[Bonus chapter] Krynt

Jason had a terrified look on his face, he had no clue what the Seam was as it was not a part of the original plot of the book. From the look on his butler's face he could tell that it was nothing good.

"What did you do to the prince for him to target you?"

Zanir questioned to Jason. His voice had a hint of fear in them. He didn't the prince to confirm his suspicions. As far as he knew, the crown prince of Aphidia was not someone who let go of grudges and he didn't get upset, he got even.

"I cut his hair," Jason let out in a hushed tone. His words caused the butler to almost faint. He couldn't even bring himself to weigh what it was that the stupid boy had done. He had committed a sin so grave that had he been the crown prince then he too wouldn't spare him.

"You have signed for your death by doing this to him," he told. "His hair was…" he was interrupted when the door swung open revealing the crown prince again.

Davion walked into the room with a sweet smile on his face, Jason was confused by his return. He had already made him a slave by getting the king of Xeris to order him to obey every command given by the flirtatious crown prince.

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked mad.

"Don't show me attitude this early, you will have plenty of chances with plenty of reasons when I am done with you," the crown prince let out. "But sadly I am here for him," he added turning his attention to Zanir.

"How can I be of service?" Zanir asked politely.

"I want to ask you for something, I have a grudge against the prince of Xeris and I intend to settle the score. But I don't like the fact that you are here as his protection," he said. "That is why I am going to ask you to look the other way," he added.

Zanir couldn't believe what the prince was asking of him. It was not possible for him to look the other way when prince Nedryn was in danger. He could not bring himself to do so even if the man in question deserved not his protection.

"I can't do that," he replied. Jason drew a breath of relief. He had thought that the crown might be able to persuade Zanir to leave his side and look away when he hurt him but he was happy that it was not the case.

"I thought that you might say that," he began and reached into his pockets and retrieved a blue card and handed it to the butler. "In the name of Amaia Sin Marivaldi, I am collecting on your first debt of life owed," the prince said in a stern confident voice.

Zanir trembled hearing the name of the woman that the crown prince just called. It was a name he knew a little too well. A name feared in most corners of the world. No one has uttered that name in a long time that he had forgotten it.

She was well known around the world as a debt enhancer, she was the person to go to when with a problem and she would fix it in return you owe her a debt. A devil offering people their wishes in exchange for their souls, she was never known to collect but she put measures in place for people who owed her. Every debt was sealed with the devil's coin, failure to repay the debt comes at a very high price.

In all her endeavors she left one name behind to collect the debts that people around the world owed her. The Krynt, meaning death. She had left death as the collector of her debts, and for years he as the world had believed that she meant actual death but to see a card of one of many debts he owed the devil, he was shocked to realized that death was a person, hiding in plain sight as someone no one would ever peg as the debt collector.

"Krynt," he let out softly.

"That is the name the old woman gave me, my mother hated it so she changed it to Davion, meaning unaffected by the shadows," the crown prince informed. "But to be unaffected by the shadows one need to rise above them. My grandmother did, she had a hand on everyone and everyone's anyone to make me the king of the shadows," he added.

He made a move and stood next to Jason, "You see, I have never liked the name Krynt but every once in a while I am compelled to become death to get even with a few offenders," he stated. "I am not going to kill you Nedryn but I will make sure that you pay for your deeds, you hated my flirtatious ways and now you will witness my true nature, welcome to your new nightmare."

He strode over to Zanir who had his head bowed to the crown prince. He was a man of his word and he had given his word to Amaia that if ever death were to come to collect then he would be more than happy to give his life for it.

"You are mine now, everything you do,say and think should only be for my interest and nothing more," he said to Zanir.

"Yes, master," Zanir replied.

The crown prince gave Jason an evil smile, "We leave for the Seam in fifteen minutes," he let out.