the fear that was coursing through my veins paralysed me to the floor. I don't know why I thought that doing this was a good idea.

"Goodnight Nedryn," the prince's cold voice uttered to me. I gulped anxiously. The crown prince moved from the mirror and returned to bed as thought nothing was wrong. He said nothing about his hair which ass strange.

"Get out of my room Nedryn," his voice sounded in my ears.

I moved my eyes to the prince who laid in bed with his eyes closed. The guilt in my heart was eating up at me, it was not fair what I did. And he didn't even say anything to me which made me feel even worse about myself.

"I sorry," I said honestly.

I took heavy steps to leave the room. Despite accomplishing what I had gone to do, I felt no joy or happiness in what I did.

In that moment I felt like I had become the character that I used to hate in the novel. Nedryn Darkvale had used others people's weakness to have his way. He had always tried to cripple his opponents by breaking them and at that moment it felt like I didn't just take his place but I had become him.

Holding the braid in my hand made my chest hurt. The stinging pain in my heart was out of guilt for what I did. All so that I could end up with the girl and become the make lead.

I returned to my room and went straight to bed. It was already late and as it is my mood was ruined. I closed my eyes to sleep, all that I could see in my mind was the image of the crown prince when he realised what I had done to him.

It was a painting image that didn't spare me. "I am sorry," I found myself saying not knowing why. Was it me trying to fell less guilty for my actions tonight or not.


I was woken up by the cold butler early in the morning. The King had asked to have a meal with everyone, hence the butler woke me up to get me ready.

The sun's rays were shining into the room eliminating the darkness of the night. The light from the sun looked so beautiful after dreaming about my future wife Sashina.

Getting up from the bed, I stretched my body. I pushed away the blanket from my body and turned t get up from the bed when my eyes spotted the braid on the bed.

The memories of last night's incident flashed through my eyes. 'What have I done?'

I got up from the bed, my heart was heavy with guilt. The crown prince must be very sad after losing his hair. For a man, he sure treasured his hair more than the world.

"I will have to make it up to him."

"Did you offend someone?" Zanir's cold voice sounded behind me. His face had the look that said, cause another trouble here as you did in Xeris and you will answer to me.

"Not at all," I said shaking my hands in the air to refute his suspicions. He was on point with his question. I had offended someone but that person was not as scary as the butler standing behind him.

The prince was charming and playful. He liked to tease people a lot and such people were very easy to console. He would just have to find something to do that would make the male happy.

"You are needed by the breakfast table in a half an hour, if you are done daydreaming then can we get on with it?" the butler asked.

I nodded my head. I was ready to face the day and get rid of the guilt in my heart. By doing a good deed for the prince, I would have served my penance.

I walked to the bathroom to get ready for the meet. Who knew what the king wanted, whatever it was. The prince would be there and I will get to see what mood he was in.


Winrus walked into the crown prince's room early in the morning after getting the king's order. He braced himself to be teased to the moon and back by the prince.

His worst part of the day had arrived, getting the prince ready for the day and getting him out of the room. His eyes moved to the bed where on usual occasions, the prince would still be sound asleep.

But today the bed was neatly spread and the crown prince was not on the bed. His eyes wondered in the room looking for a figure that resembled that of the prince.

His heart was thundering in his chest. He held his breath hoping that the mad prince had not ran off again and gone for an adventure undercover. The last time the prince did that, the king almost had him beheaded for it.

In the kingdom, only one person was important and that was the crown prince. He was the future of Aphidia so his disappearance was not taken lightly by the king.

His eyes spotted the prince sitting by the window already dressed in his princely attire ready for the day. He sighed in relief.

Upon a closer look at the prince, his breath weakened and he fell dizzy almost fainting. Since his childhood growing up next to the crown prince. This was the first time that he was seeing the male with his hair short.

His hair looked like it had been trimmed by an amateur who knew nothing about hair. He took a closer look to ensure that he wasn't daydreaming and he wasn't.

The prince's hair was short and his face was void of any emotion. He looked like a cold form of a man that wasn't alive.

"P..prince," he let out.