Getting lost

Jason raced on his horse ahead of everyone. Riding at a fast speed with the wind kissing his skin was the only way that he could handle the scene he witnessed before they left the kingdom. 

It was his first time riding a horse but it came naturally to him. Like something he had been used to doing. He could get used to it. 

It was hard to believe that the girl he liked had placed him in the friend zone. A kiss in the cheek always meant that we are friends, he was so foolish to have read too much into it. 

Seeing Sashina kiss Davion on the lips brought him back to reality. The male and female leads always find their way to each other no matter where they were or what stood between them. 

The faster he rode the more his heart ached. Trapped in a world that wasn't his home, and having to watch the love of his life embrace someone else. It was all too much for him.